
The Lone Wolf (novel)

(Omegaverse, Once a week updates, bxb, mature) Disclaimer I do not own the cover art On a night when the moon was shining Blaze came across something peculiar in the woods an omega not just any Omega but a male Omega.

Amber_Sato · Fantasía
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35 Chs

~Chapter 23 Dustin's POV~

~Chapter 23 Dustin's POV~

Within the next ten minutes, Echo and I were back at the house. Oliver was awake and ready to run around. When Echo set him down he started to rush around the house sniffing each corner. I went onto the patio and put down my bag on the table. The house was at a warm temperature so no one was cold. I put my sweatshirt on a chair and sat down. I hope I'll be able to start going to college again in a couple of days. To be honest, even though I have only been awake for a couple of days I'm itching to go back to college.

I know it will be harder for me since I will also be training to become a pack, Luna. Notings is sure yet but I have a good feeling that they approved of me. I know they did a background check on me. I didn't commit any robberies in my life so they probably didn't find any dirt on me. Might be a few questions about why I do not have an address other than Blaze's in my file. Echo came in and sat down on the other chair. "Are we going to eat lunch right now or do we have some more things to do?" Echo asked me.

"We can eat lunch right now if you want to," I told him. He nodded and pulled out the sandwich I made.

I took my sandwich out of my bag and started to eat lunch. "So when are you and Baze getting married?" Echo asked me. I nearly choked on my sandwich. "I can see that you are a very straightforward person, Echo. You don't beat around the bush and I may not be much older than you but that can be a dangerous thing sometimes. If the Elders approved me becoming then the wedding will most likely be in the upcoming months." I told Echo. "Are you going to invite your parents?" Echo asked me.

"I don't know I feel like they'd only cause a commotion. Plus I haven't talked with them properly since I left. My father has too much pride to admit what he did wasn't right and my mother follows his decisions without thinking for herself. Long story short they won't have a change of heart anytime soon. Who knows they'd probably act nice to keep face." I said.

"Makes sense." Echo said before going back to eating. After we finished our lunch and were sitting on the sofa in the living room scrolling through movies to watch Oliver came into the room. He brought us a little chew toy he had. From the look in his eyes, you could tell he was looking for praise. Before I had a chance to Echo swooped in and picked up Oliver and gave him some belly rubs. "Whos a good boy. You are, you are." Echo said in a childish tone. Oliver made a happy yipping sound from the belly rubs.

"I swear you're trying to make me like you more than me Echo," I said sounding like a childish kid. "Who knows I might be." Echo said smiling. "In that case, you should have Mason get you a puppy. You two can have a happy family and then one day when you guys have kids they can have a family pet." I said to Echo. "Yeah true and one day we can have puppy playdates between our puppies. We can be like those parents who sit and drink wine while watching their children except we will watching out puppies." Echo told me. Oliver readjusted himself between Echo and me.

I handed the remote over to Echo to see if he saw anything good to watch. "Do you have any DVDs with the classics on them?" Echo asked me. "I don't know but Blaze might have some DVDs lying around. I got up and looked into the cabinet next to the TV. Blaze had some good movies classics from my childhood in there. "We have some Three Stooges, The Munsters, Married With Children, The Last Man Standing, Spaceballs, Scooby-Doo, Tom and Jerry, and The Adams Family. Is there any of those you want to watch?" I asked Echo.

"I haven't heard those names in a while. Those are some of the shows I grew up watching. How about we watch Married With Children." Echo suggested. "Sure I don't have a problem with that," I told Echo. Before I sat down I put in the DVDs. We were watching an episode where Al watching a football game and acting "senile" as Bud would put it. Bud was also dreaming that pretty girls were wanting to date him. Needless to say, we watched several episodes before Blaze came home. He invited Mason over and we all hung out and watched some more Married With Children. We ate snacks and a bunch of junk food. Around six Mason and Echo, both agreed that they should start heading home.

"I'll see you around Echo. Don't forget to ask about getting a gou (dog)." I said to Echo before he left. I learned that Echo had attended a private school when he was in middle school so he had a chance to learn some basic Mandarin. Echo waved and left with Mason. I felt Blaze's arms wrap around my waist as he rested his head on my shoulder. "I take it you and Echo are getting along." Blaze said. 'Yep. We both gave each other suggestions on some matters and Oliver seems to have favorites out of us." I said with a laugh. "Well enough about my day how was your day?" I asked Blaze.

"Not that bad but I did have a bunch of paperwork to do." Blaze said. "That makes sense isn't it the time of year when high schoolers apply to become warriors?" I asked him. "Correct and we have new trainers this year so it will be interesting as always. Anyways I noticed you spoke in the same language to Echo as you did to me last night. I was wondering what "Wo ai ni" means." Blaze asked me.

~The End Of Chapter 23~

I apologize for the late update I got back from camping yesterday and I was unable to get any internet connection so I wasn't able to write the chapter while I was gone. On another note thank you so much for 7 collections and over seven thousand reads. Have a good day/night wherever you are.

Amber_Satocreators' thoughts