
The Lone Wolf (novel)

(Omegaverse, Once a week updates, bxb, mature) Disclaimer I do not own the cover art On a night when the moon was shining Blaze came across something peculiar in the woods an omega not just any Omega but a male Omega.

Amber_Sato · Fantasía
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35 Chs

~Chapter 16 Blaze's POV~

~Chapter 16 Blaze's POV~

I gave Dusty the bag of cotton candy. "Here you go Dusty. Mason said he will be able to come to dinner tonight. Is there anywhere specific you want to go to dinner at?" Dusty's face lit up when he saw the cotton candy and he eagerly opened the bag. "I don't know any places to eat around here for dinner so you can choose where we eat. Again thank you for the cotton candy." Dustin said while stuffing cotton candy into his mouth.

"You know you don't have to say thank you for everything. Plus we are mates so trust me you'll be getting lots of gifts not just from me though. You'll also be getting gifts from my pack and your pack." Dustin let out a nervous laugh. "I think I've spent enough time out today. Do you want to go back home?" I asked Dustin. "Sure I don't really have that much business in town. Plus we are meeting your friend later so we should get ready." Dustin told me. We started walking back to the house.

I was holding Oliver's leash for the remainder of the walk since Dustin was eating his cotton candy. When we got to the house we just sat around watching TV. I was going to ask for a taste of the cotton candy but Dustin had already eaten all of it. He seemed very happy from the sugary food. Then his mood suddenly turned serious before asking me a question. "I was wondering if there was any way to help Omega's like me without a home or a good way of living. I was thinking but I couldn't think of anything. Do you have any ideas?" Dustin asked me.

I just said what was on my head without thinking that much. "The government protects Omegas but they can only do so much. Plus before you even think of something you have to know you can't help everyone. I'm sure once the pack trusts and believes in you there will be some people that would be willing to help." "That's a good idea. Maybe we could set up like an apartment complex for Omegas that would be protected. The only problem is letting the Omegas in need know without drawing unwanted attention." Dustin mentioned.

He gave a good idea and some good points about only letting certain people know. I have many connections through different packs and my own pack that could help. The only problem is not being there to supervise everything in the other packs because there will always be one person that knows what they shouldn't. Plus since I'm the Alpha of the pack it would be easy to borrow the money and then pay it back. I try not to use the "I'm Alpha" card too much because that is an abuse of power and isn't right to the pack. Eventually after talking for a while it was time to get ready and choose a place to eat dinner with Mason at.

I sent a message to Mason telling him to meet us at a little diner in town. We didn't have to wear suits or anything fancy; it would just make the setting strange and less comfortable. I let Dustin borrow one of my sweatshirts and he wore a comfy shirt with jeans. His light brown hair was falling in his eyes. "Hey Dusty, maybe on the way back we can get you some bobby pins for your hair." I told him.

He laughed and nodded a slight blush settling on his face. I took his hand intertwining our fingers. "Shall we go to dinner my beautiful Luna?" I asked him a teasing tone in my voice. "Yes we shall my stunning Alpha." Dustin teased right back. I walked out of the house locking the door behind me. I wanted to have a later dinner so my chances of being seen were low and I didn't want Oliver to worry. I fed Oliver a little while before we left so he should be sleeping right now. The neon lights outside the diner saying open were inviting people in for food. We found a booth near the back of the diner with enough seats for all of us.

The seats were close to the table. Either I need to go to the gym more or it's the usual tight seating arrangement. Within five minutes of getting to the diner and ordering our drinks Mason arrived with a date. It was a different person today. His relationships usually don't last long most of the time they break up with Mason, not the other way around. I don't understand why though Mason is a nice person and treats his partner nicely. From the pheromones surrounding the person I could tell they were an Omega. Usually Mason only dates Betas or Alphas it is a surprise to see him with an Omega. The Omega was clinging to Mason's arm smiling and Mason was smiling as well. They walked over to the booth and sat down. Mason stuck out his hand for a handshake with Dustin. "Hello. I'm Mason Blaze's friend. You must be Dustin, his mate." Dustin took his hand and shook it "Yes I am. It is nice to finally meet you Mason. I've heard Blaze speak highly of you." Dustin told him, smiling. "Blaze, Dustin this is Echo. Echo is my soon to be mate." I was surprised that he announced him as a soon to be mate.

It was always "Here is my girlfriend or here is my boyfriend." Mason looked head over heels in love with Echo. "Hi. As Mason said, I'm Echo and I am excited to meet the two of you." Echo looked like he wanted to say something. Before I could say something Dustin spoke up. "Do you have any questions for me Echo?" "No, not really, I'm just surprised to see another male Omega." Echo told Dustin in a happy tone. "So how did the two of you meet?" Mason asked Dustin. I didn't really go over how to answer questions with Dustin but I think he will do fine. "I was studying for an important college exam in a cafe near my college. When I went to get my coffee, I accidentally spilled my coffee all over Blaze. It was a mess and I agreed to buy him a new shirt. So we exchanged numbers and we eventually got to know each other better and started to date. It was almost like one of those romance comics or movies." Dustin told him.

The waitress then came by and asked for our orders. I ordered a burger with fries. Dustin ordered a cheesesteak with loaded fries. Then Mason and Echo both ordered burgers and fries. All of us were chatting, telling everyone a little bit about ourselves. Apparently Echo didn't belong to a pack and was just traveling. It was surprising that packs would allow someone to travel through their territory without repercussions. By the end of dinner Dustin and Echo had exchanged numbers and were chatting like they had known each other since they were babies. The dinner was nice and the food was amazing.

~The End Of Chapter 16~

Next week I will be on my way back from visiting family so next weeks update will just be a characters information chapter. In it you will also see some characters that will be in parts 2 and 3 of this book. Have a nice day/night and stay healthy.

Amber_Satocreators' thoughts