
The Lone Wolf (novel)

(Omegaverse, Once a week updates, bxb, mature) Disclaimer I do not own the cover art On a night when the moon was shining Blaze came across something peculiar in the woods an omega not just any Omega but a male Omega.

Amber_Sato · Fantasía
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35 Chs

~Chapter 15 Blaze's POV~

~Chapter 15 Blaze's POV~

I stood up right after saying I love you. What has gotten into me Dusty is probably freaking out right now. "Sorry about that. It must have been embarrassing having me say 'I love you' to you. If you want you can forget I even said that." After I looked back at him he looked dejected like I had broken his heart. Then he grabbed my hand.

"What if I don't want to forget. What if I love you. What if I secretly knew you the whole time and I loved you this whole time." Dustin said he looked like he wanted to cry. "To be honest I don't know how to answer any of your 'what ifs'. I don't know how to be in a relationship. I don't even know if The Elders approve of you yet, but if you love me as much as I love you then we don't need their approval. If you are willing to stick with me through the unknown then we can do anything." I told him.

"I didn't mean to make that sound so emotional but they are valid questions. Plus since we are mates we should love each other and share stuff with each other." Dustin does have good points there. When two wolves seal their love with a bite on the nape the mating goes very quickly. The longest part is getting the papers ready and an actual ceremony. Then comes the consummation of the mating; some couples do it immediately after the ceremony. Others wait a few days or even weeks. It all depends on the couple, before Dustin and I even think of that we have to trust each other. When it comes to the actual ceremony I have a few ways to make that go quickly.

With Mason quickly spreading the word of me having a mate The Elders most likely are thinking of what is going to happen. This could end one of two ways one Dustin will be accepted into the pack as my Luna. The second option is that he will be rejected and we will work together to find another way. "Wait here for a second. I'm going to go call Mason to see if he can meet up with us tonight. I will be walking away for a second. Is there anything you want from the venders while I'm gone?"

Dustin looked down for a second thinking of anything. "Can I please get some cotton candy or something sweet. Thank you once again." Dustin told me, smiling. It is scary how quickly his mood can change. It must be because he is an omega because I don't know any alphas or betas like this. It's what makes Dustin unique so I don't mind. Now don't get me wrong there are plenty of other things that make Dustin unique besides his personality and him being an omega. In the coming months I hope Dusty and I can open up to each other more and get to learn more about each other. We told each other our likes and dislikes but nothing about our pasts. I'm sure I have had an easy life compared to Dustin.

"Don't worry about saying thank you unless it's necessary because I will be getting you plenty of things in the future." I'm going to pamper Dustin. I walked away and looked at the vendors looking for cotton candy or candy floss as some people say. Then I passed a vendor who was selling all kinds of sweets and one of them was cotton candy. The large bags of cotton candy was five dollars. I felt my wallet cry even though the pack is rich that doesn't mean we splurge money. Everything has such high prices these days. It's for Dustin so it is fine with me, he doesn't seem like the person to be after your money.

I gave the vendor a five dollar bill and took the bag of cotton candy. When I found a quiet space I took out my phone and called Mason. "Hey, what's up Blaze?" "You are invited to a mandatory dinner tonight to meet my mate. You can also bring your partner or mate to dinner." I told Mason over the phone. "Okay. That seems like it will be fun."

"I will send you the information. I'll see you later Mason." He said bye before hanging up. Now all that is left is to find a place to eat and then give Dusty his cotton candy. Then we can have a peaceful day to talk and then chaos will come.

~The End Of Chapter 15~

The Lone Wolf Authors Note. It may not seem like it but the season will be coming to an end soon.There will be most likely 15 more chapters or more. There will be more seasons in the same universe but with different main couples. I already have how this season planned out, just not written down yet. I also saw some errors I have in my writing so I will also be editing those while planning the new seasons. I will also be making a Character Information page.

Amber_Satocreators' thoughts