
The Lone Wolf (novel)

(Omegaverse, Once a week updates, bxb, mature) Disclaimer I do not own the cover art On a night when the moon was shining Blaze came across something peculiar in the woods an omega not just any Omega but a male Omega.

Amber_Sato · Fantasía
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35 Chs

~Chapter 11 2/2 Dustin's POV~

~Chapter 11 2/2 Dustin's POV~

"W-wait where are we going?" I asked him. "I have some gifts for you." He continued to hold my hand as we walked towards a patio like room. "Close your eyes for a moment." Blaze instructed. It was so quiet I could hear a scratching sound. Along with the scratching sound I heard a whisper. "Okay you can open your eyes now." When I opened my eyes Blaze was holding a cream colored puppy with brown speckles. "What's her name?" I asked him leaning forward to pet the puppy. "It's a he and his name is Oliver." "Can I hold him?" Blaze smiled before answering, "He is the both of ours now so you can pet him or hold him whenever you want." I sat down on the floor and put Oliver on my lap. He's adorable. Blaze popped up behind me and said "That's the first surprise there are more to come." "I hope you know how thankful I am for you Blaze." He blushed at my statement. I turned back to Oliver and continued to play with him. I don't know if he is really kind or really naive for letting me stay with him. "So I have a question. I hope you will know the answer." I told Blaze. He gave me back a simple "Okay" for an answer. "So how did I get a bite mark on my neck?" "You don't remember?" He asked me. I shook my head, "I forget everything that happens when my heat comes." "Okay. So you know the deal we talked about when you first got here?" I remember when we were in the bathroom talking about that, so I nodded. "That's good. So in the deal we would have to become mates and when you were in heat. We both finalized the deal. Part of finalizing the deal was becoming mates so that is where the bite mark came from." "That makes sense." My body must have been adjusting to the changes of becoming a pair that my body had to shut down for a little while. "I don't mean to be hasty but I was wondering when I will see the other surprises?" Blaze laughed at my question. "Now they wouldn't be surprises if you know when you are going to get them." I rolled my eyes. I don't like not knowing what is going to happen next. "Now let's get you some breakfast since you haven't eaten in a few days." Blaze held out his hand for me to help me stand up. I grabbed his hand and before I even fully stood up he pulled me into his arms. He gave me another grizzly bear hug. "I'm really happy you woke up. I don't want you to sleep for multiple days at a time. I will say it as many times as it takes so it doesn't happen again." I've never felt as happy as I am here with Blaze. I don't know if I love him or not or if I will love him in the future but he is an amazing person regardless. Blaze let me out of the hug and walked me to the kitchen. "I was making bacon and I can make an omelette for the both of us." "That sounds delicious." I sat down at the kitchen table. I heard little paws scrambling on the wooden floor. Oliver must have smelled the bacon. Within ten minutes Blaze was finished making breakfast. He handed me a plate with a huge omelette and some bacon on the side. Oliver was whining. I think he wants some food or to go for a walk. "Where is Oliver's food bin?" I asked Blaze as I stood up. "It is in the room we were just in but I fed him an hour ago. He must want to go on a walk." "Once I finish half of my omelette you and I can take him on a walk." I sat back down and split my omelette in half and grabbed a piece of ham out of it. I handed the piece of ham to Oliver and at first he just circled and sniffed the piece of ham until he ate it. Once he ate the ham he let out a bark of delight. "Oliver really is adorable." I told Blaze. He hummed in agreement. Blaze was busy munching away at the omelette so he was content with his food. Once I was finished with the half of the omelette I stood up and put the rest in the fridge. "Do you know where my shoes are?" Blaze turned around and told me "Your shoes were pretty beat up so I got you a new pair. They are over near the door." He pointed in the direction of the door there was also one of my sweatshirts hanging up. I walked over to the doorway and put on the sweatshirt and the new shoes. The shoes were a bit uncomfortable because I haven't broken them in yet. Oliver rushed over with a leash hanging from his mouth. The leash was too big for him to carry so it dragged behind him. I can't put it into words how adorable Oliver is. I took the leash from him and attached the latch onto the hoop on his collar. I saw a figure down the hall shoving stuff into its pockets. "Hey were you about to leave without me?" He laughed as he opened the door. Blaze and I along with Oliver went on our walk.

~The End Of Chapter 11~

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