
The Lone Wolf (novel)

(Omegaverse, Once a week updates, bxb, mature) Disclaimer I do not own the cover art On a night when the moon was shining Blaze came across something peculiar in the woods an omega not just any Omega but a male Omega.

Amber_Sato · Fantasía
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35 Chs

~Chapter 10 2/2 Blaze's POV~

~Chapter 10 2/2 Blaze's POV~

The next two stops are the grocery store and the place in the forest. While I was asking where he lives he said he mostly stays in the forest. It's almost winter time so I was wondering where he stays in the winter. I drove the closest I could get to the forest without getting stuck. I grabbed some bags from my car and put them around my neck. I don't think I would choke if I'm running with bags around my neck but who knows.

I shifted into my wolf form so I could be quicker just in case Dustin wakes up. It is very unlikely but it's worth a try. It is weird for me to shift into my wolf form during the day I usually shift at night. When I was just about to start running I got a smarter idea I could carry the bags in my mouth. I dipped my head down and the bags came off of my neck. I grabbed the handles with my teeth and started running.

It wasn't that hard to find where Dustin's place is. The scents are still fresh so I could easily find where it is. Within eight minutes I had arrived at his den. There were branches and brambles scattered everywhere. I could see the damage clearly in the daylight. The place probably looked cozy and comfy if no one other than Dustin had been there. It also would have been very stable because I think it hurt the other wolf when I flung him into the wall. He deserved it so I don't have any weight on my conscience. There was a spot in the debris that seemed to have stuff underneath it. I shifted back into my human form. It would be better to carry bags as a human. I walked up to the pile and pulled some of the branches off of it.

There was a box that had a bunch of clothes and personal belongings in it. This must be where he puts his clothes and personal stuff. I took the clothes and stuff out of the box and gently put it into my bags.

I picked up bags and glanced around to see if there was any other stuff I should take. There was nothing else there. I hope when he is living at my house it is better than living here. I took the bags and went back to my car. I assume it took me twenty-five minutes for me to walk to my car by foot without shifting. I might be able to restore his den and make it better in my spare time. I turned my key and heard my car start up. I drove to the grocery store and grabbed a cart as I walked in. I grabbed some lunch meats, cheeses, fruits, and vegetables.

I got more food than usual because I have another person living with me now. The cashier and I had a friendly conversation while she was ringing up my groceries. She was an elderly lady that tried to get me to take her granddaughter's number. "I'm sorry mam but I already have a mate." I'm not the kind of person to accept someone's granddaughter's number that I have never met. "Oh well. Well son make sure you take care of your mate. You may have more than one eventually but you can never replace your first mate." "Thank you for the advice. Have a good day."

I said as I left the store. Now it is time to find something to make Dustin happy. I decided to walk around town a little bit. I don't usually have this much free time that often. Most likely when I get back to work it will be crazy and we will have lots of documents to sign and read. I walked by a bunch of knick knack stores and food stores.

Then I passed a pet store. Maybe having a pet around to be with Dustin while I'm at work or not there in general will make him happy. I opened the door to the pet store and a bell above the door dinged. A young man came over to greet me. "Hello Sir. Are you looking to adopt a specific animal?" "I don't know what animal I want to adopt right now but when I do I'll be sure you ask for your help." The man nodded and walked off. I looked around and they had only had one puppy there.

The puppy was a light cream color with light brown speckles. The puppy was absolutely adorable. I walked up to the puppy. The puppy couldn't have been more than four months old. I went to go find the helper. "Hello. I was wondering if I could adopt the puppy you have over there?" He looked up from the shelf and showed me the way to where you fill out the paperwork. "Okay before you adopt the puppy you have to know what medical conditions he has. The puppy was malnourished when he was given to us. Now he is treated and much better now but he is deaf. That is the reason why he was the only puppy left." I nodded along.

I filled out all the necessary paperwork. The helper gave me a leash, some treats, and one chew toy. "Thank you." He handed me Oliver and I just carried him out of the pet store in my arms because he is so small. I sat Oliver in the passenger seat of my car.

I turned on my music and drove back to my house. Oliver had gotten sick on the seat but it wasn't that bad so it was easy to clean up. I brought all my groceries inside and Oliver was running around sniffing every corner and chair on the floor. After I was done unloading the food I brought Oliver upstairs with me to see if Dustin was awake. Dustin was still asleep but he looked a little bit better. Now all that we have to do is wait for Dustin to wake up.

~The End Of Chapter 10~