
The Lone Star's Epilogue

(This web serial can be found on Royal Road, Scribble Hub, and Webnovel. If you come across a published version of this book, please note that it was done so without the author's consent. Kindly reach out to Amazon and inform them, as well as notify the true author [Me].) Accompanying Einsamer Stern as he embarks on a journey to discover his true self, while navigating the trials of Divine judgment carried out by the cosmic supreme being within the Divine Omnistream. What if the world and reality you believe in are true and absolute, but it turns out that they are merely part of the lowest food chain in the cosmic order, ready to be consumed by a supreme being that exists far beyond your imagination? What if you could survive this supreme being simply by being your authentic self? From fantasy to metaphors, and reality. This is just another interpretation of a symbol that exist for centuries. An ode to stars yet to be born, a never-ending story is about to begin!  Take the purple pill, I will show you how powerful you truly are. Escape the event horizon with the speed of your imagination and emerge to the other side, there you will find all the answers to who you truly are. @ALL RIGHT RESERVED @VISAL_WORDSMITH Gmail: Sereivisal123@gmail.com

Visal_Word_Smith · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
122 Chs

The up side down world (9)


The two girls examined the plant until suddenly they heard a noise coming from the nearby bushes behind the trees. Without hesitation, they moved closer to investigate, determined to find out what was lurking within. As they approached the bushes, multiple hands reached out, seizing and dragging them into the undergrowth.

A man with short, buzz-cut dark hair covered one of the girl's mouths and issued a chilling warning, "Don't scream, or I will kill you." His voice, belonging to an adult man, was laced with menace.

He wore a white tank top, with a knife pressed lightly against the girl's neck, a constant reminder of the danger they faced. Leading a small group of survivors, this man had proposed a sinister plan to eliminate all remaining survivors in their quest to reach the top one hundred survivors.

Knowing that the park was circular in shape, the man had devised a method to easily track and target newcomers. He would move in a circle, taking the lives and resources of any survivors he encountered. Now, he knelt down, his touch on the girl's cheek sending shivers down her spine, as he whispered, "My name is Adrian. If you listen to me, I will allow you to live."

The girl nodded submissively, understanding the gravity of the situation.

Just as Adrian's hand was about to touch her breast, they heard a boy calling out to them.

"Hey, where are you?" Shan's voice echoed through the trees.

Frustration crossed Adrian's face as he realized they had been discovered. Signaling five of his men to attack Shan, he watched as they stealthily moved toward their target.

Unaware of the danger lurking in the bushes, Shan continued searching for the girls, unaware that he was being watched. Suddenly, the attackers pounced, catching him off guard. One of them landed a kick to his back, causing him to lose his balance and fall face-first onto the ground.

Though the ambush seemed to come out of nowhere, Shan knew he couldn't afford to let fear paralyze him. He quickly regained his footing, assuming a battle stance rooted in the principles of Kung Fu.

Amused by the young boy's defiance, one of the attackers chuckled, "What is this kid doing?"

He rushed towards Shan, lifting his right leg to kick him, but Shan easily caught hold of his leg and swiftly used his elbows to strike down, shattering the bones and eliciting a scream of agonizing pain.

The other four men hesitated for a moment, exchanging glances before charging mindlessly at Shan. Their punches were thrown randomly, but Shan effortlessly dodged and blocked each attack with precision.

Finally, Shan spotted an opening and delivered a powerful punch to one man's chest, causing him to cough up blood and collapse onto the ground, writhing in pain. With no other choice, the remaining three men attempted to overwhelm Shan, launching a synchronized assault. Shan managed to evade two blows, but one man from his left side landed a punch on his rib, inflicting a slight pain.

To their surprise, Shan endured the pain, seemingly unfazed by the injury to his rib. He swiftly lifted his leg and unleashed a rapid succession of kicks to their stomachs, knocking each one down instantly as they vomited in agony.

Meanwhile, Adrian, who had been observing the entire spectacle, was consumed by rage. He delivered a forceful punch to the two girls standing next to him, causing them to lose consciousness, before heading towards Shan.

The noise from the nearby bushes alerted Shan, and with incredible speed, a man charged at him. Adrian, being a high-ranking member, possessed a modified body with enhanced acceleration abilities.

As the blue line on Adrian's body glowed, he moved at a speed surpassing sound itself. His blows were delivered with such incredible velocity that Shan couldn't possibly keep up. He was relentlessly assaulted from all directions within a mere second.

Shan, weakened and injured, knelt on the ground, coughing up blood, right before Adrian's feet.

The commotion of the battle caught Setsuna's attention. She grasped a sturdy log, waiting for the opportune moment. When Adrian became too focused on Shan, Setsuna seized the chance and swiftly approached him, delivering a forceful blow to his head. Adrian recoiled in pain, turning his attention towards Setsuna. In an instant, he closed the distance with incredible speed, delivering a powerful punch to her face, causing her to fall to the ground with blood streaming from her nose.

Watching in fear, the tall girl couldn't stand idly by. Despite her fear, she charged forward and leaped, attempting to grab hold of Adrian.

"Haha, so many beautiful girls. Once I'm done with that little brat, I'll have my way with each and every one of you!" Adrian taunted as he shook his body, causing the tall girl to lose her balance and fall to the ground.

Without mercy, he relentlessly kicked the tall girl until she lay motionless, devoid of consciousness. Having defeated everyone, Adrian returned to Shan, his gaze slightly lowered as he looked upon him.

He proceeded to taunt and torment Shan, yanking at his hair and delivering a cruel kick to his stomach.

"You little shit, growing up so fast. Your family still hasn't repaid the debt owed to our company. But now that our previous boss is dead, that debt money belongs to me."

With a strong grasp on his hair, Adrian pulled Shan into the bush and licked his cheek. Then he absurdly unzips his pants as he said "If you suck my dick, I will erase all of your debt."

Shan couldn't have the strength to resist due to his exhaustion from yesterday, and then a muscular hand Adrian reached out to gently fold his chest.

"I can do both genders, as long as they are young and fresh like you." Adrian chuckled wickedly.

His penis was sticking out in front of Shan's face, and at that moment Shan had the intense urge to immediately woke up and punch him in the face.

This disgusting scene in front of him suddenly gave him the energy to move even faster than Adrian's reaction.

"Mother fucker! I already paid the debt to your company 3 years ago." Shan shouted with intimidation.

As Shan raised his head to bump against his face, Shan took this opportunity to kick Andrian's penis with incredible strength he rolled down on the ground in agony, and then he repeatedly stepped on Adrian's penis until he lost consciousness.

After defeating these wicked thugs, Shan walked out from the bushes and glanced around to look for his bag which contained a long rope that he brought along for this kind of situation.

But there were bruises all over his body, therefore he didn't run in a hurry but walked in a slow pace to preserve his energy, and breathed heavily out of exhaustion.

He found his bag near a tent and pulled out a long rope, walked back to the unconscious Adrian.



I sprinted with all the strength I had and finally reached the location where I had first arrived. The metal gate stood tall before me in the not-so-far distance. To my shock, I found five people tied down to one of the trees, while a man with a white tank top was securely bound to a log stick deeply embedded into the ground.

Shan was sitting on a log, with two girls tending to his wounds using tissue and alcohol. In that moment, I wished we had a Nedro spray. Its value in this situation became apparent to me.

Had Shan managed to defeat them all alone? It was possible, considering his skills as a fighter. As I approached him, I asked, "Who are they?"

Shan responded exhaustedly, "I've been questioning them, but none of them have said anything. However, I recognize one of them. He's a despicable scumbag."

I understood the gravity of the situation and turned my attention to the thugs. Some of them were dressed neatly, while one person wore a tank top with his pants unzipped, exposing his genitals. Their attire would typically indicate that they were civilians, but in this circumstance, it seemed like they had lost their minds and resorted to violence against each other. Perhaps they had been coerced into committing these evil deeds, as the survival game was designed to lead people astray into wickedness.

When I looked at the man with the white tank top, Shan mentioned his name to me.

"His name is Adrian," Shan said, his voice filled with disdain. "That guy is a bloodhound."

"Bloodhound?" I questioned.

This time, it was Geralt who responded, not Shan. "He works for the loan shark," Geralt explained.

With that knowledge, Geralt walked purposefully, rolling up his sleeves to reveal his modified arms. His icy gaze locked onto Adrian, causing the man who was tied down to flinch and desperately cry out for help.

I didn't understand why Adrian was shouting until I heard him say, "Fuck, so you're not dead yet! Please, someone help me!"

Geralt delivered a powerful punch to Adrian's face, causing several of his teeth to be knocked out. Unsure of what to do, I stood there silently, observing everything.

"I've kept a low profile so that one day I can get my revenge," Geralt said, a cold smile playing on his lips.

The blue lines on his body indicated that his energy core was activating, amplifying the impact of each of Geralt's punches to the force of an adult elephant's weight crushing down on his victim.

Geralt turned to me and said, "Einsamer, I will teach you the art of interrogation. From now on, the world will be a cruel place, and you must learn to defend yourself, not to harm others."

His words made my eyes widen, as I knew that what he was about to do would be gruesome to witness.

Meanwhile, Setsuna and Shan remained rooted to their spots, watching Geralt interrogate Adrian without moving. Geralt didn't give Adrian a chance to speak, as he instantly tore off Adrian's modified right arm, causing blood to splatter around and an electric wire made from carbon fiber to protrude from his now armless shoulder.

"Aghhh, you motherfucker!" Adrian roared in pain and cursed.

"First of all, you must take away their advantage, then they will no longer have the will to fight you." Great stated coldly and threw away Adrian's robotic arms to the ground.

"Now tell me everything you know or you will be armless." The words come from Geralt.

"What the fuck do you want to know?" Adrian cursed as he had a very painful expression.

Without replying, Geralt tore off another modified arm of Adrian and now he had no more arms. Fortunately for him, these modified arms could not feel the maximum pain as the real things since the nerve system in the modified arms was replaced with electricity, but the pain must be still unimaginable since I also experienced the same thing when I faced off against the Orc demon lord in TWOD.

"Shit, you know it won't hurt me much but it costs a lot to modify these arms," Adrian said in anger.

But this time Geralt punched Andrew in the face and caused several of his teeth to spit out.

"Fucker, I won't tell you anything," Adrian uttered with his mouth losing some tooth, his face now looking nearly unrecognizable with a broken nose.

Geralt halted his interrogation and walked to me, he stopped before me as he said "At first, you must torture your enemy but don't go all in and at last give them a maximum pain so they will beg you for mercy."