
The Lone Star's Epilogue

(This web serial can be found on Royal Road, Scribble Hub, and Webnovel. If you come across a published version of this book, please note that it was done so without the author's consent. Kindly reach out to Amazon and inform them, as well as notify the true author [Me].) Accompanying Einsamer Stern as he embarks on a journey to discover his true self, while navigating the trials of Divine judgment carried out by the cosmic supreme being within the Divine Omnistream. What if the world and reality you believe in are true and absolute, but it turns out that they are merely part of the lowest food chain in the cosmic order, ready to be consumed by a supreme being that exists far beyond your imagination? What if you could survive this supreme being simply by being your authentic self? From fantasy to metaphors, and reality. This is just another interpretation of a symbol that exist for centuries. An ode to stars yet to be born, a never-ending story is about to begin!  Take the purple pill, I will show you how powerful you truly are. Escape the event horizon with the speed of your imagination and emerge to the other side, there you will find all the answers to who you truly are. @ALL RIGHT RESERVED @VISAL_WORDSMITH Gmail: Sereivisal123@gmail.com

Visal_Word_Smith · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
122 Chs

The Revised Prologue (8)

The gigantic orc stood before the mysterious beautiful purple-haired girl, not saying a single word. Instead, he let his sword do the talking by slashing towards her. However, when the sword struck the ground, creating a huge crack and black smoke around him, followed by a gust of shockwave.

Lasiv had already disappeared before his attack, vanishing into thin air that even my eyes couldn't trace.

-How is that possible?- I pondered, lying on the ground, trying to come up with an explanation for Lasiv's fast reflexes.

More importantly, I needed to gather my strength to help her, but it seemed like I couldn't even lift my fingers.

The demon lord spoke, addressing Lasiv, [Young girl, you are not just an ordinary human. My attack was faster than even the speed of sound. How were you able to escape it?]

Immediately, Lasiv dashed forward from behind him and used her knife to slice his back, causing him to instinctively swing his sword towards her. But once again, she disappeared. Then, she reappeared from a dark corner of the chamber and spoke with her graceful voice, "Well, I can see the future. Every move you make, I have already anticipated."

The demon lord chuckled, [Interesting. But even if you can see all my attacks in advance, it still doesn't explain your great reflexes that are comparable to a high-ranking fighter I have faced. It seems like you humans are stuck with the concept of archetypes to determine your role and power, so I will ask you just what is your archetype and rank?]

The demon lord's aura gradually grew stronger, and his words echoed through the chamber as if he were prepared to go all out.

A beautiful and graceful voice echoed back, "I have no archetype or rank. My power has far exceeded that."

I still didn't fully comprehend her words, nor did I know anything about her background. But to claim she had far surpassed ranks and archetypes, did that mean her existence reached the same level as the demon lord?

Suddenly, the surrounding aura became charged with magic as the red organisms slowly extended from the demon lord's body toward the ground, slithering in all directions to engulf the entire chamber. The demon lord exclaimed excitedly, [Then, show me what you are made of, little girl.]

The red organisms seeping from him immediately returned to him, materializing into red armor with multiple eyes.

[Stop me before I destroy this tower!] he laughed, added with a wicked voice [With the fragment of Sourceron, I will evolve into the Monarch of absolute evil.]

Sourceron? Damn it, I had never heard of these words before. But somehow, this name sounded even more dangerous than the Demon King or the Emperor of Black Magic.

At that moment, Lasiv dashed forward with knives in both hands, moving with lightning speed. It seemed like even without time acceleration, her movements were incredibly fast. Perhaps her perception of time was also altered.

Not to mention, even without displaying magic, her raw strength alone proved to be a force not to be reckoned with.

As soon as she arrived before the demon lord and slashed her knives at him, his confident expression faded and he leaped back to gain distance between them.

Her slash generated an unseen force, splitting the ground into halves with a loud noise and a strong blast wave. With a smirk, she looked at the demon lord, who was several times bigger than her and shrouded in a powerful aura. Yet, he seemed to be afraid of the girl standing before him.

Lasiv smiled and said, "Why do you avoid my attack? It doesn't even have a magic enchantment on it."

The demon lord gritted his teeth in anger and shouted, [Just who the hell are you? A human with no magic, yet you surpass even the high rankers! You are no ordinary human.] He pointed at her with a frown.

Suddenly, multiple glowing red orbs materialized before his pointed finger and shot toward Lasiv. However, she relentlessly dodged them and arrived before the demon lord. Even though she used only her physical strength, without relying on magic, she seemed to overwhelm the demon lord.

Her voice could be heard as she dodged the incoming red orbs, causing explosions all over the chamber.

I had to close my eyes to shield myself from the blinding effect, and the chamber was violently shaking, signaling that it might collapse at any moment.

Then, I heard Lasiv's speech, "There are much more powerful forces than replica magic. For example, the frequency, vibration, and energy are all around us, and I simply feel it."

As I opened my eyes once more, the battle between Lasiv and the demon lord continued to rage on. The energy in the chamber appeared to be shifting in Lasiv's favor.

With each swing of his sword, the demon lord aimed to overpower her, but to his astonishment, Lasiv effortlessly deflected his attacks with an unseen force. The giant sword was sent hurtling back, leaving the demon lord in a state of shock and fury.

The chamber trembled under the immense power, with cracks forming on the walls and the ceiling threatening to collapse. The battle had reached a point where the chamber could no longer contain their strength.

[Don't play tricks on me!] he shouted with anger. [What you're talking about is bullshit. Only the power of magic is the strongest and will allow me to become the Monarch of Absolute Evil. First, I will kill you to harness your spirit.]

Lasiv smiled and briefly glanced at me before turning her gaze back to the demon lord. He flinched slightly under her intense gaze. With determination in her voice, she said, [Well, then. I will go all out as well.]

The sight of Lasiv, with her striking purple hair and commanding presence, demanded attention. Her vibrant locks flowed down to her shoulders, shimmering with an otherworldly glow.

Her eyes, a captivating shade of amethyst, held a deep knowledge and unwavering determination.

Dressed in a flowing robe adorned with intricate musical patterns, Lasiv wielded a majestic baton—a staff that seemed to pulse with energy. The baton, perhaps was an extension of her being, as if symbolized her mastery as a maestro.

It crackled with a purple electric intensity, ready to unleash its power at any moment. Just what is this power that I feel from her? It was like the novel I once read came to life before my eyes!

As the battle reached its crescendo, Lasiv raised her baton high, its tip glowing with radiant energy. She began to sway with a rhythmic grace, her movements mirroring a conductor leading an orchestra. The air around her hummed with the resonance of unseen frequencies.

While I observed the intensity of the battle, a thought crossed my mind.

-Damn, if you possess such incredible power, you could have ended this foolish demon lord from the very beginning,- I pondered.

Even if I talked, my voice would drowned out by the thunderous noise that enveloped the chamber, resembling the beginning of something truly epic.

It seemed as though the energy surrounding Lasiv was building up towards a climactic moment.

With a swift flick of her wrist, Lasiv unleashed a symphony of power. As if I could feel the energy she conjured resonated through the air, blending with the energy of rock music. I could hear the song even though there was no instrument in sight!

The battlefield seems to be hilarious and transformed into an ethereal concert hall, where her baton becomes a conductor's baton, guiding a harmonious fusion of sound and energy.

I faintly laughed at the ridiculous view that unfolded before me.

The red organism armor encasing the demon lord orc quivered under the onslaught. Waves of energy surged forth, reverberating through every inch of the armor. The combined forces of frequency, vibration, and energy acted as a relentless orchestra, playing a melody of destruction.

As the cacophony intensified, cracks formed in the armor, like shattered notes in a crescendo.

The pressure of the overwhelming aura created by Lasiv's mastery pressed upon the orc demon lord, causing him to stagger and kneel under its weight.

The once formidable armor began to disassemble, its pieces crumbling and dissipating, unable to withstand the sheer power unleashed upon it.

Lasiv's maestro-like control over the baton and her mastery of the forces at her command had proven victorious.

The battlefield fell into a momentary silence, broken only by the defeated demon lord orc's labored breaths. A human girl without rank and archetypes managed to defeat a demon lord?

At that moment, I realized my existence when compared to her was like heaven and earth, as I was lying down with a bruise and injury unable to do anything, while only with a swipe of her hand movement, she could make this demon lord kneel in defeat.

-I hate being weak and vulnerable- A thought from my past unconsciously popped up.

The demon lord murmured as the red organism wrapping around him gradually dissipated into red particles [This isn't supposed to be this way unless you are not from Tellus, that is right I still have a fragment of Sourceron, if I am going to die anyways, I will unleash it now.]

The demon lord swiftly rose to his feet, stretching his arms wide as if embracing an unseen entity. In an instant, a dimensional dark cube materialized within him, pulsating with a vibrant energy.

He absorbed the cube into his being, causing his stature to increase and his muscles to swell in size.

Simultaneously, numerous red eyes manifested in the space around him, adding to his formidable presence.

Witnessing the horror sight before me, I unconsciously closed my eyes.

[Haha, I will destroy this tower once I evolve. And the human from your world will no longer be able to enter the tree of ----]

I opened my eyes once again to witness something unexpected.

As the demon lord's voice grew in power and carried an immense weight, the entire structure quaked under the force of his words.

However, before he could complete his sentence, the ceiling above him shattered, unleashing a cascade of collapsed debris that rained down upon him, cutting off his words in an instant.

Simultaneously, I opened my eyes once again and beheld the sight of the demon lord now sprawled on the floor, buried beneath a multitude of debris., only his head remained visible

I wonder what was his unfinished sentences, the tree of what?

As the demon lord's formidable aura gradually diminished, a veil of smoke concealed his figure beneath the mound of debris.

Through a crack in the wreckage, a beam of light illuminated the silhouettes of two tall, slender, and muscular men standing amidst the dissipating smoke. With each passing moment, the smoke cleared, revealing their full features, while the pillar of light from above intensified, making their presence even more distinct.

One of the men possessed dark brown skin, adorned with medium-length wavy white hair and brown eyes.

He donned an unbuttoned white shirt, revealing a well-built chest that spoke of his impressive muscular physique, reminiscent of a typical Rollyword dome actor.

Adding to his stylish appearance, he wore a golden watch on his wrist and sported a matching golden necklace, completing his ensemble.

With a radiant and confident smile, the dark brown skin man waved his hand towards Lasiv and addressed her "Lasiv, you don't hold back aren't you!" expressing his relief at her safety.

Lasiv's graceful voice filled the air as she inquired.

"Amandus, have you managed to apprehend all of the cult members?" she asked, brushing off the dirt from her robe.

Amandus, the man with dark brown skin, glanced at the dark-haired man standing beside him and responded playfully to Lasiv's question. "Well, isn't that Erebus's job, hehe?" he teased, a light-hearted tone lacing his words.

Standing next to Amandus was another man with long black hair and piercing red eyes. He exuded an air of stoicism, contrasting with the playful nature of his companion.

Clad in a black suit, he stood slightly taller than Amandus, emanating a sense of quiet confidence.

Erebus, the man with long dark hair, seemed disinterested in engaging in conversation.

He shook his head with a sigh and replied, "I anticipated your tendency to be irresponsible, so I enlisted the help of the shadow elite soldiers into two separate groups to ensure the capture of all the cultist members." His tone carried a hint of exasperation, indicating that he had prepared for such a situation.

Amandus chuckled warmly "You always have my back," he acknowledged with gratitude, adding, "That's why I love working with you."

Erebus, upon hearing Amandus's comment, let out a deep sigh and facepalmed himself in disappointment.

His reaction indicated that he was not particularly pleased or amused by Amandus's statement.

Meanwhile, Lasiv approached Amandus and Erebus, making her way towards the unconscious demon lord who lay sprawled on the ground.

Concern etched across her face, she examined the fallen demon lord, assessing the situation with a mix of caution and curiosity.

Lasiv's voice carried a firm tone as she addressed Amandus. "Amandus, it's crucial not to be irresponsible. One mistake can alter the narrative and lead to an entirely different ending," she warned him.

Confused and feeling fragile, I interjected and shouted "What are you talking about?" hoping for an explanation.

However, to my disappointment, neither of them responded. They merely glanced in my direction before resuming their tasks, leaving me with unanswered questions and a sense of exclusion.