
The Lone Star's Epilogue

(This web serial can be found on Royal Road, Scribble Hub, and Webnovel. If you come across a published version of this book, please note that it was done so without the author's consent. Kindly reach out to Amazon and inform them, as well as notify the true author [Me].) Accompanying Einsamer Stern as he embarks on a journey to discover his true self, while navigating the trials of Divine judgment carried out by the cosmic supreme being within the Divine Omnistream. What if the world and reality you believe in are true and absolute, but it turns out that they are merely part of the lowest food chain in the cosmic order, ready to be consumed by a supreme being that exists far beyond your imagination? What if you could survive this supreme being simply by being your authentic self? From fantasy to metaphors, and reality. This is just another interpretation of a symbol that exist for centuries. An ode to stars yet to be born, a never-ending story is about to begin!  Take the purple pill, I will show you how powerful you truly are. Escape the event horizon with the speed of your imagination and emerge to the other side, there you will find all the answers to who you truly are. @ALL RIGHT RESERVED @VISAL_WORDSMITH Gmail: Sereivisal123@gmail.com

Visal_Word_Smith · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
122 Chs

Hopeless struggle (3)

Staring at the floating display in shock, they no longer knew what was happening in the world. However, Einsamer had a lingering suspicion that these masked men had been planning something all along. Nevertheless, the rapid pace of events made it difficult for his brain to process the cause of this war and slaughter.

In an instant, the holographic displays went blank and the projector shut down, leaving them in darkness.

"What are they trying to achieve?" Einsamer muttered, his brow furrowing and his eyes narrowing.

Shan chimed in, sharing his thoughts, "They likely want to take over Tellus. That's all we know for now."

Einsamer acknowledged Shan's point, realizing that their current state of confusion made it impossible to reach any conclusions. The feeling of hopelessness and frustration began to creep in.

However, Einsamer was determined to survive as long as he was with his friends. It felt as though fate had brought them together, and he recalled Stella's words, assuring him that sticking with his best friends until the end would ensure his survival.

Just then, Setsuna, her voice filled with concern, asked, "Should we make our way to the top floor?"

As she spoke, Setsuna couldn't ignore the sharp pain in her right shoulder. She instinctively held and rubbed it, reassured that it wasn't a serious injury but most likely a temporary discomfort caused by the impact.

"It might be a trap," Einsamer replied, his voice filled with caution.

"We don't have a choice. We can either stay here and wait for help, or keep moving," Shan calmly reasoned.

Suddenly, an idea struck Einsamer's mind. He reached into his jacket and pulled out a pen-like tablet, checking his device for a signal. Disappointingly, there was no signal, but he had anticipated this setback. It confirmed his suspicion that the worldwide webwork satellite had been destroyed.

"We have no signal, but I think we should check out the parking station," Einsamer suggested.

Shan and Setsuna nodded in agreement, and together, they made their way to another door that required identification. Setsuna used her Bio-data-chip to scan it, and the door slid open, revealing a wide cable bridge that stretched for approximately 50 meters.

Curiously, the relentless assault on the floating island had also ceased, and the lack of movement unsettled them. It felt like the calm before a storm, indicating that the enemy was planning something ominous. Without words, they understood each other's thoughts and intentions.

With a sudden burst of energy, they sprinted towards a set of dual metal doors adorned with blue and red neon lights. These doors had been opened previously by the crew of the school's docking bay. As they moved across the bridge, Einsamer looked up and saw countless giant texts displayed on the blank holographic sky: [If you want to survive, reach the top of the nearest skyscrapers.]

Einsamer's urgency surged, the message resonating with everyone in the dome. They all knew they had to reach the top as swiftly as possible. However, Einsamer couldn't shake the suspicion that this was undoubtedly a trap. Despite his doubts, he couldn't think of any alternative besides heading to the parking station, where numerous stationary flying vehicles were waiting. With their hearts pounding in their chests, they pressed on with unwavering determination, sprinting toward the unknown challenges that lay ahead.

Once they crossed the bridge and arrived at the school's basement, they were greeted by a spacious area with a reflective black interior, resembling a . Einsamer had a question that had been nagging at him since Setsuna had effortlessly opened the first locked door, a door that only the school staff and dock workers had the authority to unlock.

"Setsuna, how were you able to bypass the security gate of the surveillance room in the school's docking bay with your Bio-data-chip?" Einsamer asked.

Setsuna's response was surprisingly straightforward as if she had nothing to hide. "The school principal granted me exclusive access as long as I adhered to the school rules."

Einsamer, a normal person, couldn't help but acknowledge the privileges that came with being born into an elite family. He knew that even the school principals had no power over her. However, he also knew that Setsuna had never abused her privilege.

"It's quite a privilege, but I have no complaints, especially in a situation like this. It could be beneficial for us," Einsamer remarked.

Their conversation was abruptly interrupted by a commotion. Shan was the first to notice the movement, as he saw numerous people, including security guards, escaping from something. The three of them understood that they needed to run away as fast as possible when they heard the echoing roars of a pack of wild animals, the king of the jungle among them.

However, amidst the chaos, they witnessed a middle-aged woman dressed in a white garment stumble and fall. Her eyes widened with hopelessness as the crowd ran past her without offering any assistance. At that moment, she was confronted with the harsh reality that humanity could be selfish. Her body froze, unable to comprehend the denial she felt.

Realizing that the woman's life was at stake, Setsuna instinctively dashed towards her without a second thought, disregarding the potential consequences. As she reached the woman's side, Setsuna offered her assistance, but the woman initially hesitated. However, upon realizing that there were still kind-hearted people amidst the chaos, she gratefully accepted Setsuna's help and joined the crowd in their escape.

Shan and Einsamer followed suit, eventually finding themselves in the same location. Suddenly, their attention was captured by a radiant blue light, and when they turned to investigate, they discovered a swirling portal just a few meters away. Standing near the portal, a formidable lion and several tigers observed them, their predatory gaze fixated on the trio.

"This can't be happening, let run now." Setsuna exclaimed, urging her friends to run.

The fierce animals momentarily paused before crouching and sprinting towards them, their powerful hind limbs propelling them forward with alarming speed.

Einsamer, however, recognized the agility and endurance of these predators. He knew that running away would be futile and might even incite them to chase after them even more vigorously. With determination in his voice, he raised his voice to his companions.

"We shouldn't run immediately. It might signal weakness to them," Einsamer advised.

Setsuna, initially dismissive of the idea, hesitated as she observed Einsamer standing his ground, fixated on the approaching predators. Shan, on the other hand, seemed to comprehend Einsamer's intentions. Despite the uncertainty, Shan chose to join Einsamer, standing tall alongside him, as they locked eyes with the fierce lion and tigers, ready to face whatever fate awaited them.

Setsuna, meanwhile, grappled with the pain in her shoulder and the throbbing headache, struggling to comprehend her friends' actions in the midst of her own discomfort. Urgency laced her voice as she desperately pleaded with them.

"We'll die if we don't run!"

Her mind raced, overwhelmed by worries and worst-case scenarios.

But Einsamer's eyes gleamed with unwavering determination as if he could overcome any obstacle. From him, a calm voice emerged, revealing a hint of understanding in his actions.

"Look them in the eyes and try to make yourselves appear fearless and larger than you seem," Einsamer instructed.

Initially confused by his words, Setsuna soon grasped his intentions as she witnessed Einsamer's next move. He raised his arms, spread his jacket, and stood tall, attempting to intimidate the lion by appearing larger. He shouted, clapped his hands, and made loud noises, stomping his feet repeatedly in an effort to scare it away.

Meanwhile, Shan spotted a handlebar on the ground nearby. Seizing it, he swung it through the air and against the floor, creating a menacing sound to deter the lion from advancing. They maintained direct eye contact with the lion, slowly backing away, conveying their awareness of its presence and asserting that they were not easy prey.

Seeing the three tigers and the lion slow their movements and hesitate to approach, Setsuna began shouting while locking eyes with them and vigorously waving her arms back and forth. The lion seemed more cautious, walking and observing instead of sprinting with full force as it had done before.

Their hearts pounded like drums, thumping against their chests. If these animals still chose to approach aggressively, they would have no choice but to run. Thankfully, the lion inched forward, each step measured and deliberate, displaying uncertainty in its next move. The tigers, too, seemed to waver for a moment, their predatory instincts conflicting with a hint of doubt.

"Let's back away slowly. Setsuna, please lead the way from behind towards the entrance to the upper floor," Einsamer urged with a serious and breathless tone.

To create distance without provoking an aggressive response, they maintained a slow and steady pace, never taking their eyes off the animals that prided themselves on hunting their prey. For a fleeting instant, the predators hesitated, their bodies locked in uncertainty, before cautiously continuing their pursuit.

Meanwhile, Setsuna carefully guided Einsamer and Shan from behind, moving backward towards the entrance. She instructed them to sidestep left and right, always heading in the direction of the entrance. Eventually, they found themselves standing before it.

Just as they reached the entrance, the lion realized its prey was slipping away. It let out a commanding roar, urging the tigers to resume their aggressive approach. They lunged towards the trio once more. This time, they had no choice but to turn their backs on the predators and sprint towards the entrance.

Fortunately, the entrance was equipped with a sliding metal door. Setsuna swiftly scanned her bio-data chip on the nearby projector attached to the wall. The door glided shut, instantly disabling its safety feature. As one of the tigers leaped towards them, the closing door severed its head. The detached head rolled to a stop near Einsamer's foot.

Finally catching their breath, Setsuna sat down on the stairs, breathing heavily. She closed her eyes, leaned her head against the wall, and clenched her teeth against the pain in her shoulder and the pounding headache as if her head were about to explode.

Noticing her struggle, Shan approached her and took out a small package containing aspirin pills. He opened the package and a green pill fell onto his palm. He held it out to her and said, "Here's a pain relief pill."

Slowly opening her eyes, Setsuna took the pill from his hand and swallowed it. Within moments, the tension from her pain began to ease away.

Meanwhile, Einsamer paced back and forth, his mind preoccupied with thoughts of the portal. "That portal, it's like magic," he exclaimed, his voice filled with wonder.

Setsuna, who seemed drained and lacking energy, joined in the discussion. "I noticed a device that could possibly open the portal," she said, her voice unusually weak.

"We can only speculate for now. Let's rest and be ready to reach the top floor, which houses the artificial garden," Shan suggested.

"In any case, for now, let's rest. Setsuna, if you don't mind, I can help you fix your shoulder," Einsamer offered, concern evident in his voice.

Setsuna's eyes widened at Einsamer's awareness of her injury. She nodded subtly, granting him permission to assist her.

He asked, "Which side of the shoulder?"

She replied shortly, "The right side."

Einsamer approached Setsuna gently, observing the discomfort etched on her face. He knew that assisting her with the stretch required utmost care and precision. Kneeling beside her, he established eye contact to build trust and reassure her.

Positioning himself on the side of her injured shoulder, Einsamer supported her elbow with one hand while placing his other hand on her forearm, ensuring a firm yet gentle hold. He could feel the tension in her muscles and understood the importance of patience and gradual progress.

Carefully guiding Setsuna's arm, Einsamer ensured smooth and controlled movements. He closely monitored her facial expressions, searching for signs of pain or discomfort. If he noticed any, he would immediately halt the movement and reassess his approach.

Meanwhile, Shan stood before them, observing Einsamer's knowledgeable approach to Setsuna's injury. Curiosity piqued, he asked, "I never knew you knew how to do a massage."

Einsamer, still focused on Setsuna's arm and shoulder, replied, "I learned that from Geralt, as I often get injured during my training with him."

"I see," Shan responded, continuing to observe.

With each stretch, Einsamer maintained a gentle touch and deliberate movements. He understood the importance of proper technique and the need to avoid any sudden or forceful actions that could worsen the injury.

Now he slowly turned her arms outward and then quickly pulled her arms while his other hand pushed her shoulder to the other side, immediately they heard a pop noise and Setsuna expressed an agonized face as she groaned but then she also quickly relaxed when she realized now she longer felt the intense pain from her shoulder.

Once Einsamer finished the massage, he told Setsuna, "If you still experience any discomfort, please let me know."

Setsuna replied gratefully, "Thanks, I feel much better now."

Even in the midst of their perilous situation, Einsamer couldn't help but smile, realizing once again that they had survived another life-and-death ordeal. Reflecting on Stella's words before she departed to fulfill her duty, Einsamer felt a growing sense of confidence that as long as the three of them stuck together, they could overcome anything.

Once Einsamer finished fixing Setsuna's shoulder, he said, "Let's be more cautious from now on. The situation we find ourselves in is beyond anything we've ever encountered."

"I agree," Einsamer replied, his voice filled with determination. "Things may get worse, but as long as we stick together, we can face whatever comes our way."

Setsuna, eager to plan their next move, asked, "So how do we reach the top floor?"

"Let's check the parking station first," Einsamer suggested.

"Oh, right. I almost forgot about it," Setsuna said, her voice filled with exhaustion.

Recognizing that the parking station offered their best chance for a safe escape, they opted for this route and began ascending the stairs. With each step, the cacophony of screams and panic grew louder. Suddenly, an earth-shattering explosion rocked the entire building, causing it to tremble.

Turning to look downward, they saw the gate burst open, flames licking at their heels. They could only draw one conclusion: they had to run as fast as they could to reach the upper floor.

In the face of this seemingly hopeless struggle, Einsamer pondered his options. However, he refused to succumb to despair. Taking a leap of faith, he sprinted forward with all his might, determined to reach the light ahead—the entrance to the upper floor.

-No matter how hopeless this struggle may seem, I will fight until the end. I know I am not alone,- Einsamer pondered, his willpower igniting a fire within him, propelling him forward despite the overwhelming despair that surrounded him. He glanced at his friends, his eyes filled with unwavering determination.