

Both were in each other's attack range.

The first hit shall decide the fate of the battle.



The bullet hit the Hound's shoulder and penetrated through it and the creature was blown back due to the impact force of the bullet.

"Oonh-oonh.." The Hound whimpered in pain like a wounded dog as it fell flat on its back.

translucent seeped out of the creature's shoulder.

[...The majority of humanoid Quiddities have translucent blood, it is confirmed that these Quiddities don't need oxygen to survive and can survive on just nutrients and are capable of producing hydration fluids like any other bodily fluid...]

Han Ji let out a sigh of relief as it looked at the creature laying flat on its back.

He thought that the creature was immobilised by the gunshot but, it suddenly turned over its back and stood on its three remaining legs.

It bared its teeth at Han Ji and weakly approached his enemy trying to attack but it has already taken the first shot and the fate of the battle had been decided.

The victory was on Han Ji's side.

'It still got some spirit there, doesn't it?'

Hanji pointed his gun at the creature.

"Grr-owl!" It growled at Han Ji again.



Two shots were fired, one hit it in the back penetrating through its chest, and one shot went through its head.

The creature's body lost all signs of motion and its motionless figure lay on the ground blood oozing from the three holes on its body.

It may not be considered mentally healthy behaviour but he felt really happy, to see the corpse of the creature that threatened his life a moment ago.

A satisfactory smile appeared on his face as he looked at the corpse of the creature.

He kicked the creature's corpse out of the room and sat back down still holding the revolver and his phone.

A smile played on his lips.

'Yes, I did it my first kill in the Labyrinth, I have taken my first to become the man that shall trace the Labyrinth and find the way out of this Eternal Maze..'

His smile was soon washed away.

He cringed and covered his nose with his fingers.

As the sudden smell of rot entered his nostrils.

His eyes scanned the room as he saw that the corpse he kicked away has already started to look as if it has been dead for over a week.

The hairs have fallen off its skin completely, the skin underneath was patchy and had developed a lot of wrinkles and the complexion had dulled completely.

'Yuck..that document never said anything about these things rot faster than usual.'

Soon his eyes landed on the blood ground that was emitting vapours and slowly disappearing, white steam as if it was evaporating on its own.

Leaving even more smell of rot.

If you ignored the smell it would've looked like a satisfying sight.

'God damn...this smell is so horrible I wouldn't be surprised if some vultures came here and then flew away because of it.'

but then realisation struck him like lightning.

'What if its smell attracted other Quiddities?'

He thought but again it could do the polar opposite too.

'What if because of the horrible smell they didn't come near?'

He had two choices to make right now, Either he just leaves the room and go around looking for another room...

..but the risk was that he might encounter a Quiddity and much stronger one this time.

Or he can just stay here but, there is still a risk that he might get attacked here by more Quiddities.

The risk was high in both cases.

'If I stay here there is a high chance that I might be safe here but what if several Quiddities showed... up I'll have no place to escape?'

'I don't know what might wait out there for me, maybe stronger Quiddities? but there could be a chance I might get lucky and find no Quiddity..?'

Every time a person makes a choice,

What are the odds that affect their decision?

The risks involved and gains one might get?

The mental state one might be in?

No, it's Confidence.

Confidence is like a natural drug.

When a person is filled with confidence then they almost lose every sense of logic.

Once a person is confident in their luck they might end up gambling half of their salary.

Once a person is confident in their trust in someone they might end up lending everything they have to the other person.


Sung took a few steps as he stood at the doorframe of the room.

Confidence and overconfidence have a small line of difference.

One might end up losing everything they have while gambling.

One might lose everything because the person they trusted has been backstabbing them all along.

And there is almost no way to distinguish between confidence and overconfidence until you see the result made by your decision.

His right hand clenched around the revolver handle, while the left one firmly held onto the phone.

Perhaps confidence can also lead to making good decisions.

A gambler might win double the amount they invested.

A person might deepen their bond with their acquaintance and might gain a bigger favour when in need.

He stepped out of the room and started to walk, again.

As Han Ji continued to walk, he never removed his finger from the trigger.

Because he knew that if he missed one shot, he might end up dead or becoming one of them.

He took every step very carefully, after every step he made sure to focus on even the slightest sound, before pointing the flashlight he'll make sure that no glowing eyes were lurking in the darkness.



Han Ji heard a male voice it was in a clear American accent.

Han Ji turned in the direction of the voice.

"Huh?" he exclaimed in surprise.

'Another wanderer?'

"WAAHHAH!!" He heard the cries of strangers coming from the direction he was facing.

'It seems like his in trouble!' he thought and started to run in the direction of the incoming voice.

But then suddenly his footsteps halted.

'Wait... if he's in trouble that means he is being attacked, what if he's attacked by a large number of Quiddities? What if the Quiddities are too strong? What if by the time I reach he'll be dead?'

He thought stood there, Arguing with himself if he should go or not.

He can't even risk running right now there could be a chance his footsteps may attract Quiddities.

Running towards what could be a stronger or larger number of Quiddities was like skating on thin ice.

Every creature on the Earth has one apex goal which is survival, and that need for survival gives birth to a feeling called Fear.

It allows us to think thoroughly and avoid every dangerous situation and right now Han Ji was feeling the same emotion called fear.

Just like any other creature his instinct told him that his survival comes first.

'Never mind..' he thought and turned around on his heels.

"WAAAH!! HELP ME! HELP!!" the voice echoed through the hallways of Stage 1 as his steps came to a halt.

'I think I should go...!"

"AAAH! HELP!!" The cries didn't stop contrary to Han Ji's feet that didn't budge.

Cold sweats kept running down his forehead.

His hands shook as he tried to move but it felt like his soul was being held back and then the unexpected happened.


The sound of electrical buzzing came and after flickering a few times the lights returned.

But the cries didn't stop.

It all felt weird to him like a series of coincidences, the Hound showing up right in his room, the rotting smell, him deciding to leave, hearing this man's voice and the electricity returning.

It all felt as if the universe was asking him to go and save that man.


It all could just be some random coincidence and his hyperactive imagination.

"WAAAAH!!" He heard the cries again and it was then he subconsciously turned around.

As he gulped his dry saliva, he turned off the flashlight of his phone before pocketing it.

'F*ck this!'

He clenched the revolver and dashed in the direction of the voice.

'Why the hell am I doing this!? I think I might regret it! D*mn it! That guy better pay me back for saving his a*s!'

He thought while running as fast as he can.

Dab, dab, dab, dab, dab

Loud footsteps, that might've echoed but were covered due to screams of the man were heard.


'Yeah I am coming!' he wanted to yell back but, he knew it would only waste his breath.

'Please don't die! don't die! don't die!'

With every step, the sound of the man got louder.

'I am almost there!'

The sound was very close, Almost a few 100 meters away from him.

He took a turn that lead him to a long straight corridor-like hallway where he saw a figure of a tall human, standing in front of him barely visible in the constant flickering light at a distance of around 80 meters.

He looked at him and smiled in relief,

'Thank you, dear lord! He is alive!'

He raised his left arm while panting softly, trying to catch his breath,

"Hey, man...! pant..Are you alright!?" he yelled at the

"WAAAH!! HELP ME! HELP!!" The man cried as he walked slowly toward Han Ji.

"Yeah! that's exactly why I am here!" he yelled back as he waved at him.

"AAAH! HELP!!" the man yelled again.


'Why is this guy repeating the same things over and over again, isn't he supposed to thank me or something?'

He looked at the man suddenly the light flickering slowed as he got a better look at the 'MAN'.

His skin was extremely pale it looked as if life has already left his body, and for some reason, he was wearing no clothes and he even didn't have any genitals either, he kept on screaming as he approached him slowly.


A chill ran down his spine as he saw the weird form of the person he came to save.

Right now his gut told him something was wrong with this man, as he raised the revolver at the man approaching.

"Hey! Stop right there!" He said to the slowly approaching figure.

"Hey! I said stop!" He said as he aimed the revolver right at the man's feet.

Just in case, if things went south he can stop the man.

But the man started to run towards him and out

a sheer instinct he ended up pulling the trigger


The bullet went right through his feet leaving a hole, making the MAN fall as translucent blood gushed out of the wound.


Then he realised that he was forgetting a really important thing that he shouldn't have forgotten.

[..It is not a common occurrence but if you ever hear screams, It is advised not to follow them, not just cause they might belong to a wanderer who's attacked by a stronger or larger number of Quiddities but because there are Quiddities called 'Skin Stealers' that are capable of mimicking human voices, they have microscopic suction cups like an octopus's tentacles on there whole body they use them to stick the skin of there victim to their body, they possess enormous physical prowess and regeneration, the best way to distinguish between them and human is by there blood, 'If the blood runs red they are not dead if it runs clear...']

'..Better get out of here..'

Han Ji remembered everything he read as his breathing picked up.

He mentally slapped himself for coming here

'This is worst..'

The bullet bounced out of the hole in his feet as the hole slowly disappeared.

As he looked at the creature trying to rise from its spot again.



Gunshots echoed as he shot at the creature's head and chest.

But it was all in vain as the bullets popped out of the hole they made.


The creature ran at him like an athlete

"..No!! Get away!!"


The shot hit the corner of Quiddity's feet and blew away a huge piece of flesh, the creature fell on its face.

'Got him!'

He took it as a golden opportunity and started to run it won't be an understatement to say that he ran as if there was no tomorrow.

Dab, Dab, Dab, Dab, Dab, Dab.

His footsteps banged through the hallways.

Adrenaline rushed through his body, his brain went numb and his legs gained new strength.

Right now all he could, desire, feel and think about was, to survive.

His consciousness had severed and his unconscious mind took control of his body, every single oxygen cell rushed to his legs.

He kept on running hoping he can escape but,

"Crrrooaakk!" he heard a weird sound and looked back.

The Quiddity's leg has already healed and It was chasing him at a formidable speed.

"Sh*t!" he cursed out loud.

He aimed his gun at the creature without slowing down a bit.


The bullet missed

Even though he got used to the grip and had just discovered he had a talent at using a revolver.

Shooting a moving target wasn't a piece of cake at all.


It hit but it was on the shin that didn't cause much damage but slowed it down for a while.

But it was enough for him to aim at the creature's feet, he pulled the trigger again.


'Huh?' he exclaimed and pulled it again and again.

..click, click, click.

He then realized the reason behind the sound.

'Sh*t! it's out of ammo!'

He regretted not immediately reloading as he pocketed his weapon while running.

The effect of adrenaline started to wear off as he bend his back forward desperately trying to go faster.


The creature healed and closed in the distance at a terrifying rate.

"Crrooaak!!" he heard the sound of the incoming creature.

"Haaaaargh!!" he roared out, veins on his neck popped up.

His forehead creased as he started running out of stamina.

He turned his head back to take a look and he wished, he hadn't.


The huge hand of the quiddity grabbed his neck with a threatening force.

"Kha--! Khie--!" he choked under the creature's grip.

Saliva escaped his mouth while he desperately tried to catch his breath.

As he glared into the yellow

Out of instinct, his hand reached into his pocket, he pulled out the swiss army knife withdrew the blade and stabbed it into the creature's arm.

Stab, stab, stab... stab... stab...stab

But with the immense regenerative ability.

Soon he lost his strength and he struggled to hold the knife.

Tears escaped his eyes.

'Oh no...I think I underestimated this place... Now..I am dying like this... there is no way for me to escape.'

Happy memories of his life, flashed in front of his eyes, his mother taking him to school, the day he graduated, The day he lost his first kiss when he bought his bike.

All his cherished moments flashed in front of his eyes.

He didn't want any of this to happen, he just wanted to have a regular life, stable income, get married and die with the person he loved, but he can't decide his fate.

'How pathetic.. the man that will trace the Labyrinth my a*s, here you're dying at Stage 1..'

He thought and closed his eyes waiting for his demise.

but then...
