

Hayato in an instant unsheathes his katana and blocks Bennett's attack using only his left hand to block it. Hayato was disappointed, after all, he blocked a two-handed attack with just one arm ' You got to be kidding me, this guy is so weak, even the first bandits I killed were stronger ' Bennett was gritting his teeth with anger as Hayato sees him with a bored expression ' Typical noble a big pride and yet so weak ' he keeps attacking Hayato with a face full of anger but even without his Sharingan his attacks look so slow to Hayato. One after another, the attacks that he made were blocked or they were evaded by Hayato

" Haa... haa... haa... you... coward... fight... me... " Say Bennett with a tired and sweaty face, Hayato was completely normal so he thought with scorn ' Out of breath already, idiot, but that doesn't take down his stupid pride '

" Fufu, why don't you stop? " The princess intervened making them stop " Now let's go, we have to go to the adventurers guild " she said but when she turns around, Hayato showed Bennett a mocking smile

Bennett watched Hayato with anger and he rushed toward him again with the full intention to kill him " Bastard! DIE!! "

The princess turns around the moment she heard Bennett's yell and she tries to stop Bennett again " Bennett! stop right now! " but she was ignored this time, so the princess begins to show an angry expression

" Fight me! you fuck*ng coward! " Bennett shouts with his face full of anger swinging his sword like crazy, but it was just like before all of his attacks were useless, and then " If you insist " Suddenly Hayato grabbed his wrist with his right hand stopping his sword attack " …!! " Bennett looks astonished and tries to free himself from his grip but next Hayato punched his face 'softly' with his left hand *PAM* but his nose and mouth start to bleed he even looks dizzy, Hayato released his wrist and with the same hand, he grabbed his head and put him down to later hit him with his knee right in the face.

" Ugh… " Bennett starts to bleed a lot more than before and starts to lose his balance but before he fell Hayato appeared in front of him and kicked his face once again with his right foot sending him flying back a few meters to then stay on the ground unconscious

" Hayato! please stop! " Screamed the princess with a face full of despair

" I'm sorry, I couldn't control myself " Said Hayato with a faked ashamed face as he thinks ' That guy is important to her? '

" It's okay, I will send someone to cure him, we have something more important to do now " the princess said with a careless expression

' It seems not, this woman is nice ' Thought Hayato with sarcasm

They leave the training field, leaving in the ground the unconscious Bennett, Hayato has the feeling that this won't be the last time he will challenge him

Outside the field was a group of Knights waiting for the princess " Let's go " Said the princess and they walked on the street calling the attention of everyone just like previously they walked until they arrived at a great building with people with different types of armors outside it Hayato watched the building and couldn't help to smirk slightly ' As they walked towards the building the Knights made a perimeter around the building blocking people to cross the princess and Hayato's way

The Guild has two floors, on the first floor there are tables and chairs where the adventurers are chatting and drinking, in the background, there is the reception, there are 3 people there, Hayato can't see what is on the second floor, but at the end of the stairs, he can see a great board full of papers, that is where the adventurers chose their missions

The two of them attracted the attention of everyone inside, the men have lust on their faces after seeing the princess and Hayato attracted anger from the men and desire from every woman there

They ignored everyone there and walked towards the reception.

The receptionists were a middle-aged man and two beautiful women. The princess ignores the two women and talks with the middle-aged man

" We come here to take a category check, go to tell the Guild Master " The princess said with a solemn face

" As you wish princess " The middle-aged man leaves and goes to the second floor

A few minutes later a man comes to greet them. He is a tall man with a strong complexion, he has short black hair and dark blue eyes, he has some scars on his face and arms that make him look aggressive, he wears black pants with black boots but he wears black chest armor that shows his arms, he looks around 37 years old

" Welcome Princess, this way please, we prepare the Level Stone for you " The Guild Master lead them inside a room at the bottom of the second floor where he came from. The room was like an office, it has a desk with a chair, a couple of couches, a small table in the center, and various shelves full of different types of books

On the desk was a small purple stone over a small square made of wood and red cloth

The Guild Master turns to see Hayato and the princess and says " Princess, is he the one who is going to take the category check? "

" Yes, he is the one who will take it, now please can you help him " Said the princess with a sweet smile

" Kid, go there and put your right hand over the stone on the desk, that's all you need to do, alright? " The Guild Master makes a great smile and points at the purple stone

Hayato nods slightly and walks to the stone then he puts his right hand over it and what happened next shocked everyone in the room ' nothing ' that's right nothing happened

" That's.... impossible " Said the Guild Master with a shocked expression and he walked towards Hayato just like the princess


At the same time in the big white castle of the Ballack kingdom, A man wearing a white robe knells and speak to an old man sitting on a throne " Your majesty, the preparations are completed, we can start the ritual now "

The old man that wears fancy white clothes answers with a grin " Great, let's start then " then he stands and walks together with the man with a white robe

" Your majesty, can I ask you why this ritual requires the double of people for the sacrifice? " The man wearing a white robe asked with a curious face

" God told the Oracle, that we need to summon three specific people, so we need more people for the sacrifice " The old man responds and then they arrived in front of a big metallic door, the old man opens the door by pulling it, inside it was a stone staircase that seems to go to the basement of the castle

They went down the stone stairs and when they reach the end they were in a poorly illuminated basement, where there were about 600 people chained and separated into three groups with a few men wearing white robes surrounding them

The torches that are hanging on the columns distributed there aren't enough to illuminate the big basement and the sorrowful sobs and laments from the chained people made the place very lugubrious

Under the chained people were three big white circles inside a great blue octagon with strange symbols

" Begin the ritual " When the old man wearing fancy clothes says that he extended his hands to the chained people and he begins to emit white lights from his body, the white light travels from the body of the old man to all the chained people making them tremble with fear and despair then *BOOM* the bodies of the chained people begin to explode, turning them in a pool of blood but for some reason that blood didn't come out from the octagon painted on the floor

The men standing there raised their hands towards the three blood pools and just like the old ma and their bodies begin to emit a bright white light after that the blood starts to move towards the strange symbols causing them to change into a red bright color, the robed men near the symbols begin to shine in different colors and *ZOOM* The symbols disappeared creating a huge column of white light that arrived at the roof of the basement *BOOM* the columns disappeared and it was replaced by a thick white smoke but in the smoke three silhouettes can be seen sitting on the ground that's when the old man said with a wide happy smile " Welcome! Heroes! "