
The Locked System

Hayato is a luckless 15-year-old boy, that bad luck caused him various accidents until one day it took his life, but God gave him a second chance to live in another world with a system that has all the powers of his favorites animes and mangas. But the other world's God wasn't very happy about him being there, so he interfered and now he has to survive against that God's attempts to kill him and the enemies he will meet in that new world, all with his System locked The cover is not mine and English is not my first language, you have been warned

Burst17 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
108 Chs


The wolf stands up with difficulty still having an aggressive look, but he didn't have the intention to attack Hayato, maybe he knows that he can't beat him or he's too weak to do it

" Who are you? " The wolf repeats his question returning Hayato to reality. She has the sweet voice of a mature woman and speaks without even moving his mouth ' So this wolf is a female, I didn't even notice it when she spoke to me before ' Hayato watched the female wolf for a few seconds he then talks again having a calm expression " My name is Hayato "

" Tell me what are you doing here, don't tell me, you are here to kill me? like the rest of your kind! " The wolf exudes anger and hate in her voice

Hayato shakes his head slightly and says " No, I was just passing through here, I was searching for some bandits I just ended up in front of you, you were the one who tried to kill me first " Hayato speaks in a cold voice " Now what are you going to do? Do you want to try again? "

The wolf's expression looks kinda surprised when she heard Hayato, then she says " So, you mean that you are not here for me? "

Hayato narrows his eyes seeing the wolf and says coldly " I'm not going to say it again, but I have to say that you are an amazing wolf "

The wolf finally stands and growls saying " I'm not a wolf, I'm a Divine Beast "

Hayato makes a little grin and says mockingly " Even if you said that, for me, you are just a wolf "

" Grrr " The wolf starts shining in very bright blue light, its shape was changing faster it seems that she was transforming. After a few seconds, the blue light disappears and a beautiful naked woman appears. Hayato raised his eyebrows with surprise and his mouth was slightly open at the change she suffered, she has dark blue eyes with long eyelashes, long black hair that arrives at her narrow waist, skin as white as snow, lips thin and pink, and a very sexy body that could enchant any man with a simple look. despite the transformation, her human form has the scratches that she suffered from the previous attack

' .... She is surprisingly beautiful, I only knew someone before that can compare her beauty, but she was someone out of anyone's reach. If it wasn't for Sasuke's personality I would have fallen in love with this wolf-woman ' Hayato is surprised after seeing her naked body, and he adverts looking at her for too much time ".....For being the Divine Beast, you are weak " Hayato closes his eyes and shakes his head

" Grr.. of course, I'm weak, I'm only 25 years old and my name is..." she paused for a second and says " Something that humans can't say! you can call me Dye! " Dye growls showing Hayato her unusually long fangs it seems that her lovely mouth hides them very well after that it seems that she hates being called weak

' Dye? really? it sounds very fake, but whatever ' Hayato grins and he ignores her " What are you trying to say with that your power hasn't matured yet, right? "

" That's right, I'm still in a teenager stage so…... Wha...!? " Dye didn't finish speaking when 9 exact copies of Hayato arrive next to them, one has the head of a bald human under his arm. Dye looks very surprised at the arriving clones and then the one who has the head under his arm walks toward Hayato to give him the bald's man head

' What exactly is this human, I destroyed some of them before, but I can't see their bodies anywhere and now more of them have arrived ' Dye was very surprised and what happened next shocked her, even more, *PUFF* All the clones disappeared after Hayato took the bald's head, Dye opens her eyes and mouth widely and then Hayato leaves, ignoring her completely but she began to follow him seeing him with a face full of curiosity

" Why are you following me? " Asked Hayato without turning around to see Dye

" I think that you are an interesting, human, your eyes changed and the mark on your forehead disappeared, you are human, right? " Dye asks Hayato with doubt, inspecting every part of his body carefully

" Who knows " Hayato avoids her question and keeps walking without looking at her

" Grrr… don't ignore me or I will bite you " Dye growls at Hayato but she keeps following him, Hayato turns to see her and grins with disdain " Grrr " Dye sees his smile and growls with anger

After keep walking for a few minutes with the black-haired naked beauty behind him Hayato says coldly " Why do you keep following me, aren't you injured or weak after that attack? or do you want to die? " Hayato releases some killing intent making Dye shiver a little but then she makes a little smile

" If you wanted to kill me you could have done it before, no? " Dye keeps her happy smile " And that attack from before was mine so it only hurt me a little bit despite these small scratches, but that could be enough to kill a human, hehe " Dye sticks out her tongue mischievously

Hayato turns to see her cute smiling face and says " If you say so, do as you wish " then he ignores her again and keeps walking

" Hehe " Dye closes her eyes with a satisfied smile on her beautiful face then she keeps following him walking two or three steps behind him until she speaks again " Do you want to be my partner? " She said with a happy voice

"You're what? " Hayato stops walking and turns around to see her once again this time making a face of doubt

" My partner, I will protect you and you will protect me " Dye smiled brightly and with that, she became the third woman in his life that showed him a true smile' She wants that? why? ' Hayato saw her with an expressionless face for a few seconds and Dye just bends her head slightly to her right side making a clueless smile then *SIGHS* Hayato sighs and thinks ' Ok, I will become his partner, but I'm not going to lower my guard '

" Okay, we can be partners but you have to listen to everything I say " Hayato turns around and begins began to walk

" Yay! " She runs towards Hayato and embraces him from behind to then bite him on the right shoulder inserting her unusually long fangs deeply into his skin, making him bleed a little bit. Hayato feels the bite but the pain was nothing compared to something really big and soft in his back

" ....!!?? What are you doing?! " Hayato is not surprised by the bite, he is surprised by the embrace she gave him. After a couple of seconds, she separates from him

" That's a contract with a divine beast like me, what are you talking about? " Dye makes an innocent face

Hayato looks at his shoulder and there there were. The bite changed into three black lines like ( | ), the pain was gone even the blood had disappeared so he was a little surprised ' So this is a contract with a divine beast, now I need to do something important with her '

' Syt I want to buy the school uniform that Rias Gremory used ' Hayato thought

[ '-2,500 System Points' ]

[ 'You still have: 8,900 System Points' ]

A school uniform with a white long-sleeved button-down shirt, a black ribbon on her shirt collar, worn under a black shoulder cape and a matching button-down corset, a magenta skirt with white accents, and brown dress shoes over white crew-length socks appears in front of Hayato

Hayato takes the uniform and throws it to Dye saying " Put this on " She sees the uniform and doesn't look very happy

" Grrr!... Why!? I feel more comfortable like this! " She asks with an angry voice

" Just do it! " Hayato says in a cold voice but he has a red face when her big buns jiggle when she shook with anger

Dye starts to put on the clothes reluctantly whispering words with dissatisfaction from time to time and when she finishes Hayato was very impressed by her looks ' She looks even more beautiful than before, but she acts like a child '

" How uncomfortable " Dye starts to move in a really weird way trying to adjust to the clothes, she stretches her skirt and shirt

Hayato shakes his head and says " Let's go, we are going to the city " Hayato turns around and he walks with Dye behind him smiling with satisfaction