
The Loan Shark's Obsession

Isabella At first, submitting to Alex's carnal demands was mere survival. But his insatiable hunger for my body awakened a primal desire within me. As his rough hands explored my curves, I felt powerless against the delicious ache he stirred. Now carrying his child, I must escape his possessive clutches before it's too late. Alex The bombshell Isabella was just some piece I used to settle a score. But damn, her body got its hooks in me deep. I can't get enough of tasting her, claiming every inch. She's mine. If she even thinks about running with my kid, I'll hunt her fine a*s down to the ends of the earth.

Jennifer_Evanze · Ciudad
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29 Chs


The little tease thought she could tease and tempt me with her sultry moves on that stage. As if I didn't see right through her act - the way her hips swayed with that false bravado, her eyes burning with defiance every time they met mine. She was playing a dangerous game, pushing to see just how far she could go before I snapped.

I saw red as she slinked over to that drunken fool Vlad from my crew, practically dangling her assets right in his pathetic face. The idiot took the bait, salivating at the prospect of getting his hands on her. But she was mine - and I'd made it pretty fucking clear.

My grip tightened around the reassuring steel of my gun. I'd had enough of this disrespect - it was time to put this girl back in her place.

The shocked gasp that escaped her plump lips when my bullet tore through that drunk's meaty thigh was music to my ears. I saw the way her body went rigid with fear, those big doe eyes finally looking at me - really seeing me for the first time. I rose from my seat, letting her take in the full force of my presence as I began prowling toward her.

By the time I reached her trembling little body, she was practically plastered against the wall, trying in vain to put space between us. Such a fruitless effort - she may as well have been a trapped rabbit before a hungry wolf. I drank in every whimper, every flinch, as I invaded her space with cold calculation. Let her choke on the scent of fear and gunpowder rolling off me in waves.

"What did I tell you about being such a tease, huh?"

The words were barely more than a growled threat as I seized a brutal handful of her hair, wrenching that slender neck into a tight arch. She was exquisite in her terror, those big eyes pleading for me to let her go even as her body instinctively went lax in submission to my dominance. Not that I had any intention of letting up just yet.

Leaning in until our faces were just inches apart, I eyed her pouting lips with undisguised hunger. "You want to act like a little whore? Then I'll treat you like one."

She was going to learn - oh, how she would learn. This defiant little brat needed to be thoroughly broken, her pride shattered until all that remained was an obedient pet, desperate for her master's approval. By the time I was finished with her, she would be nothing more than a pretty, hollowed-out thing, beaten down and remade solely to serve my desires.

And I was going to revel in every agonizing second of it.

Her breath caught in her throat as I dragged her onto my lap, forcing her legs to straddle mine. With one hand still tangled in her hair, I used the other to trace the curve of her waist, sliding lower until I cupped her ass like I owned it.

Goddamn, she felt good. Too good for someone who still hadn't learned her place.

"Dance for me," I ordered, nipping at her earlobe. 

With a soft whimper, she started to move. Slowly at first, unsure, hesitant. But as the seconds ticked by, her confidence returned. Each grind of her hips became more deliberate, seductive. She arched her back, pressing her tits against mine as she rolled her pelvis suggestively.

Fuck. Me.

This wasn't part of the plan. Watching her dance for others was one thing; having her perform like this, for me alone, was another entirely. Desire pooled low in my cock, spreading throughout my entire body until I felt consumed by it.

Christ, she was driving me wild. The way her hips moved in slow circles, grinding down on me as if she couldn't help herself. Those fuckable lips parted in a silent O as she rode me, completely under my spell.

My fingers dug into her supple flesh, pulling her close so I could breathe her in – the mix of sweat, perfume, and pure unadulterated lust. It was intoxicating. Intoxicating enough to make me forget where we were, who might be watching.

"Look at me," I commanded, needing to see those expressive brown eyes locked onto mine. When she complied, I nearly lost it. There was no hiding from the raw desire reflected back at me. 


Instinctively, I threw myself over her, shielding her fragile body with my own. A split-second decision, but one that came naturally to me. My mind raced as I scanned the room, searching for the source of the danger. And there he was - some thug pointing a gun directly at us. Without hesitation, I drew my weapon and fired, taking him out before he could harm either of us.

But the chaos didn't end there. My brother Dimitri appeared beside me, shouting something urgent in Russian. I only understood bits and pieces - "got shot", "Sergi". 

We were under attack.

I looked into her wide, terrified eyes as I pulled her closer, feeling her heart race in sync with my own. The sounds of gunshots resonated through the club, and I knew we had to act fast.

"Listen to me," I said firmly, gripping her chin gently to ensure she was paying attention. "Go hide. Find somewhere safe and don't come out until I or one of my men comes for you."

She nodded, her bottom lip quivering slightly, but she didn't argue. I released her and watched as she hurried away, disappearing into the back room, her co-worker also joining in.

My men swarmed the club, taking down anyone who posed a threat. The sound of gunfire rang through the air, joined by screams and cries for mercy. It wasn't long before the shooting died down, leaving only silence in its wake. Two of the thugs lay lifeless on the floor, while another was writhing in pain, clutching his bleeding leg.

Vladimir (yes the same asshole I shot in the thigh for touching what's mine) approached me, holding a knife tightly in his fist. "Should we finish him off, brother?" he asked gruffly, nodding towards the wounded man.

I considered it for a moment before shaking my head. "No. Tie him up and bring him with us. We need answers, and I have a feeling he knows more than he's letting on."

He nodded curtly and set to work securing the prisoner. Meanwhile, I surveyed the damage done to the club. Bullet holes marred the walls, tables were upturned, and glass littered the floor. It was a mess, but thankfully, no innocent lives had been claimed in the crossfire. 

And she was safe.

That's when I remembered Sergi.

If anything happened to him, there would be hell to pay. I turned to Dimitri, who had been quietly observing the scene unfold. "How is Sergi?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

Dimitri hesitated before responding. "He's stable for now, but he lost a lot of blood. They're rushing him to the hospital as we speak."

These motherfuckers had attacked us without warning, targeting Sergi specifically. He was just a kid trying to enjoy my bachelor party. So what the hell were they supposed to get after killing him? Revenge?

Just as we were gearing up to depart, I spotted her again. She lingered near the doorway of the rear chamber, eyeing us warily.

I had scores to settle with her, and I wouldn't sleep until I'd seen it through. But for now, duty called. 

With one final glance at her, I turned and followed my men outside, where a fleet of black SUVs waited for us.