
The Lizard's Ascent

Fortunately, the MC was reborn; unfortunately, he was reborn as a freshly hatched low-ranking lizard; even more unfortunately, due to his low status, he was ruthlessly shunned by his master, nearly losing his life, but was fortunately rescued by a kindhearted person. However, how a low-ranking lizard can survive in this magical world is a question. In the face of adversity, the little lizard finally discovers his unique bloodline ability - by experiencing pleasant emotions or satisfying his desires, he can produce precious golden filaments within his body. These golden filaments not only strengthen the lizard's power and resilience but can also catalyze the evolution of his bloodline, unlocking limitless potential.

jacksonmj · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
29 Chs


Cecilia suddenly opened her hands.

Sethe looked at her smiling expression as she spread her arms wide in front of him. 

Rising from the ground, Sethe stood upright, his hind paws more than twice as thick as his front ones, fully supporting him with ease. Taking two steps forward, he opened his paws and jumped into Cecilia's arms.

Enjoying the little guy's active embrace, Cecilia had a satisfied smile on her face. Wrapping her hands around his waist, she stood up.

For the young girl's encircling embrace, Sethe did not resist and lay obediently on her shoulder.

"By the way, my name is Cecilia. From now on, we'll be friends, Sethe."

"Aang~" Sethe responded.

He could currently only make these monotonous sounds similar to hissing.

With that, Cecilia led Sethe downstairs.

Lying on her shoulder, Sethe looked around at the layout of the house. The sofa and coffee table, the carpet, and the decorations were exquisite, but there wasn't a single piece of modern furniture in sight.

This further confirmed his suspicions.

Turned into a lizard, it was likely he was no longer in the world he once knew.

This was a whole new world, a world with magic.

"Sethe, wait a moment, okay?" Cecilia said as she put him on the ground.

Sethe silently gazed at her, nodding after a moment of silence. He couldn't help it; he was hungry.

Cecilia reached out and touched Sethe's big round head, then opened the magic wooden door in front of her. As the door opened, a light white cold air wafted out. Feeling the chill, Sethe subconsciously took two steps back but immediately stopped, curiously eyeing the cabinet in front of him.

The cabinet was divided into two layers. The upper layer held various vegetables and fruits, with a round magic ring hidden among the ice. The lower layer was filled with different kinds of meat. Although he didn't know what kind, the tender color made Sethe's mouth water.

"Sethe, what do you want to eat?" Cecilia asked.

Without hesitation, the upright Sethe pointed his chubby right paw at the meat on the lower level.

"Meat?" Cecilia dryly picked up a knife from the cabinet door, slicing off a small piece of meat. Knowing Sethe had no teeth, she made the slice very small, just enough for him to take a bite.

"Here~" she said, handing over the thin slice of meat.

Sethe stretched out both paws and took a bite, savoring the flavor.


The delicious taste filled his mouth. Sethe's big round eyes narrowed slightly in satisfaction.

It's so delicious~!

Though it was raw meat, it was incredibly tasty!

Piece by piece, he ate about two dozen slices until his little stomach bulged.

With his round belly, Sethe lay down on the floor, too full to move. Yet he felt unparalleled satisfaction, not having known such happiness in a long time.

Cecilia looked at him, his little tail wagging back and forth, a smile on her face as well.

Normally, she would never let her adopted little ones eat so much; it wasn't good for their stomachs. But today, for some reason, she had overfed Sethe a bit.

"How about I carry you to your room for a rest, Sethe?"

"Aang~" Sethe responded lazily, feeling too content and sleepy to move.

Nothing seemed to matter at this moment.

Even if he had turned into a big-headed lizard, it wouldn't be so bad being raised by a beautiful and kind girl like Cecilia!

His consciousness gradually blurred.

In the end, he only remembered being picked up by Cecilia, and then nothing more.

In his sleep, Sethe opened his eyes.

Where was he?

Looking at the void of space in front of him, Sethe was a bit confused.

Was he dreaming?

Just as he was puzzled, a golden thread emitting a faint glow floated past him. The golden thread was the second noticeable object in the dark space. The first was himself, as he noticed a faint red glow emanating from his body.

What was this golden thread?

As soon as he thought about it, the golden filament extended over to him. Looking at the golden thread stopping in front of him, Sethe slowly raised his claws and touched it.

Nothing happened.

What a strange dream.

Sitting on his butt in the void, Sethe studied the golden thread in his claw. In less than three minutes, he lost patience and began playing with it as if it were a rope. After a while, he felt sleepy and let go of the thread, rubbing his eyes with his small paws.

So sleepy, he thought, wishing he had teeth.

As he slowly began to close his eyes, he saw the golden thread floating closer. But it didn't matter; it was just a dream.

In the void, the golden thread extended into the big-headed lizard's mouth. 

On the big pink bedspread, a red big-headed lizard slowly climbed up. The room was empty, with no sign of Cecilia.

After scanning around, Sethe looked towards the balcony. The double-pushed transparent glass doors were closed, but the curtains were not drawn. Maybe because it had rained yesterday, it was a beautiful sunny day outside.

Blue sky, white clouds.

It was a beautiful day.

But something felt wrong.

Inside his mouth, it had been soft before he slept, but now it felt hard.


Opening his mouth, he lifted his paw to touch it.

A sharp sensation met his touch.

Teeth. He had teeth!