
Nothing is hidden under the sun

Harry's eyes narrowed, his jaw clenched in determination, as he called out, "Again!" The team moved with precision, recharging the defibrillator and preparing for another attempt.

Grace felt a lump form in her throat as she watched, helpless and horrified, her eyes fixed on Maya's pale face. The silence was oppressive, dented only by the beeps and whirrs of the medical equipment, as the team fought to revive Maya's dormant heart.

"Charge to 250!" someone called out, his voice firm and decisive. The team nodded, and the defibrillator's energy level was adjusted accordingly. The machine's screen flashed as it charged up to the new setting.

"Clear!" Harry shouted again, and the defibrillator discharged its higher-energy shock. Maya's body jerked more violently this time, and the machine's screen flickered, then began to show a faint waveform.