
The Light Kingdom Revolution

As a running away princess from her kingdom, Princess Chandra decided to surrender her throne and nobility to her father's stepbrother, King Brutus. She tried to escape from her possessive suitor, King Dragon who wanted to make her a submissive princess and marry her only with the purpose to conquer her as a successor of a wealthy kingdom. Would she be able to make King Dragon realize the value of true love? How about Kumara, a half-celestial prince of wars who help her to get back her throne? Will Princess Chandra be able to make revolution under the name of the Bhagavanta Kingdom and resolve her conflict in love?

pandora_blessing · Fantasía
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33 Chs

What A Magic Assistance

Two of them were walking to the place where they left the cloud. Kumara was heading his steps and he jumped on the cloud, he offered his hand to help Chandra get on the cloud. Kumara tapped the cloud three times and asked it to fly back to his palace. They were keeping their silence as they thought in their every mind. They stopped at the garden where they'd conversation before.

Chandra put off the cloak and tried to give it back to Kumara. She covered the front part of her body by folding her two arms. 'Stupid me, how could I be so careless like this? My silky gown becomes wet, and I believe it must impress everything I have in up, bottom, and back!' she sighed and put her eyes down.

"No, you're wet! I'll take you to the room!" Kumara grasped her hand and they sneaked around to the labyrinth garden to get to the room where Chandra would stay overnight. The labyrinth had many puzzled exits. Kumara held Chandra's hands as he could feel those fingers shivering. He felt that many times she tried to release his grip. Finally, the two of them arrived at the right exit. Chandra could see the corridor of her room. "Go inside your room, please! Change your gown and ask a maid to bring you new cloth! Good night," Kumara sighed and spread his eyes around. It seemed that he didn't want anyone to find them sneaking around as they stopped in front of the door of the room. Nobody was there as he opened the door and pushed Chandra into the room before he closed the door.

Chandra heard that Kumara called a maid and spoke to her before she heard someone knocking on her door. She opened the door and found two maids standing in front of her. Their hands were bringing new cloth and some pieces of equipment. They excused themselves and entered the room.

"Let us help you to change your cloth, Princess!" one of them asked permission to her. Chandra laughed a little.

"Thank you but let me do it by myself!" Chandra took the gown and bathing pieces of equipment from them.

The two maids seemed to resist Chandra's objection as they started to bring her to the other room where there was a large bathtub made from marble and emerald on its boundary sides. They spread the fresh flower petals and some liquids into the water that it smelled so fragrant. Chandra sighed as they lifted her slowly into the bathtub and bathed her.

She let them brush and rub her as she closed her eyes, trying to discuss with herself 'It's weirdo!' she breathed slowly. They drained her with a gentle cloth and put on a new cloth. They brought her to the bed, covering her with a warm blanket and saying, "Good night and have a nice dream, Princess Chandra!" before they left her to sleep and closed the door.

Chandra sighed and closed her eyes. She just saw some clouds flying downward as she felt they tried to say good night in her ears. The breeze that came through was singing a lullaby to her. 'Everything is an entity that they speak and behave as living and dynamic creatures,' Chandra smiled as she tried to sleep.

The next day, she was woken up by the whisper of the wind and the sunray that beamed and said 'Good morning, Princess Chandra!'

Chandra just opened her eyes and saw some women waiting for her to wake up. She got up and one of them brought her a warm tea to drink. 'Is that morning ritual?' she spread her eyes surrounding. A woman had brought her old clothes and in a counted time, they had bathed her and put her old clothes on.

Someone was knocking on her door room. A young woman opened the door and greeted Kumara.

He was standing in front of Chandra as all the women came out of the room. His piercing eyes were taking a glance of one by one the women that they took a bow to him before they left the room.

"Are you ready to go back to the earth?" he asked Chandra in a deep tone voice. He sighed as Chandra unsheathed her sword to check.

"Yes, I am!" she smiled at him.

Kumara breathed in and turned his eyes somewhere. "Take my hand!" he offered her his palm hand.

Chandra grasped his fingers and they exchanged their energies as soon as Kumara snapped his fingers. At this time, she felt quite painful too but she could tolerate it better than the night before. She hid her face from the bright light and Kumara soaked her into his board chest.

Next a few seconds, her feet sensed the gravity but her body was still weak. She tried to open her eyes and saw the morning dawn just about to come. She saw the horizon started to become reddish and Kumara was bringing her body to the mattress where she tried to recline the night before. She found the dome had disappeared. Kumara laid her on the mattress carefully and he put his hand on her back. She felt warmer then. Her eyes were closing and dreaming.

"Chandra, wake up!" she felt Rose was shaking her body. She brought her something warm in her hand. "I made you warm milk!" Rose helped her to get up. She turned her eyes around. She didn't see Louis in his place.

"I think he's going to wash himself!" Rose answered as she knew what Chandra tried to ask.

Chandra got up and took some sips of the warm milk that Rose brought.

Rose sighed. "I found these on our money bucket in my room!" she showed some golden coins that she held in her hand.

Chandra lifted her eyes with a surprised face. She tried to calm down and just heard a voice whispering in her ears. "Take it! I brought it last night. You can ask Louis to take you to the near market! Buy anything that you need and we need," she paused as she looked at Louis who looked so fresh. "Take care of yourself, young woman!" she put a sight at Rose as the young woman smiled at Louis so clumsily as if she had grown a special feeling with him.

Rose seemed to guard her attitude towards Louis as she looked at Chandra. "Is he bad?" she asked naively.

Chandra got up, "Just keep yourself safe until you feel sure about him! I can't say anything about him but your heart and mind can!"

Louis approached them, "Good morning!" he smiled widely and took a warm of milk from Rose's hand. "Thank you!"

Chandra tried not to smile in finding Rose's facial expression as she just knew the way Louis behaved. "Anyways, if you don't mind, would you ride Rose to the near market?" she approached Beauty and caressed her gently. Beauty caressed with her head on Chandra's forehead. Chandra chuckled and untied her to walk her into the place with full of grass not too far from their sitting place to spend that morning.

She sighed, Louis, Rose, and Beauty had left for the near market. Chandra was standing alone and walking alone to the forest. She decided to cut some logs and start to build a place for Beauty to stay. Everything seemed so quiet inside the forest. She was just about to cut some logs when she saw some monkeys coming down from some big trees. Chandra was speechless and felt so surprised as she found those monkeys bringing some logs. They walked in the direction where the hut was placed. 'Are they helping me to collect the logs?' she followed those monkeys. They put those logs in order near the hut. She rubbed her chin as she was grateful and soaked in a surprising state. She started to work on building a small cage with those monkeys' help and they even helped her to make a roof for the cage.

She stopped as the cage had been done..'It was a simple cage at least it can protect Beauty from any harmful nocturnal animals!' she breathed in. She looked at a big male monkey, he seemed like the ruler among his folks. "Thank you for your help! I can't do it by myself!" she said to the biggest monkey. He smiled and jumped making some noise sounds. His folks followed him and some of them clapped their hands. Chandra smiled and walked to the forest with them. The biggest monkey accompanied her walking into the forest. He stopped walking at the big tree when Chandra stopped before. He tapped Chandra's arms and hands as he said that he and his folks had done the job and it was time for them to return to their place. Chandra nodded her head and smiled at him. "So long dear friend! Your name is Bakana. Okay, thank you, my friend, Bakana!" she smiled and folded her two arms. Bakana rubbed his chin and chest before disappearing into the big tree.