
The Light Kingdom Revolution

As a running away princess from her kingdom, Princess Chandra decided to surrender her throne and nobility to her father's stepbrother, King Brutus. She tried to escape from her possessive suitor, King Dragon who wanted to make her a submissive princess and marry her only with the purpose to conquer her as a successor of a wealthy kingdom. Would she be able to make King Dragon realize the value of true love? How about Kumara, a half-celestial prince of wars who help her to get back her throne? Will Princess Chandra be able to make revolution under the name of the Bhagavanta Kingdom and resolve her conflict in love?

pandora_blessing · Fantasía
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33 Chs

The Wrecked Execution

Elena was ready to launch an arrow from its bow to an apple on a man's head as the target when a man with sharp jaws and stern eyes came approaching her. That day seemed nice to practice her arching skill since the wind blew breezily.

"I have what you're looking for!" he said in a heavy tone as Elena launched the arrow and cut off the apple but also some hair strands of that man, making his upper head bald.

His friends were laughing at him as they saw what Elena's arrow had done to the man's hair. The man was jumping in his anger although he didn't have any strength to make protests to Elena directly.

"What?" Elena, as cold as she was, put the bow on the table next to her and walked along with the man that tried to give her some information.

The man whispered in her ear.

As he finished whispering the information, Elena dragged her head away from that man. "How can you be sure, Claude, that it was the man whom I am looking for?"

Claude inhaled. "Some people at the market had seen him with a young woman!"

Elena drank up the water from a jug on a table near her. "How does he look alike exactly?"

"Average in his height…hmm…charming, wavy hair!"

"How about his eye color?" Elena sliced an apple with her sharp dagger. She ate and shared with Claude some slices.

"That's the problem. People seem to ignore those traits from that man!" Claude munched some slices of the apple.

"The young woman…" Claude paused, looking at Elena eagerly. "She's a princess' attendant!"

"A princess' attendant? Who lives in a hut as people said? What kind of princess is she? Poorer than me?" Elena smirked cynically.

At the same time, in the Anatolia Island kingdom, Miss Tania and Princess Soles Tiana were enjoying their drinking time in the palace's garden.

"What beautiful color is…" Princess Soles Tiana opened the gift that Madam Belladonna gave to her from Tania's hands. She caressed the fabric of that luxurious long dress. It was so soft and it had some pieces of jewel on its collar. Princess Soles Tiana smiled widely as she felt so satisfied with what her eyes captured. 'That's an aesthetic dress!' She sighed.

"You tell me that Madam Belladonna is an actress, Tania?" Princess Soles Tiana took a sip of her drink from a beautiful cup and looked at Tania who was busy spraying the perfume that Madam Belladonna had given her.

Tania nodded. "She marries a man who has good taste in the fashion and fabric industry!"

"And, she gave you that perfume too?"

Tania smiled widely. "Do you want to try it, Princess Soles Tiana?"

The princess shook her head and put the cup back on the table in front of their seats. "I think she gets my interest to meet her up!" Princess Soles Tiana looked at Tania.

Tania took a sip before nodding her head. "I'd arrange that meeting, Princess Soles Tiana!" she fondled her curly long hair in pampering gestures and smiled. "For lunchtime or dinnertime, Princess?"

Princess Soles Tiana leaned her chin with her two hands that were positioned on the table as she leaned her upper body forward to Tania. "Any suggestion?"

Tania inhaled and acted as if she was thinking. "How about lunchtime?" she glanced at the princess while she was biting her lower lip.

The princess nodded. "You can be counted on, Tania, as usual!" the princess rose from her seat. "I'll be waiting for your information in my study room!"

The princess stopped walking and turned around to Tania. "Stop smoking and drinking, Tania. Your voice sounds too heavy for a woman!" she warned Tania who instantly held her throat and swallowed her saliva.

On the border of the Wallachian kingdom and a part area of the Emerald Drake kingdom, Elena was examining a map that spanned in front of her. People at the market where they saw Louis, the son of Knight Thunder, were a kind of hundred thousand miles away from the place where she was at that moment. It was located in the area between the Kernelithium Kingdom, the Wallachian Kingdom, and the Bhagavanta Kingdom. It would take almost a month of riding horses to get to that place. She should calculate it carefully. "I think we need less than ten men to get there. What do you think?" she stared at Claude who was busy sharpening the dagger that was used to slice an apple by Elena.

Claude sighed. "Five men that's the best ones we have!" he sniffed and examined the sharpness of the dagger.

Elena tapped the table and nodded. "Great!" She smiled as she asked for the dagger from Claude's hand as she sheathed it.

Tania stopped walking, put the perfume bottle out of her purse, and sprayed the perfume on her neck and her both wrists. She smiled as she started walking to Baron's chateau. As usual, she was walking along by herself with no company of an attendant. She was overconfident to take a walk or ride a horse by herself and there was no man bravely approaching her or attempting her with some flirtatious annoyed gestures. She was a woman who would kick such a man without thinking about it twice. And, people in the Anatolia Island kingdom had known about it.

"Are you sure that she is the woman that the boss ordered us to kidnap?" a man with a beard asked his friend who was slender and had a mustache. They were following Tania since she walked out of the palace.

The slender man was gawking at Tania who walking in front of them in her wide paces. He nodded his head but then, looked at his friend with an unsure sight. "Curly long ginger-colored hair and…" he sniffed as they walked to get closer to Tania. "She smells like a lily!" he whispered and sneered at his friend with a beard who put out an empty bag of wheat sack and was ready to trap Tania with the empty sack. They were waiting for the right momentum as Tania walked into a shady park that was so quiet and silent as no one was walking through.

As the slender man grabbed Tania's neck and covered her mouth and nose with a handkerchief that was dipped into chloroform substance for some seconds before. He heard Tania moaning before she got fainted. He knelt with the fainting body of Tania leaning on his arms. "Help me, she's heavy!" he hissed at his friend. The man with a beard covered Tania's head with the empty sack before they brought Tania to a mansion that was near the park.

Inside the mansion, the men put Tania on the floor while the slender man came into the room to inform a lady who was sitting inside. "We've caught her, Madam!" he told the lady who had waited for both of them to execute the operation as they'd planned before.

The lady rose from her seat. Strolling outside the room, her shoes made thudding sounds as she walked through. She was fanning and looking at the man with a beard that was sitting next to Tania's reclining body. "Open the cover, please!" she ordered the man to uncover Tania's head from the sack.

She was examining Tania and stopped on Tania's neck. She eagerly knelt and pulled up Tania's long dress. She saw Tania's legs were covered with long socks instead of stockings and some long hairs were growing on some parts of Tania's thighs. She got up anxiously and hit the man with a beard's forehead with her feathered fan. "Whoever she is, she's a ladyboy!" she put her two arms on her waist. "Silly ridiculous!" She hissed in her anger. "Can you make any differences between a woman, I mean, a real woman, and this kind of woman with some hairy legs and Adam apple on the throat?" She glared at both of them, her pupils were bigger as she was mad.

"But she has curly long ginger hair as you told us!" the man with a beard tried to convince the lady.

"She smells like lily too…" the slender man added.

The lady rubbed her forehead as she tried to calm down and took some deep long breaths. "All I want is…she's a woman!" she emphasized her tone, "A real woman…she used to be a princess!" she spoke with her teeth clenched as she tried to say calmly. She sighed. "Bring her back to the park. Rest her body on a bench and uncover her head after you take her there. Quickly before she comes out!" The lady ordered the two men to act as quickly as they could.

The Collector found Tania reclining on a wooden bench where they met up a day before. He promised Tania to meet her in that park as he tried to dig up some clues and any information about Mr. Marquez and Yovanka from her.

"Are you okay?" he asked Tania as she opened her eyes and held her head.

"Breeze? Is it you?" Tania tried to get up as the young man or the Collector helped her to take a seat.

The young man nodded his head.