
The Light Kingdom Revolution

As a running away princess from her kingdom, Princess Chandra decided to surrender her throne and nobility to her father's stepbrother, King Brutus. She tried to escape from her possessive suitor, King Dragon who wanted to make her a submissive princess and marry her only with the purpose to conquer her as a successor of a wealthy kingdom. Would she be able to make King Dragon realize the value of true love? How about Kumara, a half-celestial prince of wars who help her to get back her throne? Will Princess Chandra be able to make revolution under the name of the Bhagavanta Kingdom and resolve her conflict in love?

pandora_blessing · Fantasía
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33 Chs

The Search for Princess Chandra

"So, Chandra was a princess from the Bhagavanta Kingdom?" Louis took a glance at Rose who was sitting next to him on a long wooden seat outside the hut.

The sun was about to start to shine again after raining hard since the morning. Some puddles looked disseminating on the ground in front of them. Birds sounded chirping from the forest and also from some branches of trees around the hut.

"I knew it, I could sense that she is Princess Chandra, a troublemaker princess." Louis giggled as he remembered how salty Chandra's expression was at that time Louis had told her about his judgment.

Rose wrinkled her eyebrows as her ears captured that young man's statement. 'He has beautiful eyes, stunning look but why sometimes his salty tongue makes me want to punch him?' She took a glance at him. "She's not a troublemaker princess! She's been through many hardships in her life. Her father is being isolated, and she was forced to surrender her nobility for the kingdom's sake." She started to look so salty.

Both of them were sinking into silence, but then, Louis started munching some boiled corn kernels. Louis took a deep healed breath as his munching sound tried to make some music to break the silent mode.

"Do people from the Kernelithium Kingdom only eat kernels?" Rose irritatingly looked at Louis.

Louis stopped munching, smiling widely at that young woman. 'She looks innocently charming with her curious eyes. Although I believe Princess Chandra has trained her how to handle some sugarcoating words from men. She can beat me with her dagger easily!' Louis sighed. "She's been away for almost two weeks. Do you have any ideas where she's going?"

Rose sighed and shook her head. "I believe she'll be back soon!" She bit her lower lip and tried to conceal her worries.

Louis threw the corncob and wiped his mouth. "How about if we look for her inside the forest?"

Rose took a deep breath. It seemed that she was thinking so hard.

Louis rose from his seat and yanked Rose's hand to come with him. "Come on! You can count on me!"

Hesitantly, Rose followed Louis's footsteps to walk into the forest.

She saw Louis picking her up a wildflower. She reached the flower, sniffing it but it made her keep sneezing and she should throw it away.

Louis smirked in an agitated expression. He walked to lead the young woman into the forest. He looked so consciously for some wild beasts as they were walking down under some big old trees. He stopped walking as he sensed that he had stepped on something that looked like a snake.

"What happened?" Rose hissed in his ear.

Louis gasped, pointing at his stepping place. "I think I stepped on a snake!" He whispered.

Rose lifted her eyebrows into anxiety. "Don't move!" She turned her eyes down to investigate. She bent down and pulled up something under Louis' step. "Snake, huh?" She smirked and showed him a dead root.

Louis sneered. "Better alert than we aren't!" He defended.

Rose glanced at him and sniffed harshly. She pulled up her long dress and led them to walk. She understood at that point that Louis had nothing to get along with the wild.

"Use your eyes and ears!" She warned Louis. "Watch your steps!" She spoke in emphasizing tone.

As they walked into the forest, Louis stopped his steps and pulled Rose's back dress not to continue her steps.

"What?" Rose hissed and impatiently looked at him.

Louis smirked and rubbed his forehead. "Why do you look so beautiful when you are impatient, Rose?" He spoke but then, a thudding sound made him silent for a while as he held his forehead.

Some monkeys were laughing at him as a monkey threw him a banana skin. "Do I make some problems with you?" He hissed at those monkeys that they were hanging on some branches of a tree near him.

Rose giggled at him. "So?"

"I need time to take a rest!" Louis walked and found a big brownstone behind the bushes. He leaned his back on the stone.

Rose stood still at her place, waiting for him to take a rest.

Some monkeys threw her some bananas she ate some and threw Louis some.

As she threw another banana, it hit the stone.

Suddenly, there was a grunting sound. Louis got up as the stone was the back of a big boar that was sneaking around the bushes.

It looked annoyed with the thudding banana on its back. Its eyes were staring at Louis and started grunting again.

Rose covered her mouth with her hand. She knew how dangerous an annoyed boar was. "Run…Louis, run! It gets annoying and it will attack you soon. Run...!" She shouted to Louis.

That man looked at Rose with a confused expression.

The boar turned around and its face headed to Louis as it was ready to chase him.

Louis ran but the boar was chasing him, running after him through some bushes.

"Aww!" Louis screamed as some bushes were slapping his face while he was running through the bushes. Louis turned his head and still found the boar running after him in its infuriated eyes.

"Running in zig zag…" Rose ordered him from her standing place. She saw a big tree in Louis' direction. "Climb that tree, Louis. Climb!"

Louis panted but he was still running and saw a big tree to climb. He climbed the tree and saw the boar desperately waiting for him under the tree. Its horn was trying to attack the trunk of the tree.

"I'm sorry! It's not me who hit your butt, buddy…but she did!" Louis shouted at the boar and pointed at Rose.

At that time, the boar turned its head and stared at Rose.

Rose gave her fist to Louis. "Why your salty mouth couldn't keep a secret!" She protested and started to run in zig-zag mode as the board intimidated her with its stares and was about to run after her.

Rose saw a nest of bees hanging on a tree next to the tree where Louis was hanging on. She put a stone and waited for the boar to get closer. She threw the stone to the nest of the bees and ran into different turns as she saw a river nearby.

"Run to the river, Louis!" She shouted and turned her head to see the boar grunting in pain as the bees were attacking it and running after it. Unfortunately, some of the bees also targeted Louis as he quickly climbed down the tree and ran to the river.

He jumped into the water, soaking himself for some seconds until he sensed the buzzing sounds disappeared. He emerged head from the water and saw Rose had come out of the water with her soaking wet dress. He swam to the river's bank and jumped out from the water. He was about to take a seat on the ground when his eyes caught a small animal with its color in white, brown, and black furs. "Not again, you, a small cutie salty animal!" He hissed at the little skunk who stared at him bothered. Only in a few seconds, that skunk released its weapon, spraying at Louis before it ran and sneaked into the shrubs. Louis smirked and sniffed on his arm.

Rose approached him and stopped her walking steps. She looked at Louis anxiously. "You, again?" She rubbed her nose and squeezed it with her hand as she found Louis' bad odor. "Tell me, what is your critical issue with skunks, Louis?" She asked him inquisitively.

Louis shrugged. "I am too charming for that little cutie-smelled animal!" He smirked innocently.

"My gosh!" Rose shook her head and looked for something from her buckle. "Wash your arm with that soap!" She threw him a bar of soap.

After Louis washed his arm, he stunningly gazed at Rose.

"We should back to the hut please!" Rose sighed. She covered the front part of her body with her folded arms as her soaked wet dress imprinted her female silhouette.

"Could we just sit here for a while?" Louis begged.

Rose turned around. "No. I'm leaving with or without you. If you choose to stay at this place, take all the risks by yourself!" The young woman hissed and walked away from the river. "There will be some unknown beast around and some unknown entities too!" Rose stopped, looking at Louis who was still standing in his place. She sniffed. "Don't call me. I am not brave enough to fight with beasts and unknown entities!" She started to walk again and as she finished talking, she heard that Louis's small running paces were following her. Rose smirked. "Coward!" She hissed softly.

"Rose, wait!" Louis spoke at her in his shivering throaty voice. "I know I am a man, but I am a man with a good heart. I love music, arts, and beauty instead of something thrilling!" He hastily ran after to catch Rose's steps.