
The Light Kingdom Revolution

As a running away princess from her kingdom, Princess Chandra decided to surrender her throne and nobility to her father's stepbrother, King Brutus. She tried to escape from her possessive suitor, King Dragon who wanted to make her a submissive princess and marry her only with the purpose to conquer her as a successor of a wealthy kingdom. Would she be able to make King Dragon realize the value of true love? How about Kumara, a half-celestial prince of wars who help her to get back her throne? Will Princess Chandra be able to make revolution under the name of the Bhagavanta Kingdom and resolve her conflict in love?

pandora_blessing · Fantasía
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33 Chs

The Messenger

"Anyways, how if I dress like this during my visit to the Anatolia Island kingdom?" Chandra asked The Defenders and Kumara.

With his sharp sight, Kumara gazed at her. "Are you sure to become the messenger of the Bhagavanta Kingdom?"

The Eagle took a deep breath. "I think it's too risky. Everyone in the kingdom's alliances knows that you've surrendered your nobility, Princess Chandra. And the Anatolia Island kingdom will question your appearance in that kingdom. One of them could report to King Brutus or King Dragon."

Chandra sighed. "Okay!" she turned her back and decided to return to the room that The Mustache provided for her.

"Where are you going?" Kumara's voice halted her to walk, and she turned around.

"I'm going to change this dress!" she looked at him and seemed to manage her emotional burden that unexpectedly emerged. She thought that she had won the battle that it happened inside her. Then, she was just aware that she hadn't finished the internal battle inside her. She still dreamed and remembered her life and everything that she used to have in the Bhagavanta's Palace. 'How a luxurious life that I had and a beautiful one!' she inhaled deeply.

Kumara rose from his seat and approached her where she was standing. "Please, be our princess just tonight. Entertain us with your charming aura as a princess of the Bhagavanta Kingdom." He spoke softly. He reached Chandra's hand and knelt to kiss her hand as a gentleman.

Chandra sensed Kumara's lips that they were moist and with some thinned mustache on his lips, she felt ticklish about it. "Come on, don't be romantic, Prince Kumara!" she drew her hand quickly before Kumara found how shy she could be with his action.

Kumara smiled, got up, and held her hand to walk back to the place where The Defenders were taking a seat. "You're a part of this plan. You should listen." He dragged a chair for her to sit on.

Chandra took a seat and sniffed softly. "I am here. What's the plan?" She almost forgot that she was wearing a dress with her right thigh exposed when she was sitting.

Kumara cleared his throat, his eyes caught her thigh in some directive sights, and made Chandra consciously aware of how she should behave. She grabbed something to cover her exposed thigh.

"What am I supposed to do?" After controlling her emotions, Chandra started to play her part as a team player.

"Please, allow me to explain, Princess Chandra." The Eagle paused, "You and Prince Kumara will be boarded on a commercial ship with two best men of our soldiers."

"Mustache will follow with you, and he will represent himself as your uncle while you will be represented as the newlywed wife of Prince Kumara who took the commercial journey for his business trips." The Eagle sighed. He explained the plan carefully.

Chandra sniffed. "Will be there any scenarios that we can play instead of playing myself as Prince Kumara's new wife?" She sounded a little bit skeptical as she normally behaved.

The Eagle firmly shook his head. "No. We don't have any other scenarios since this one will be the safest one for your fortune. You'll be under the supervision of Prince Kumara, which means that he'll be considered responsible for the heir of the Bhagavanta Kingdom!" He emphasized his sentences.

Chandra inhaled; it was clear that she had to obey the given scenario as they would be a team. "I would take it with all my wisdom." She responded.

The Eagle grinned in a relieved countenance. "You'll be in undercover of appearance as Mrs. Belladonna, a wife of Mr. Hoverman, a merchant from the Wallachian. You'll be an actress who marries a merchant. The Mustache will be the owner of a theatre company that will make a performance on the stage in the Anatolia Island Kingdom. Baron, the old friend of yours, will be the man of negotiator to the businessmen in Anatolia Island mainly in the entertainment and fabric business."

Chandra tried to stay calm. At this moment, she had to share the same room with Kumara as 'her husband' during their visit to the Anatolia Island kingdom. She was sitting on the bed's boundaries and watching Kumara change his upper outfit. They were in the same room on a commercial ship that sailed along to the Anatolia Island Kingdom. The journey would take four nights by ship.

"Will you need something to eat?" Kumara tried to melt a frozen ambiance at the time he knitted up some laces on his upper outfit.

Chandra nodded her head slowly. "It will be great!" She answered.

Kumara took a glance at her and walked out of the room to get something for her.

Chandra inhaled. She was reclining on the bed as she felt quite uncomfortable with the movement of the ship during some big waves. Some minutes after Kumara left, she heard someone knock at the door room three times. 'How fast does he return!' Chandra got up and tidied her long hair, which was an artificial, brown-colored hair that she had worn since she played the role of Mrs. Belladonna. She opened the door, but she didn't find Kumara there unless a piece of folded paper and the stem of a white rose.

"Aww!" Chandra was almost hurt by the rose's thorns as she picked it up from the floor. The thorns looked so sharp and fierce like the tip of nails. She sucked her finger and opened the letter.

'I know who you are. Beware of your steps. Beautiful eyes could be as evil as an angel of death. The Messenger.' Chandra sighed harshly after reading the letter. 'What is the heck going on? How did those people know me?' she rubbed her forehead.

"It's impossible that there's an intruder on our side, Princess Chandra!" The Mustache tried to convince her and Kumara as he read the letter that Chandra handed to her.

Kumara rubbed his forehead as he was thinking. "Let me see the letter!" He tried to get the letter from The Mustache's hand. He sniffed the letter paper as he held it in his hand. "It smells like a floral fragrance. It's Lily!" He spread his eyes to each person who was standing inside the room, The Mustache's room with The Tracer and The Collector staying for those nights.

"The writer of the letter is a woman," The Tracer added. "From the handwriting style, I am suspicious that the writer was a woman."

"I believe the person who brought this letter was also a woman! I could sniff her perfume. She didn't wear any gloves when she was bringing and writing this letter!" Kumara declared what he could sense from the letter.

Chandra exhaled and folded her arms. "What should we do now? My existence has been exposed!" she looked at Kumara and The Mustache in barter.

Kumara took a deep breath. "We should stay calm as well as we can. Don't change the plan as we should do while we are observing the surroundings!" He turned his head to The Collector. "It's your task to collect the information!" He commanded the young man who appeared attractive with his blue eyes, and he had very relaxed body gestures but also, he looked so cunning.

The Collector, the young man, nodded his head.

"Don't panic! It could be a warning for us instead of a threat," Kumara added.

At the same time in the boundary of the Bhagavanta Kingdom and the Wallachian, a young woman looked hurriedly to enter a mansion. She just got off the horse and tried to meet a woman who had given her an instruction.

Victoria was waiting for the young woman. She looked impatient to hear something from the young woman. "Have you done what I told you, Elena?" she asked the young woman.

"Yes, I have!" the young woman whom Victoria called Elena pulled out her gloves. "Now, please my salary!" as she opened her hand as a sign for Victoria to give her the payment.

Victoria handed a buckle of coins to her. "Please, keep your eyes on any men that King Dragon sent to stalk me!" she paused and turned her head to the inside of one room in that mansion. "Be patient, Darling!" she spoke to the man who was waiting for her inside the room. "I'll be there!" Victoria responded to the call of the man before continuing to talk to Elena. "I'll add some coins as an extra from the amount that you asked for. But you know what you must do whenever I'm spending my time with my love, Richard!"

Elena smirked and poured some wine into a glass that she snatched from the table inside the room. She shook the glass slowly before taking some sips. "Don't worry, Victoria. Your secret is safe with me!"

Victoria smiled at her. "Good! Keep your eye on Marianne and the other mistresses of King Dragon. Don't let them know everything about me and Richard!" She paused to talk, returning her eyes to Elena. "I never loved King Dragon. I wish that the princess could stay together with King Dragon. Making him stupidly in love with her and releasing me to have my own life. To live with my love, my man, Richard." Victoria talked in a deep tone. "I hate Marianne's ambition to become the queen of King Dragon!" she hissed and turned her back to walk into the room. Leaving Elena alone with her sight on Victoria's back as that woman was entering a room where Richard had waited for her and closed the door calmly.

Elena sighed, taking some sips of her wine to empty the glass in her hand.