
The Light Kingdom Revolution

As a running away princess from her kingdom, Princess Chandra decided to surrender her throne and nobility to her father's stepbrother, King Brutus. She tried to escape from her possessive suitor, King Dragon who wanted to make her a submissive princess and marry her only with the purpose to conquer her as a successor of a wealthy kingdom. Would she be able to make King Dragon realize the value of true love? How about Kumara, a half-celestial prince of wars who help her to get back her throne? Will Princess Chandra be able to make revolution under the name of the Bhagavanta Kingdom and resolve her conflict in love?

pandora_blessing · Fantasía
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33 Chs

The Battle of Celestial Creatures

Stranding Kumara and Madam Marguerite in the path of the garden around the palace, overwhelmingly wrapped in her emotion, Chandra strode her steps into the woods. She used her leaping steps to move and land on the area with some shady big old trees where the sun's rays even couldn't infiltrate the ground.

She fled away from the crowd as she couldn't help that her emotional state had changed her beating rate; she felt something happening inside her body. She was triggered by a rage that prompted her to crave for biting off a prey alive; the reddish substances that a living creature had, could vanish her madness that it emerged to burst. 'What a lie that he hid from me. I should know that he is a male snake and one of his hareem women is a queen from the Ophidian races, one of the King Dragon's allies!'

Chandra was panting and trying so hard to let her transformation not take place in her physical realm. She cowered as the pain she felt was attacking her. 'Take a deep breath, Chandra! Don't let your anger control you!' She heard a voice whispering in her ear. She tried hard to regulate her breath.

"It feels so painful, urhh…" She grabbed the ground and some grass as she couldn't stand the excruciating gripping sensation that she felt inside.

She was cowering in her place struggling with her agony at that time she felt someone's hand rub her back.

"Are you okay?"

Her eyes caught Kumara kneeling next to her.

She growled and looked him in his eyes. She sensed worry and emotion emerging out of those eyes, but she still growled.

She put her fingers on Kumara's neck. She saw some veins on his throat skin and those veins were pulsing to pump the blood. She was so triggered by those pulses on Kumara's neck. She was able to imagine the taste of the blood that was pumped. She gripped the neck as she saw her nails become sharp as a big tigress' claws. The grip of her hand on his neck was so tight as she could see her nails had pierced his skin and made it bleed.

'His blood makes me yearn for biting it off…' She moaned in pain.

Kumara grasped her hand away from his neck and wiped the blood that came out from his neck's skin. "What are you doing huh? Do you want to taste my blood? You want to kill me?" He asked her in an emotional pitch. He stared at her and gnashed his teeth.

"Control your anger, Princess Chandra. I am not your enemy and I am not your prey either!"

Chandra sniffed. "I am not one of your hareem women too!" She got up from her cowering place and stared at Kumara in infuriated sight. "I told you, Prince Kumara, that I am fighting for my pride, my dignity, and my kingdom. I don't fight for a man's love. It's too shoddy for me to fight for!" Chandra smirked scornfully, sniggering at him and wiping her lips.

Kumara stared at her and he was in a defensive state. "That's who I am as a man and a prince. I don't ask you to become my hareem woman. I told you that you have sent me and called me!"

Chandra giggled in a contemptuous tone. "Should I believe that? After I saw with a pair of my eyes that you had some love affairs with a woman from the Emerald Drake kingdom's alliances? A snake's instinct in searching for passionate love, huh?" She still kept staring at Kumara who tried to calm down and not be provoked by her.

Kumara was still standing in his place and taking a deep breath. "Now what are you going to do?"

Chandra wiped her nose. "Fight me, prove to me that you're not a part of the Emerald Drake kingdom's games!" She challenged Kumara as she wanted to know where the point the man stood for, for her kingdom or the king Dragon's.

Kumara took a deep breath and he was standing in his place. "I don't have to prove anything!" He answered in a calm tone but his calmness otherwise it triggered Chandra into her emotional gust.

Without saying no words, Chandra jumped to Kumara and one of her paws tried to grab his neck.

Fortunately, Kumara had been aware of the attack. As Chandra jumped on him, spontaneously he leaned his back moving some steps backward but Chandra's claws scratched his neck. Kumara felt afflictive and covered his neck with one hand. He could sense blood was coming from the wound. His teeth gritted; his hands were clenched tightly as his hearings caught the roar of Chandra as a tigress.

"Stop it! Control your emotional state, Princess Chandra. You've almost transformed into a tigress!" Kumara trembled and still covered his neck. He stared at Chandra.

"I never sold the secret of the Bhagavanta Kingdom with anyone else, neither with Madam Marguerite, nor any women from the Emerald Drake's alliances that I spend time being together." Kumara scolded Chandra. "You must believe me. I am by your side!"

Chandra roared after her hearing sense caught Kumara's confession as she jumped into him again. She tried to bite Kumara's neck from his side as Kumara pushed her body away to fall to the ground.

Kumara found Chandra still growling and rising from her falling place. He changed his legs into the tail of a big snake and wrapped Chandra's body with his tail. He could sense the bones of Chandra as a tigress at the point she tried to escape from his wrapping.

Chandra bit the tail as hard as she could but its wrapping was so powerful that it made her difficult to breathe. She pierced her claws as deeply as she could to the snake's tail and she saw some fresh blood surging out. She roared and her eyes were watching those eyes of Kumara that they were scorching in battling the pain.

She got startled and stopped biting the snake's tail. Her body was shaking and the pendant of the necklace that she was wearing; started to spark its bright light. As the bright light emerged, she found herself unwrapped and she had changed into her human body.

She saw the light wrapping Kumara's legs and the man was moaning in anguish. She saw the blood of Kumara was scattered on the ground. She felt so guilty at that point she had hurt him. She tried to approach him and offered him some help but the light prevented her from doing that. Every time she tried to approach Kumara who was wrapped by the bright light, it made her bounce to the ground. She got up and wiped her lips, she was witnessing that the light did something to Kumara's wound.

She wrapped her head around the bright light that approached her. She heard Kumara panting and she opened her eyes to find out what had happened.

She saw Kumara was trying to get up from his reclining position and she found that the wounds on his legs vanished.

She helped him to get up but his hand pushed away her hands.

"Let me help you!" Chandra whispered and insisted on helping him to get up.

Kumara snarled and tried to push her hands away but Chandra was so guilty enough to find him like that way.

"Don't be stubborn!" Chandra hissed at him and put one of his arms to lean on her shoulder.

Kumara sniffed harshly. He let her help him to get up. "I wish I had the heart to swallow you!" He looked at her with his side-eye.

Chandra smirked. "Don't start again, please!"

Kumara took a deep breath and found his blood on the ground. "If you were not Princess Chandra, I could've killed you into pieces!" He fizzled in a lower tone as he walked lamely.

Chandra glanced at him and helped him to walk.

"You bet me!" She sneered at him.

They were walking along in silence as each of them was trying to control their emotion.

Chandra looked at the man who was walking beside her. She grabbed his waist. "It will take so long if we walk this way!"

"Are you going to carry me then?" Kumara lifted his eyebrows. "I am tall and heavy!"

"Trust me! I could take you into my leaping steps!" She looked into Kumara's eyes and smiled. "Trust me!" She grabbed and held Kumara's waist tightly with one of his arms leaning on her shoulder. She took her leaping steps and made Kumara surprised.

"Don't fall me to the ground, okay?" He begged and whispered in Chandra's ear.

"I won't as long as you can be a nice guy!" Chandra smirked hilariously.

Kumara rubbed his forehead. "A half tigress and half dragon celestial creature! I wish you weren't a princess of the Bhagavanta Kingdom. I wish you weren't a descendant of The Holy Dragon!"