
The Light Kingdom Revolution

As a running away princess from her kingdom, Princess Chandra decided to surrender her throne and nobility to her father's stepbrother, King Brutus. She tried to escape from her possessive suitor, King Dragon who wanted to make her a submissive princess and marry her only with the purpose to conquer her as a successor of a wealthy kingdom. Would she be able to make King Dragon realize the value of true love? How about Kumara, a half-celestial prince of wars who help her to get back her throne? Will Princess Chandra be able to make revolution under the name of the Bhagavanta Kingdom and resolve her conflict in love?

pandora_blessing · Fantasía
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33 Chs

Disaster of Abandonment

"So, how do you feel about it? Being seven hundred years old," Chandra asked Kumara as she got two bananas that Kumara offered. She ate one by one of the bananas quickly and hungrily.

Kumara stared at her, and he only ate one banana for almost a day.

"You never get hungry?"

Kumara smiled and folded his two hands. "Being perfectly imperfect! In some cases!" he sniffed and put his eyes somewhere else. They were sitting inside the cave alone. Light Owen and Agni weren't there.

"Huh?!" Chandra lifted her eyebrows as she got surprised by his confession. "Tell me!" she munched the third banana that Bakana had brought one day before.

"I can find a woman to become my wife, who wants to marry a seven hundred-year-old man?" he sighed, confessing his insecurity.

Chandra chuckled to listen to his confession. "Yep! It's very difficult to find a woman with such kind sincerity to marry a seven-hundred-year-old man!" she smiled at him, trying to play a joke with him. "How about Agni?"

Kumara sniffed harshly.

"Ohh, she's much older than you, five hundred years old! Why don't you use your charming power as a prince of war to marry any girls or women that you love or like?" Chandra got into her puzzling mind about the man. "You're good-looking, Kumara!"

Kumara put his eyes on her as he heard she complimented him. In a few seconds then, he grinned. "It seems that you like me, don't you?" he smirked in a naughty way.

Chandra opened her eyes widely and pointed to herself, "Me? Hey, man I am trying to be objective! I know your reputation among women!" she smirked.

Kumara approached and sat in front of her, "It means that you like me, don't you?"

Chandra looked at Kumara, 'Do I look so desperately helpless in finding a man? In building a good relationship?' she rubbed her chin. She brushed her front hair to show him her forehead, "Is there your name written on it?" she rose and found a glass of water to drink. "Whatever you say, Dude!"

Kumara smirked and followed her motions with his eyes. "I'm sure you like me, Chandra! Much more than I like you!" he claimed in a proud tone.

Chandra put her sword on and left him alone. "I prefer focusing on my battle, Dude! Anyways, I am less interested in battling for your wifey competition!"

Kumara sneered and followed her steps from behind. "I understand the language of the universe, Chandra! It means that I can read your mind easily!"

Chandra rubbed her forehead, 'Yep. He's a charming prince but I just like to see him, not more than it!' she looked at him, taking a deep breath. 'I still have to focus on how to get my throne back and release my father from his isolation! One thing, I want to see a woman who delivered me on this earth, where is she?'

She was standing in her place when she saw Light Owen come.

"How do you feel, dear?" Light Owen smiled at her. "You seem getting better!"

"Much better, Light Owen!" She came to think about Rose and Louis, 'Did they worry about me? Were they looking for me?'

"Don't think too much for anything that it's not necessary, dear!" Light Owen smiled at her as he found her getting lost in her thought.

"Come with me! I'll show you something!" he waved his hand to Chandra asking her to follow his steps. They walked to the depth of the forest, and Kumara was following them from behind. They stopped in a little streaming river. Light Owen sat near the river bank. Chandra sat next to him with Kumara.

"Look at the sun in the sky, dear!" Light Owen pointed at the sky. "The sun is shining bright. What a beautiful day and life, isn't it?" he sighed.

Then, the old man put a piece of stone. "See the reflection of the sun in the water! Look at your face! Can you see both?"

Chandra did what Light Owen asked, she saw her reflection, Kumara's, and Light Owen's. She also saw the reflection of the sun in the water that was streaming calmly. She nodded her head.

"Are there any differences that you can find, my dear?"

She took a deep inhale, shaking her head and looking at the old man, Light Owen.

"Which one is the most real? The sun in the sky or its reflection in the water?" he asked Chandra again.

"Nothing is real!" Chandra answered after thinking for many seconds.

Light Owen smiled, "Why do you think like that?"

She shrugged, "Both of them, I just can see that, but I can't say which one is the most real since my other senses couldn't make it the absolute right statement about each of them!"

Light Owen giggled in a proud tone, "Brahma Aditya had taught you very well, dear!"

She nodded her head, "He's a great teacher, Light Owen!" she paused, her eyes seemed quite cloudy of her striking emotions that it emerged from the bottom of her heart. "I wish I could see him in Nirvana!" she whispered.

Light Owen tapped her shoulder, "He has accomplished his duty on this planet, dear!"

"Yeah, I know!" she spoke softly and looked into the eyes of Light Owen. "There's nothing absolute right and absolute wrong in this universe, Light Owen! But the middle one couldn't be considered wise too!"

Light Owen smiled and nodded his head, "I see! You've learned about that!"

"Now, look at me!" Light Owen showed her and threw a piece of stone into the river. "Now, look at your reflection!" he asked her to do it immediately.

Chandra saw her reflection wasn't clear enough to observe.

"Are there any differences with the one before I threw a piece of stone into the water?" Light Owen asked and folded his knees upright. He held his knees with his two hands.

Chandra rubbed her chin, trying to think what it was all about. "No. I saw my reflection was murky!"

Light Owen giggled, "That's you right now!"

She sighed, trying hard to absorb all the statements from the wise old man, Light Owen.

"So, what should you do?"

She paused to play her thinking frames inside. "Honestly, I don't know! It feels absurd inside me!"

Light Owen, once again, chuckled, "You say that nothing is real in this life! This life should be not real too! What your thoughts are not real also!"

She sighed in and found Kumara wasn't there. Light Owen rose from his sitting place and tapped her shoulder before leaving her, "Come to me either if you have found the answer or can't find any!"

She still sat on a piece of a big stone near the river. She let her fears take a rebellious battle inside her. She felt anger, frustration, desperation, abandonment, and many other emotions that she collected inside.

"What does my mother look like, nanny?" she asked to the woman in her mid-thirties as she changed her clothes. The woman that she used to call Mother Albertina smiled at her.

"She's a beautiful woman, my dear!" Albertina combed her hair and put on some hair accessories.

"Have you ever seen her?" she turned her eyes from the mirror in front of them to Albertina.

Albertina paused combing her hair, she rubbed her forehead before answering her, "No. I haven't!" she said softly.

Chandra looked more curious, "How do you say that she's beautiful?"

"Your father ever said that!"

"My father ever said that?" she looked into Albertina's eyes. "It means you never met her?"

Albertina inhaled deeply. She knew that this little prince was too curious for many things, and she only tried to seek the truth that she demanded.

"Your mother is different, my dear!"

"What you mean different, Mother Albertina?"

Once again, Albertina should think before answering the question. "She's a queen from…." She paused, trying not to continue her answer as King Antasena did not allow anyone to tell where the queen came from. She kept silent for many seconds her silence made Chandra impatiently wait for her answer.

"From where?" she asked Albertina eagerly.

"A kingdom from far away!" Albertina finally answered.

"Can you tell me the name of the kingdom?" a question of eleven years old girl that had made Albertina should inhale deeply again.

She didn't want to give and answer the question in an imprudent way. She continued to style the hair of Princess Chandra. "You could ask your father about it, Princess Chandra!" she answered softly.

Chandra exhaled and folded her two arms in front of her. "You know my father!" she frowned and asked the answer from Albertina.

"I wish I could answer it, my dear!" Albertina tried to defend her commitment not to answer that question. That made a wrong decision because Chandra rose and messed up her hair that it had been styled.

"I am going to find it out by myself so!" as she ran out from her room and rode her horse after whistling on the horse, Magic.

She rode her horse to somewhere that she could reach as far as she could. She would stop if Magic got tired and she got tired too from running away from her abandoned feeling.