
The Life of the Lazy and Lecherous unknown!

Tin Su, was a 9-12 office worker in the 21st century, born to a low class family with little to no money most of the time, Tin Su had a tough life, at age 12 he lost his father to liver failure, his mother left him when he was 16, leaving him with his already near goner grandparents. Two years later he lost them, it was a tough life for the poor virgin Tin su. After graduating from College he started working, in the hopes of making money and money! But the poor soul at age 25 he collapsed and passed on from over working…. Twin Loop Continent, in the western Lute Hemisphere, in the Qin clan and a young boy was born. Qin Su! Or the reincarnated soul of Tin Su. The second son of the middle class clan members, father a guard Qin lee, and mother lin ming. The Genius of the Clan….or Was he? At age 4: Qin Su set a record, he became the youngest person to break through the eight levels of the mortal realm, and had stepped into ther inTernal core formation Realm. At the age of 5, he was the youngest core realm of the entire lute hemisphere, the lute’s royal family even arranged a marriage to the young princess of the royal family! At age 11, he stopped progressing, at age 13 he was considered trash, at age 15 he was forgotten. For Qin Su, he did not mind itt. At age four he had discovered that his growth was unheard of! He kept growing without cultivating, at age 8 he found out he could hide his cultivation! at age 11 he had broken through the Internal core formation realm! His strength rivaled that off the Qin Clan leader. He continued to break through while enjoying the relaxing life he developed and now he has finally turned 16! It was finally time to fully enjoy his relaxing life of being an unknown for the time being!

B1gduff · Fantasía
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29 Chs

The elongation and Prolongation of the Almighty

After seeing his clone, to do the heavy lifting, it was time for Qin Su to prepare!

For most cultivators! The body, and mind are always emphasized in training! Yet one important factor never does, and that is the male's best friend! And no not a dog, the other male best friend!

2 years ago, the Young Su had run into some news involving the Ying-Yang lovebird sect. The true Sect of Dual cultivation! Two years ago, a news report came stating that one of the grand disciples of the sect had taken the wife of a certain Sect master. This Disciple had conquered the wife and made her his Concubine!

This news had aroused the tension of many individuals, but none could do anything! Why? Because of the power behind the Sect! There's a rumor that the Sect leaders had conquered a really powerful individual, a lady that brought fear to others.

So two years ago, Qin Su had sneaked into the Ying-Yang lovebird sect. Without wasting time he had quickly found the leaders, and did a soul search!

He got a lot! Who would have thought that the sect's Inheritances was from a Spirit Monarch warrior! A realm that didn't even exist in this part of the world! After draining the information, he went to the inheritance ground and easily drained the inheritances!

There were two parts to the Inheritances, the mind control and the body tempting! The sect master and his disciples had gotten the mind-control portion, while Qin Su had gotten both.

The body tempteting skills allowed the person to have the best facial expression,the best body, and also the attraction to anyone! At his peak, the Love-making monarch, could even rival Emperors in looks and attractiveness…which also led to his downfall..poor guy and Qin Su, remembered how the love-bird monarch passed.

"Don't worry senior! When the time comes I will avenge you! I Will have the Grand Empress on my bed sheets!...if it ever happens!"

It was the promise that he had in a way made! or …somewhat made.

The most important aspect of this was the prolongation and elongation of his inner Ki and his best friend!

" A family root of a grin cut leaf traits, a mulckly leaf….a high grade redwood, and finally a 1000+ ancient herbal, thank goodness I found this 10,000 year dragontail fruit.

In the entire Twin-Loop Continent, if the powerhouse had found out that Qin Su had a dragon Tail fruit, and one that was over 1,000 years old, it would have led to a war. Now if they knew what he was using it for…..they might have self destructed!

The dragontail fruit was considered one of the most important herbs ever. It was top tier herb, it could help a warrior at the peak of the Core infusion realm, break his shackles and step into the Spirit Shattering realm. He would have gone from being a mortal to a true cultivator!

"Alright, next I need a Bone Marrow of a thousand pound beast or better and it's blood! And I know the right place to go!!"

And just like that Qin Su flew out of his resting area and at a speed unknown and passed several mountain ranges, before he finally reached his destination.


As soon as he had reached a loud roar sound out, soon a large tiger snape beast appeared in his site in all white! An Arctic gray striped Tiger!

Qin Su had always known that this beast was the king here! The beast was a true Spirit Shattering beast and for Qin Su, this beast contained the ancient bloodline of the Iced-Tail Tiger, a Spiritual Emperor level beast from the ancient Era.

" X-ray cannon!" Without wasting time, Qin Su Started his battle. X-Ray cannon, was an attack he created, which combined the power of lighting, Water and Wind into one X-shaped blast.



"umm…..I thought this would have been a longer battle….I even held back" Qin Su, spoked as he looked at the dead tiger, with an X-shaped symbol on it's head.

" Anyhow, let's get the stuff!"

Night Time had arrived, Qin Su had decided to finish everything up in this cave! Soon a naked Qin Su sat on the ground, a large bone in front of him, a large bucket of blood and many different herbs.

"Soon, a white and black fire appeared in Qin Su's palm, while a purple reddish flames appeared his other hand"

"Ooh…sooom, ki..Lei"


And soon the flames erupted, covering all of the materials and Qin Su's body.

From the Inheritance, Qin Su had discovered that these two flames were the top 10 strongest flames in the Immortal realm. The black and White flame, or the creation and destroyer flames, was ranked next to the heavens all-fire flames, and hell's inferno gate flame. The Purple Reddish flames, was a secondary flame from the hell's inferno gate flame, ranked second to itself.

With these powerful Flames, Qin Su was not worried, all the impurities would be cleaned and a new him would appear.

2 hours later. The cave was destroyed, all that was left was a figure burned to a crisp.

'"Look! Look! The king beast's den has been destroyed!" yells, as many voices were heard behind the leading voice.

"Who could have done that?"

"What happened to the King beast?..Umm look over there is a that human sitting down?" Pointed on of the voices>

"Quick, lets go"

"Ooh my goodness he burned, I think he's dead! Someone check his pulse!"

" I hear a pulse, a slight pulse; he's still alive! What should we do!"

"Should we kill him! He might have treasure"

" He must be strong! We could be rich brothers"



" Umm look, the skin is peeling off!"

"His eyes are open! Why are they red!"

'Demon Eyes"

"Hehe, You wanted to Kill me" Spoke Qin Su as he slowly got up, while his skin was peeling, breaking off.

To all the individuals, it was gruesome site, it was like looking at the Devil"

Break, Break, break, with every step, more dead skin was gone, Instead replaced with clear and clean cut skin. Eventually all the dead skin had been removed.

And in front of Qin Su, Stood several individuals, Clearly bandits from the way they dressed.

Lead Bandit: :What the heck, why is he so attractive…Wtf I'm Straight….Umm…WTf fuck is that between his legs…I'm Straight!

"Bastard, what the heck are you looking at? " Spoked Qin Su, as fear crept into his mind.

"I'm straight, now give me your clothes"


The lead bandit became naked, while Qin Su had become clothed, Now get out of here! No one's to see your fatness.

With that, the fat leader flew away, whereabout unknown.

"Whew, now what to do with the rest of you" Qin said as he eyed the rest of bandits.

"Senior! Please so us mercy"

"Yes Senior, we were made to do bad stuff by that criminal"

" Ahh Senio, we have Women's! Alot of woman"

"Ooh, who said I have a need for women"s?

" Well, Senior we have gold, herbs and many other treasure"

"Ooh really. Well I'll let you go. But you must live a righteous life! You must protect"

" Yes, Senior, Yes Senior we will" all the leftover bandits shuddered as they bowed down to QIn Su.

"Swoosh" With that Qin Su left. Darted right out of that area.

"waaa..The senior flew"

"Am I seeing this! He's an Immortal"

"Cloning Art"


"Go take care of the leftovers, if there are any prisoner's let them go. Give the treasure's to them. If there's anything important keep"


"Good now leave""

"I can finally rest now, this was a challenging day!"