
The Life of the Lazy and Lecherous unknown!

Tin Su, was a 9-12 office worker in the 21st century, born to a low class family with little to no money most of the time, Tin Su had a tough life, at age 12 he lost his father to liver failure, his mother left him when he was 16, leaving him with his already near goner grandparents. Two years later he lost them, it was a tough life for the poor virgin Tin su. After graduating from College he started working, in the hopes of making money and money! But the poor soul at age 25 he collapsed and passed on from over working…. Twin Loop Continent, in the western Lute Hemisphere, in the Qin clan and a young boy was born. Qin Su! Or the reincarnated soul of Tin Su. The second son of the middle class clan members, father a guard Qin lee, and mother lin ming. The Genius of the Clan….or Was he? At age 4: Qin Su set a record, he became the youngest person to break through the eight levels of the mortal realm, and had stepped into ther inTernal core formation Realm. At the age of 5, he was the youngest core realm of the entire lute hemisphere, the lute’s royal family even arranged a marriage to the young princess of the royal family! At age 11, he stopped progressing, at age 13 he was considered trash, at age 15 he was forgotten. For Qin Su, he did not mind itt. At age four he had discovered that his growth was unheard of! He kept growing without cultivating, at age 8 he found out he could hide his cultivation! at age 11 he had broken through the Internal core formation realm! His strength rivaled that off the Qin Clan leader. He continued to break through while enjoying the relaxing life he developed and now he has finally turned 16! It was finally time to fully enjoy his relaxing life of being an unknown for the time being!

B1gduff · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
29 Chs

Off to the Miltary! (Rated 18)

The following day, currently two figures could be seen laying together on a bed. These two figures were off course Qin Su and Yuan AI.

After the intense bout of fire they expereinced through the night, at the moment they were relaxing and catching a bit of shut eye.

It was only when the rays of the bright sun hit Qin Su, did he open his eyes, and the first thing he saw was the outstanding figure of Yuan Ai.,on which he still had his hands on her humageous B**bs.

" its wasn't a dream last night? Qin Su wonder, "it was real! haha! I did!"

With the increased excitement, Qin Su, removed the hand that was holding her b**bs and quicking started suching on them.



Feeling the sensation, Yuan Ai slowling opened her eyes, to see Qin Su working his mouth.

"Oh, aren't you a bit too eager today?" She asked.

Removing his lips from her B**bs, he quickly closer her lips with his lips and gave her a passionate kiss. While saying. " if it's you, I would be eager anyttime"

Without a second though Qin Su inserted his P*n*s inside of her and another round of bliss pleasure began.

" aaaaaaH"

" Ohhhhhh"

ABout 40 mins laters, these moans and sounds of flesh could be heard in the bathroom door.

two hours later

"haha! i can not weait to see Yuan AI again!" spoke Qin Su. he had finally left Yuan Ai, and there mating time. If Yuan Ai did not have important meetings and issue, Qin Su would have stayed longer and allowed Yuan Ai to feel the ture bliss that he could have provided!

But that was not the case.

"Hehe....These two days were the best!" Qin Su roared as he arrived in this house. reading to take big' ole nap.


The first thing that greeted Qin Su, was a slap from his father!

" You daman bastrad shut the heck up!" his father spoke

" Where the heck were you last night and this morning! you know how must we had a serach for you! lazy bastrad!"

"father, my dear father! Calm down. I was just out and beyond!"

" out and beyond my ass! why can't you be like your sister and older brother!"

" father..."

" Who cares, you are you" His father spoke. " Hurry up, you got you summon to the milltary! the notice came in last night. seem like they need more help on the eastern wilderness. We damn looked for all night, since carnvas left this morning".

"Wha..Miltary! what the heck are you talking about hold man! I didn't sign up for any thing stupid like!


"bastrad don't talk like that about the muiltary! you should be honored to have been selected! plus this order came from the Lute's royal clan! not go and catch up!

" nut..I don't want to gooo"

" bang!"

"ok. Ok. Ok. I will go! Stop hitting me!'

After packing his stuff, his gear (which was already packed) he left to catch up to the Canvas.

Before leavinging he did leave several clone's behind to protect the Clan and his family.

" but a lousy day! smh, after such a memorial start to such crap it has turned into!"

" Hopefully Yuan Ai, recieved my latter and waits for my retrun!"

"haha..now where the heck is the Canvas!"