
The Life of the Lazy and Lecherous unknown!

Tin Su, was a 9-12 office worker in the 21st century, born to a low class family with little to no money most of the time, Tin Su had a tough life, at age 12 he lost his father to liver failure, his mother left him when he was 16, leaving him with his already near goner grandparents. Two years later he lost them, it was a tough life for the poor virgin Tin su. After graduating from College he started working, in the hopes of making money and money! But the poor soul at age 25 he collapsed and passed on from over working…. Twin Loop Continent, in the western Lute Hemisphere, in the Qin clan and a young boy was born. Qin Su! Or the reincarnated soul of Tin Su. The second son of the middle class clan members, father a guard Qin lee, and mother lin ming. The Genius of the Clan….or Was he? At age 4: Qin Su set a record, he became the youngest person to break through the eight levels of the mortal realm, and had stepped into ther inTernal core formation Realm. At the age of 5, he was the youngest core realm of the entire lute hemisphere, the lute’s royal family even arranged a marriage to the young princess of the royal family! At age 11, he stopped progressing, at age 13 he was considered trash, at age 15 he was forgotten. For Qin Su, he did not mind itt. At age four he had discovered that his growth was unheard of! He kept growing without cultivating, at age 8 he found out he could hide his cultivation! at age 11 he had broken through the Internal core formation realm! His strength rivaled that off the Qin Clan leader. He continued to break through while enjoying the relaxing life he developed and now he has finally turned 16! It was finally time to fully enjoy his relaxing life of being an unknown for the time being!

B1gduff · Fantasía
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29 Chs

General Rao Vs Qin Su

Qin Su, had heard everything that General Rao had said about Liana, and anger had erupted within him.

Without a word, he quickly arrived in front of General Rao, and had punched him.

Next he turned around and walked towards Liana. Taking a Blue Bosom pill out, he fed her the pill to help her recover from her injuries.

"You don't have to worry anymore, Your inheritor is in good hands, and the human will stay strong" Qin Su said as he spoke to the figure of the swordness, who in return gave him a nod before going back to a seated position to recover.

"Hahah, How touching, such a touching movement." Spoke General Rao, as he walked back over to Qin Su.

"Not to be the bad guy here, but no, the humans will not be safe, and no your Inhiritor, Swordness will not be safe. Hahaha'

"Now come, you fool and allow my soul crucifer to chop your head off! Haha"

The two got into a battle stance.

"Hmmm I should truly get a weapon soon" Qin Su thought as he was about to fight his first real opponent at the Spirit Shattering realm.

" We will figure that out later, but for now let's go to the basics! "

" Haaa, Blazing Ape fists!"

Qin Su, launched his strike first. Quickly rushing over to the Rao, with Blaze on his fist, he started his attacks, The Blazing Ape fists!




"Haha, this is good! Finally an opponent worth my time, an opponent worth for I general Rao. Let me see how humans have developed after all this time!

"DarkMist Slash"

General Rao, had also launched his counter attack, as his soul crucifer released dark mist in and struck Qin Su.

"Becare, that weapon contains the laws of corruption, and it will corrupt you!"

Came the voice of Liana, or the Swordness, as General Rao released his attack. Hearing the warning, Qin Su dodged and took a few steps back.

"Shut up Woman! Let us fight" General Rao Roared as he onces again arrived next to Qin Su, and released his attack.

Onces again Qin Su dodge

Well if I can't stay close to you, I'll use long distance, Qin Su said as he prepared another move.

As a bow created from energy appeared in Qin Su's hands, a crystal clear arrow appeared on the Bow.

"That'! Impossible" When the bow and arrow came to be, it brought surprise on the faces of General Rao, and Swordness.

" Ice Shattering Arrow Strike, Single Arrow destruction!" and with that Qin Su released the arrow.

General Rao dodged the first arrow, but Qin Su did not led up, instead he started to release several arrows, each getting faster and faster.

"Damn it! How can he do this! How can he conjure up a weapon like that at only the Spirit Shattering realm, Only those at the monarch realm can do this! I must kill him or this could be bad for the demons" remarked general Rao.

"Fire Blitz strike, create Destruction!" fire erupted out of the Soul Crucifer and General Rao once again released his counter attack, defecting the arrows.

"Got you!' said Qin Su

" Damaging Ice-Shard Rain!"

This was Qin Su's next attack or his plan. As his next arrow flew straight up to the arrow, before coming down. But when it came down, that Arrow, became hundreds of arrows, then it doubled, and doubled and doubled until it was close to general Rao.

"Dam it! Ultimate move, Great God Razz, Phantom Demonic body!

Just as those swords were about to meet General Rao, a large body appeared in front of General Rao, trying to protect him from the arrows.


A large dust cloud erupted in the Battle area, trees and the ground could clearly be seen broken.

This Eruption also had brought the attention of many, as many had rushed over when the blue light had erupted and now this battle was taking place.

Ma Suyin had appeared, Xiaofeng had appeared, Dong Li had survived and also appeared and many more"

" What strong individuals! Monsters! That person in the Mask, who'd have thought he would be this strong!" came the remarks from the crowd.

"The other guy isn't bad. Why do I feel such a dangerous and evil aura from him? Spoke another

May Suyin: "I hope you bastard get what you deserve! Bastard! I Will not forget! Even if you're strong!"

Back to the FIghting stage;

"Ha ha ha" came the shallow breaths of a bloody General Rao.

"'You bastard….ha,...ha….How did you learn such a move? Damn it, it actually contains the laws of illusions and Ice in it. Damn it."

In that exchange, General Rao had to activate another one of his strongest moves, the demonic phantom body,to shield him.

Currently, beside his bloody body, he was also covered in a layer of ice. They were located on his shoulders, thighs, feets, and one of his eyes. Clearly spot that the arrows struck!

Thankfully for him, besides losing an eye, he did not have a serious injury.

While on Qin Su side;

"Damn it. I need more practice! If I'd had better aim, or control, I'd have done the unthinkable! I would have killed him. Damn this sucks! Well I Guess I need more practice time. But, that something to worry about later, lets end this with the Ultimate Move!

"General, Rao! You are a worthy opponent, for myself,But I believe it is time to meet your faith! Let me introduce you to my ultimate move! I call it the Blood-red Inferno Blast!

"Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" Qin Su started to gather the energy around him. Soon the energy erupted. As his entire figure was engulfed in a flame. While on his right hand, a whirlpool started to form, absorbing the energy, Until a ball of fire appeared."

Soon, Qin Su appeared right under General Rao's chin, and released his strike.

"Haha, fool, you gave yourself up! Haha wasted your time with all that talking! Now meet your death! General Rao also released his strike
