
The Life of the Lazy and Lecherous unknown!

Tin Su, was a 9-12 office worker in the 21st century, born to a low class family with little to no money most of the time, Tin Su had a tough life, at age 12 he lost his father to liver failure, his mother left him when he was 16, leaving him with his already near goner grandparents. Two years later he lost them, it was a tough life for the poor virgin Tin su. After graduating from College he started working, in the hopes of making money and money! But the poor soul at age 25 he collapsed and passed on from over working…. Twin Loop Continent, in the western Lute Hemisphere, in the Qin clan and a young boy was born. Qin Su! Or the reincarnated soul of Tin Su. The second son of the middle class clan members, father a guard Qin lee, and mother lin ming. The Genius of the Clan….or Was he? At age 4: Qin Su set a record, he became the youngest person to break through the eight levels of the mortal realm, and had stepped into ther inTernal core formation Realm. At the age of 5, he was the youngest core realm of the entire lute hemisphere, the lute’s royal family even arranged a marriage to the young princess of the royal family! At age 11, he stopped progressing, at age 13 he was considered trash, at age 15 he was forgotten. For Qin Su, he did not mind itt. At age four he had discovered that his growth was unheard of! He kept growing without cultivating, at age 8 he found out he could hide his cultivation! at age 11 he had broken through the Internal core formation realm! His strength rivaled that off the Qin Clan leader. He continued to break through while enjoying the relaxing life he developed and now he has finally turned 16! It was finally time to fully enjoy his relaxing life of being an unknown for the time being!

B1gduff · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
29 Chs

Chapter 1: the young youth with crazy ambitions

n the outer edge of the Qin clan Settlement,

"Uhhhhhhhh, that was a good night Sleep! A full 14 hours of sleep uuuuugggh" Stretched the young boy as he slowly got up from the Hammock he sat up.

This young youth was Qin Su, standing at 5'10, with dark black hair that stretched to his back and tied in a ponytail with a firm and strong body, not too buff, but also not too skinny, right in between.

"Umm, finally turned 16! HaHa. I'm an ADULT!" yelled the young youth as he screamed!

16 years, was the age that was considered adulthood! It was the age where the young Qin Su could finally step into adulthood! He had waited and waited until it finally came.

In his past life his poor self died a virgin! But in this life, his first priority was to Mate! And lose his Virginity.

"Haha…the leader's wife!….ooh she's a beauty! That behind, those balls on her chest…ooh my goodness.." The Young Su, started to day dream about all the ladies he saw. " all the times I've watched her bath…or her second daughter….she the leader's wife 2.0 version…hahaha"

He continued Day dream, until a sharp and cute voice sounded out did he break away from his daydreams.

" Hey! Pumpkin! What are you daydreaming about!" Said the cute voices that belonged to a young girl that looked no older than 6 years old.

For Qin Su, there were two voices he did not want to hear, his younger sister, Qin Mei and his Fathers.

"Hey! Don't ignore me, little pumpkin! I need to train. Come I need a Dummy to train with!"


'Come. Come..let's go I need to train! You Lazy pumpkin!"

" Who are you calling a lazy pumpkin? And a Dummy?"


" Now come, Pumpkin!" as Qin Mei, rushed up to Qin Su"

Actually Qin Su, Was really fond of his new family. For one they actually cared about him, and acted like parents. Hence he had a father fear factor developed that inhibited him from losing his Virginity earlier. While he became a "trash" his young sister in a way took over, and she enjoyed it!

Qin Su hated the attention he got when he became a star, a really bright star. At 4, he lost his regular life. It was traveling from one spot to another, it was training and training. He hated it! There was one time, in a week he had to go to 15 different clan's to meet with the clan leaders…and he hated it.

His sister was a star, but not at the same level as him. This was also planned by him. In a way, he indirectly helped her growth. Being one of one of the strongest exists in the Twin loop continent, he easily helped train Qin Mei, even if he had to be a dummy

"Fine, I'll meet you at the training grounds, give me a few minutes to get ready!

"Yeahh! But don't keep me waiting!" as Qin Mei ran.


" 2 mins laters".

'Cloning art!"


In a matter of seconds another Qin Su appeared.

"Well go train that little girl, while I prepare for my time. Hehe"