
EP 2 *Dead*

The next day, in the surgery room,

The doctor said "sir please sign this consent form".

Harry" yes sir" , after having a form in his hand , he feels like there is something wrong, he had a. heaviness in his heart. but after thinking about everything he decided to sign the form and go to the operation theatre( OT ).

But he didn't know that he would never wake up .

When Harry opens his eyes he feels there is no pain in body , and he can't feel anything near him. he saw everywhere then he found him self in the morgue cupboard. He was shocked and got up from that area.

He started walking and saw that he can go anywhere without opening the door and he can't touch anything. He was totally shocked when he thought " it...it..means... I died....no...." he was shocked and tried everything that he could feel that he was not dead.

He went crazy and tried to kill everyone who was with him in the surgery. After many tries he couldn't do anything so he decided...

to be continued

hi guys it's your author

i hope you will like this horror story.

you can get to know how this story is going to horror.

wait and see