
The Life of Gabria

One morning of a 16 year old girl, Gabria changes her life. She woke up to find herself as a ghost. But she have no memory of how she died. She tries her best to find clues about her death. Will she succeed in it?

Black_star8184 · Fantasía
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12 Chs

G-corporation's past

Vapid was about to reveal G-corporation's secret. We were anxious. Vapid gazed to the ground and started talking : " G-corporation is an abbreviation of Goblin corporation. It is an evil group who wants to take over the world. But it wasn't evil from the start.The leader of G-corporation is Zegard Greyrock. A fine leader who used to care a lot about his co-workers. The corporation was originally made to protect the villagers and provide them help when two kingdoms clashed in wars. My dad was the commander of G-corporation.

My mom died when I was young in a war. So, dad decided to join G-corporation and protect villagers from such cruel fate. Then, G-corporation was called Guardian's corporation. I often went to their headquarters with dad. They were really friendly to a kid like me. The corporation became Goblin corporation when Zegard turned against humanity. "

Vapid stopped for a moment. He was in pain. He was still gazing down. It might be hard for him. With a sad face he continued : "During the battle between the kingdoms 'Hoax' and 'Gladden', the corporation saved the civilians of both kingdoms as usual. When the war ended and Gladden won it, a royal letter came to the headquarter. It was from the king of Gladden. Zegard was summoned to the castle. The letter said that it was for announcing G-corporation as a legal one. Everyone in the corporation rejoiced as they will not face any more opposition from now on. Zegard was most happy. He was looking forward to share this with his beloved wife and son when he comes back from the castle. His wife was a very kind lady who always supported him. His son was about my age and we used to play a lot together.

My dad who was the commander then couldn't go with Zegard to the castle. He injured his leg during the last battle. So, Sage went with Zegard. They mounted their own horses, their face lit like the sun and they galloped to the castle.

The king summoned them to the royal chamber. What Zegard saw there broke his heart. His wife and son was captured there. He was frozen in place. The devilish smile on the king's face widened. The king said that he hated G-corporation for saving his enemy's people. He wanted to teach Zegard a lesson. The king raised his hand and drew his sword from his sheath hanging on his waist. He walked towards Zegard's wife and son. Zegard tried run and stop him. But the royal soldiers caught him and kept him down on the floor. With one swing from the king's sword, Zegard's wife's and son's head went flying. Zegard, lying on the floor, helplessly watched them being murdered. The red blood stained the royal floor reflecting the darkness of royalty. The king wiped away the blood on his face and smirked looking at Zegard.

This incident forced Zegard against humanity. His world went blank. He drew his sword stabbed both of the soldiers keeping him down. Blood splashed on Zegard's face and dyed his black clothes red. He walked towards the king staring in his eyes like a corpse. Rage burned within him. The soldiers who tried to stop him met their end one by one. He neared the king and the king stumbled down in fear. Zegard stabbed the sword into the trembling king's heart. The king shrieked in pain. Zegard pushed the sword further in. At last the struggling king took his last breath and fell down, dead. The royal chamber turned into a graveyard.

But it wasn't enough for Zegard. He took one of the flame torches lighting the chamber and burned the whole castle. The queen, prince, princess, the maids, the guards and many other servants were engulfed in the flame. None of them escaped. Both Zegard and Sage saw the burning castle with great pleasure. But it wasn't enough to extinguish the raging fire inside Zegard. The members of G-corporation were all frozen to hear this.

My dad told Zegard not to hurt innocent people. He gave him a cold angry look and walked away. That evening when I got home, I saw three soldiers of G-corporation in my house. I thought they wanted something from my dad. One of them was Sage who worked under my father. He turned to me and I saw his clothes and face covered in blood still dripping fresh. I looked down to see my dad lying dead covered in blood, killed by his own comrades.

Sage abandoned my father for gaining the position of the commander. The other two soldiers didn't had any choice but to obey Zegard or else they would end up like my dad. I them murdering my father. Now they want to silence me. I couldn't even cry. I was frozen in fear when Sage walked towards me holding his sword, still covered in blood. He raised his sword to attack me. But then my body started glowing and the next thing I knew was that I was on that island. I saw the symbol on me hand and realised that I was the water priest. But then what? I had no idea what to do. I was crying for I don't know how much days in that unknown island.

I read a lot of books when I was in the headquarter. It said about priests, dragons, and many imaginary creatures. I think that Zegard is creating artificial animals which feed on magic based on the imaginary creatures. For example, the wind wings. So I know most of their weak points. G-corporation is after me realising that I'd come in their way. "

A chill claimed through my body. Vapid has went through a lot. And still he hasn't lost courage. Luna was frozen in place. At last Luna cleared her frozen voice and asked Vapif whether G-corporation extracted my soul. Vapid wasn't sure about that. I placed my hand on Vapid's shoulders and told him not to worry because I will stay by his side. Vapid smiled kindly.

Linda's house was a mess. But we started repairing it. Vapid knew how to do it because he made his own house on the island. The citizens of Rendeztarian town also helped us. They cared about Luna a lot. We got the necessary materials from the nearby market. But we used up all of Luna's savings. We promised her to help her to earn money. The construction was going smoothly.

Gabria's life is going to take a new turn. Wait for the next chapter. And don't forget to support me.

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