
The life of a grim reaper

Thanatos is a grim reaper who does his job perfectly. He is just one of many grim reapers who lead the souls of the dead into hell or heaven. He is a perfect example to all young reapers about how a grim reaper should be. A man who has thousands of deaths. Will now get accompanied by the grim reaper Morgana.

black_bullet_j · Fantasía
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52 Chs

Conversations on benches.

Thanatos and Renmaru sat on a bench, talking about all kinds of stuff. Stories from the past and present, and many more things.

"Hey Ren, do you remember the shortcut to the academy you showed me and Camilla back then?"

Renmaru did not even have to think. Of course he would remember this.

"Yeah, back then, we often walked on it. I think we went by the shortcut nearly every time."

The students usually stayed in their apartments during their time at this academy. But for a few years, they were allowed to get home. Sometimes they even had to get home, and then they had to walk back. Thanatos, Camilla, and Renmaru got to the academy by taking the shortcut.

It was way faster and funnier. Each time, there were new things to see. Since they would arrive with the shortcut sooner anyway, they used the time to explore the forest.

"And how are you doing these days, Ren? On which decision have you worked?"

"I work in the exploration division."

Grim reapers had normal jobs like everybody else. But the job for which the grim reapers became known involved three decisions:

The transmigration division: The transmigration division is by far the best-known division of all. This division is also known to other races. It is the work of escorting souls to heaven or hell after the death of the body.

The Field Division: The Field Division is responsible for operating outside the world. They investigate irregularities or anomalies associated with souls. Their duties also include the eradication of dreadharvesters.

The Exploration Division: Even though Reapers have existed for several millennia, their world Memento is still a mystery to them. There are many places and things they have never seen or even believed existed.

Not all grim reapers work in these three divisions. A large percentage of grim reapers have normal day-to-day jobs.

All of these divisions were covered by the reaping authority. Managed and classified. Which grim reaper is placed in which division is decided by several criteria, but a reaper will never be in one division forever. The number of reapers doing this job is dwindling. Most divisions are understaffed, so a grim reaper is always assigned to the division where more people are needed.

Now that we are talking about it, we found something the other day that I'm concerned about, and I'd like your opinion on it."

Thanatos didn't understand what Renmaru meant, but he knew one thing. If Renmaru wanted to talk to him about this thing he found, then it had to be something important.

"We have been investigating the forests far north of here and have come across two things that shocked us. We found two dead bodies."

Thanatos widened his eyes when he heard this. "But that's impossible; I haven't heard anything about a Reaper dying recently."

The news of a reaper's death always spread like wildfire in Mementos. Whether in the countryside or in Mementos City, the capital, the news of even two dead reapers would normally be known everywhere by now.

"That is also because they were not reapers. One was an elf, and the other was a giant. We have no idea how they ended up there, but we only discovered the elf's body because you could see the giant's body from far away."

"At first, we even feared that the giant was big guy. You can't imagine how relieved we were when we found out it wasn't him."

Thanatos understood what Renmaru meant: Bastion was unreplaceable for all of Memento. He was one of the most powerful grim reapers to ever exist in the history of Memento. He remembers how even Thanatos I. once told him that he would fear fighting Bastion, and that meant something. His Thanatos was, after all, one of the top three grim reapers in regard to strength.

"But what shocked us the most was that their souls were destroyed. Which means that the chances are high that a dreadharvester is involved in this. But if I am honest, I hope that a dreadharvester is the reason for all of this."

Thanatos indeed thought too, that this whole story would be far less complicated if it were only a dreadharvester. Dreadharvesters often destroy the soul of the being they attack, but if it was not a dreadharvester, things would get complicated; out there, there were not many beings who could attack a soul with ease.

"You are right; this is really a complicated case. I think that it is possible that you, the exploration division, have to work together with us, the field division. Because I think the only way we would find out about this is by going to the worlds of giants and elves. Finding out who they are won't be hard for the reaping authority. Then you would have to find out where these people were seen the last and with whom, and then investigate how they landed in Memento and who is the culprit."

Thanatos thought that this would be the best way to handle this situation.

Renmaru was relieved that he could still talk to his friend like this. The moment he first saw him, he was afraid that Thanatos would now think badly of him. Renmaru was the type of person who never had many friends, but his friendship with Thanatos was important to him.

"Thanks for listening to me, buddy, and I think you should go now or Aurora and the others will skin me."

Thanatos thought back and found that this was a possibility that could be cured, and he decided to go back in order to prevent this critical outcome.

"Good in this case; see you later, Ren." Thanatos walked away while waving to Ren with the back of his hand.

Thanatos made sure to take the shortest path towards the apartment. He sent Rena a massage previously. Where stood that he wanted her to write her where her apartment was? Rena, however, said that they should meet at a bench in the schoolyard. There, she would bring Thanatos personally to her apartment.

Now Rena had to complete the challenge of getting out of the apartment so that none of the other women would follow her.

She said that she forgot something in the classroom where she was teaching and wanted to get it quickly. Luckily for her, Luna, Aurora, and Camilla didn't get suspicious, and she was able to go to a bench in the schoolyard and wait for Thanatos.

Rena sat down on a bench and waited for Thanatos. He was there three minutes later.

"Hey Rena." Thanatos didn't say much; he just announced that he was there. Rena didn't even notice because she was so excited.

"Oh, Thanatos, come on and take a seat. Let's talk a little bit together."

Rena put her hand on the area to her right that was still free. Thanatos was expecting something like this and agreed without another word. He just sat down on the bench and took a comfortable sitting position.

"And what do you want to talk about?" Thanatos didn't know if Rena wanted to talk about something important or just chat with him. Which is why he left the topic of conversation to her for now.

"You know, my sister recently announced her engagement, and since she and my mother know you, they thought I should invite you to their wedding party."

Rena's older sister was one of the most important people in her life. After she graduated from Dyrtharion. She was hurt for a long time. Since she could no longer see Thanatos so easily. Her sister, as always in these times, was an important pillar of support in such moments and noticed this.

And before she noticed it, she made a few remarks about Thanatos where you only had to put two and two together to know that she was in love with Thanatos. At some point, her mother found out about it, and now they both forced Thanatos to at least invite her to her sister's wedding.

"I will gladly come in this case, but only as Thanatos".

Rena was shocked when she heard that and asked directly.

"Why?" Nothing more, nothing less, and only why was adequate in her opinion.

"After what happened with my mission and the outcome of it, Thanatos I. gave me a punishment. Right now, in front of him, I am of the same level as the workers in my clan." Thanatos looked in the sky; he felt unworthy of saying these words while looking Rena into her eyes.

Rena's entire being got filled with rage; she felt it in every cell of hers and now understood why Thanatos was here so fast. Normally, if you receive the letter to attend your 1-year teaching program, you have time to prepare for it. But he was here the next day when he received the letter.

"Because I am fucking weak, I lost my privileges as the successor of the Gravestone clan. That I have to train four hours a day does not bother me, and you need to know I somehow had to ask for this punishment. Ah, what am I even talking about?"

Thanstos felt miserable and wanted to switch topics, but before he could even open his mouth, Rena said something that made him fall in love with her again.

"And why did you need to ask for this punishment? Someone clearly smacked this man in the head. Thanatos, take a break from your clan and everything. Rebel against your grandfather and do what you want. Visit me or the other girls, and do whatever you want. And not what your name suggests you do."

In this moment, Thanatos decided that he would definitely make Rena his bride one day. He was unsure about it up until now, but now he was determined.

"Rena I hope that you are aware of what you just did. From now on, you will have to take responsibility for making me fall in love with you."

Thanatos said this and then walked away, hiding his embarrassment. Rena could not even move. She felt the connection between her and Thanatos and noticed why it was called the grim reaper's expiration love, which was far more intense than a human example.

Her whole face blushed red, and slowly she felt strange liquids flow out of her most precious part.

And from afar, a few eyes looked at Rena, who hurried away to the bathroom.

"Girls, I think that she is going to be the first one."

Six with envy-filled eyes looked with datermination at the young man Thanatos; they fired themselves up and talked in sync.

"We will see. This is going to be a quadruple wedding, trust us, Morgana."