
The life of a grim reaper

Thanatos is a grim reaper who does his job perfectly. He is just one of many grim reapers who lead the souls of the dead into hell or heaven. He is a perfect example to all young reapers about how a grim reaper should be. A man who has thousands of deaths. Will now get accompanied by the grim reaper Morgana.

black_bullet_j · Fantasía
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52 Chs

A history test

Thanatos asked Haruka the hardest questions he could find, and among them were some that she could not answer.

Haruka was not mad about the fact that Thanatos always tried to look for questions she could not answer. In this way, she could find out how well she studied and what she still needed to revise until tomorrow.

She learned a lot whenever she couldn't answer the question. Thanatos explained the answer to her in great detail, leaving no important information missing.

They repeated this for an hour and then decided to go to sleep.

On the next day, Haruka was the first one in the classroom, and one after another came in.

The participants in this test were all reapers who entered this school as adults to take their nine-level exams. They all had similar reasons; they were dropouts here, people who lived in the countryside where there were no schools, and so on.

With Haruka, there were now six reapers gathered in this room, and a short time later, a professor came in.

He carried a gray briefcase with him, in which the tests were. Without much explanation, the professor walked through the room and handed out a copy of the test to everyone.

He deliberately placed the test so that the moment it was on the table, only the blank back could be seen.

This was done so that everyone could start at the same time, and whoever got the test first would not have an advantage, even if it was only seconds.

The professor looked at his wristwatch and began to speak for the first time. "You have 60 minutes for the test; each of you has one free question to ask me about the test. Any test that is filled out under fraud or without a name will be declared invalid and failed."

The professor raised his arm as if blowing the starting whistle for a relay race and spoke, "Begin." In a professional voice as his arm sauced from top to bottom.

Haruka turned the test over; the first page was a cover sheet on which she had to write her name and student number.

She skipped this part; it was part of her system to write her name on the test only when she was done and knew nothing more.

She turned the page and read the first question.

When was the first battle of the 100-day cleaning mission? And where did it take place?

'This was 2506 years ago; was it September? I think so. And it took place in the Balkan Mountains.'

Haruka didn't need to say a specific year or day; she needed to fill in as much information as she knew.

This question brought her many points, and the more she answered in detail, the more bonus points she could get.

She worked her way threw the questions she could answer in a matter of seconds first and then proceeded to the hard questions at the end; this way she could be sure to have enough points to be positive and then work to the high grades.

Each question she could answer with ease was done, and now she got to work and looked at the hard questions again.

How did General Areus Gravestone win the battle in the Pacific Ocean alone?

'I think he used death art, but I don't know how he used it again; it was a specific way.'

Haruka searched, which threw her into her mind; she was sure that she learned that, and Thanatos even asked her a similar question yesterday, but what was it again?

She got back and thought about which death art he even used; this way, she could by chance remember it.

'Yes, now I know it; he locked them in a huge cage of darkness where, each time he wanted it, black arms grew out, and in the moment they were touched by it, their bodies became fuel for his very next attack. Their powers were absorbed into this cage, and with this cage, he fueled the attack that made him a selebraty back then.'

It was thanks to Thanatos that she knew the name of it, because he asked her yesterday how the death art was called. The name of it was galatic collapse.

Information about how the death art looked, its shape, or how it felt was unknown. Areus only told them the name of the power he used, but never how to achieve the achievement of learning this death art or how the enemies were killed.

She described everything the exact way she learned it; each word and sentence stood in the exact same way in her history book.

She worked her way to the next question. She had the ambition to answer this last question before the time was up; she only had ten minutes left; she had to answer this question, or she would not have been pleased by the result, even if everything else was correct.

Name each place where Areus Gravestone got wounded back then and how he was healed.

'This is going to take some time'.

Back then, Areus was powerful, and his might was still impossible for her to imagine. Still, this was the time he called himself the weakest he had ever been and regretted that people made such a big story out of this fight. It was embarrassing that many future generations would now read and learn about his weakness.

He fought for a long time and injured himself often during these fights, but at the same time, he found another thing during that time, and for that, he became stronger than the rest. Which was unknown to the public; only he and three other people knew about this.

'This was the battle where he was injoured the most. I will begin from the head all down to the feet.'

She listed his right shoulder, his left upper arm, four ribs, severe organ damage, and his legs; they are said to have been the most seriously injured of all parts of his body.

They say that his right leg looked like it had been put through a meat grinder.

'And he was healed by Victoria Valkyre'.

She was a powerful healer who could heal everyone she disired to heal; however, in a battle that resounded 23 years later, she died under the hands of a powerful demon. The demon tried to mess with the grim reapers and tried to steal the souls of every grim reaper he could, and because of this, he tried to steal Victoria's soul, ending up killing her.

It is not known what happened to that demon; one thing is known. One day after he killed this woman, he died in a fight with an unknown, where his soul got destroyed.

'Good, this is everything'.

"The time is up. Give me your papers."

The professor clapped into his hands, announcing the end of the test.

Haruka quickly wrote her name on the test and gave it to the teacher.