
The life of a grim reaper

Thanatos is a grim reaper who does his job perfectly. He is just one of many grim reapers who lead the souls of the dead into hell or heaven. He is a perfect example to all young reapers about how a grim reaper should be. A man who has thousands of deaths. Will now get accompanied by the grim reaper Morgana.

black_bullet_j · Fantasía
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52 Chs

"Welcome to Dyrtharion."

Haruka was on her way to Grim School. The way to the school, however, was weird. They didn't walk down a street in a city or drive by bus or car. They walked on a rough dirt road. The dirt road was brought up high enough for at least nine people to walk in a line. All around here was nothing that looked as if it was a school; she only saw grass, hills, trees, rocks, and even rivers. In her opinion, this felt more as if she were taking a walk through nature, and this should be a schoolway.

'This reminds me of the stories of my grandpa, who said that he walked ten kilometers each day to get to school. I think I will be able to tell the same stories to my kids in the future.' Haruka thought.

The way to the school seemed unnatural to Haruka, but she didn't ask questions about it; she went to this school with three grim reapers who had walked this path in the past at least hundreds or thousands of times. That they would walk on the wrong path was as impossible as her getting lost on her way to school.

Thanatos, Morgana, and Camilla walked with her; they said that all of them had businesses to attend at the school too. At first, it was strange for her to walk with them, but the moment they went out of the city and walked on a dirt road without even thinking that they would be going the wrong way, she was only happy that they helped her.

10 minutes later, she was able to see a huge building. The building was a castle that stood on a small hill. The castle was shining white, with many towers and layers connected by bridges. The ceilings of the towers and buildings were different colors, but what stood out the most was the gigantic tower in the center of the castle, which had a pitch-black ceiling. All of them stood on a hill that was high enough for them to see the ceilings of the castle that looked way too big and would let every king and emperor in the history of humans look as if he were a bagger.

Thanatos looked at his wristwatch and stopped. It appeared as if he thought about something and then turned towards a wild path that was at the edge of the dirt road and led into a forest.

"We are short on time; let's walk on the shortcut." Thanatos said this while looking into the deep and dark forest, waiting for others.

Camilla and Morgana stood beside Thanatos. Camilla gazed in the same direction as Thanatos did and said it with a nostalgic expression.

"This sounds like fun. It's been a long time since I walked on this path. Morgana, you always came from the western side, right? So this is going to be your first time there.

The castle had gates to the east, west, north, and south. From which all of the grim reapers came. This was one of eight Grim Schools. The people who came from the east always came from Memento City or the surrounding small villages. Camilla and Thanatos walked on this path often together to school, and once a good friend of Thanatos showed them this shortcut that led to the east gate in a few minutes rather than an hour.

"Yes, you are right. But if this is a shortcut, let's go. I don't want to waste any more time walking on these damn dirt roads." Morgana said she was annoyed. Since generations of grim reapers complained about their way to school, nothing has changed. She wanted to have a normal road under her feet as fast as possible.

Thanatos stepped onto the wild path and then vanished inside the forest. Camilla looked at Haruka and Morgana.

"You two first. I will walk as the last, but make sure to follow Thanatos; we both know this forest like the back of our hands, but it is easy to get lost, so I will walk as the last one and make sure nobody gets lost."

Morgana nodded in agreement and headed into the forest. Haruka hurried behind her, and Camilla soon also disappeared into the dark forest. The forest was dark and dense. Morgana, Camilla, and Haruka had a problem. Their clothes were not as strong as Thanato's suit. Which would still rip open in the hard shrubs and branches. Their women's clothing, however, was still much easier to tear. So they had to be especially careful where they went.

Thanatos walked with a high tempo ahead, and the others followed him without problems. Eventually, the troop arrived after about 15 minutes.

They left the forest and were only two meters away from the dirt road that was just outside the east gate.

The gate was huge, made of pitch-black logs reinforced with steel. Two people stood to the left and right of the gate. As if they were guarding it and waiting for someone at the same time.

All four of them walked towards them. The people looked at Haruka as if they were sizing her up, but the moment they saw Thanatos, they opened the gate without even asking why they had come here.

The people lined up, bowed their heads a little, and spoke at the same time: "Welcome to Dyrtharion."

Dyrtharion was known as the best and most magnificent Grim School all over Memento. They teach a variety of subjects, and many powerful and well-known grim reapers went to this school. As a few examples, the Azur clan founder, the founder of the Shinigami clan, the Crimson clan, the Reezhawk clan, and many more have a certain bond with Thanatos I. on top of that.

Thanatos went next to Haruka and explained some things to her.

What this school was and how it was named That it was one of eight of these schools and known to be the best one. That he went to school and that he is going to attend some things regarding her registration at this school.

Since he and Morgana also had a reason for coming here today, they went with her, and Camilla came with it because she wanted it. Haruka questioned none of these and followed everyone to the director of this school. They also walked to the huge tower in the middle of the castle, which could be seen from afar.

Thanatos remembered how he spent a lot of time here at this school, and in retrospect, it was probably the best time of his life. He met his best friend here, fell in love multiple times and met many important people.

When they finally reached the director's room after much walking and searching, Thanatos knocked on the door, and a woman's voice answered. She asked them to come in.

When Thanatos opened the door, they could see an elderly lady sitting in a rocking chair, smoking. The woman had gray hair wavy to the shoulders, pale skin, and wore a simple shirt with pants and brown shoes. The black glasses matched her face well, and for an older lady, she looked physically very fit.

There was no table or anything else in the room. Stationery was, however, everywhere distributed.

"It's been a long time. Thanatos, Camilla, and Morgana, and oh, who is that lovely lady behind you?"

Attention shifted to Haruka, who bowed and introduced herself in a polite tone.

"My name is Haruka, and I am here to enroll. I want to catch up on my 9-level exam."

The older lady looked at Haruka in complete silence for a while and then replied with a heartfelt smile.

"Well, the registration forms are here; fill them out over there and give them to me when you're done."

A piece of paper and a fountain pen flew into Haruka's hands. Haruka took the piece of paper and looked at it calmly. It was a normal registration form.

Where their name, address, clan affiliation, etc. had to be filled out. Haruka sat down on a small table that magically appeared in the corner of the room and began to fill out the form.

Thanatos went closer to the director and began to talk about his request.

"I am here to complete my 1-year teaching program. Morgana too, of course."

Every student who graduates from this school must complete the program after a certain period of time. They have to participate in the teaching program for one year and teach classes. With practical experience, helping the professors, and some more things. Thanatos and Morgana were here to do this now. Since they received a letter a few days ago saying that they had to do it.

The older lady looked past the two and looked with a questioning look at Camilla, who did not have to do this yet.

Camilla noticed the looks and replied, "I'm here to do it right now. For my coming-of-age ceremony, I will still wait, but since this Since it's already in three days, I wanted to register."

The director looked at her with random eyes and completed the formalities. When everyone was finished with his business. They left the room and went to the schoolyard.

Thanatos, Camilla, and Morgana were looking around the schoolyard with nostalgic looks when a voice called them from far away. Better said, calling for Thanatos

"Hey Thanatos, stop right there!"

Three female voices called out to Thanatos from the distance, and the entire group could see three shiluettes running towards them.

'Shit, and there are the bitches coming.' Camilla thought while biting her lip.

I still haven't forgotten that this is still a harem story. Have fun getting to know these women and enjoying this school arc.

black_bullet_jcreators' thoughts