
The Life of a ghost across the Multiverse! *Old* *Rework in progress*

A teen who died and was given the choice of living a grand life across the multiverse with whatever power he so wishes.... yet he chooses to be a ghost. "Choosing broken powers? Psh I just wish to live my life as a simple Spirit that helps people while doing what I wish!"

WiseKrow · Cómic
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24 Chs

Chapter 9: The Teacher

3rd Pov

Genesis: Phew~, man that training was tiring!

Sitting underneath the moons light, Genesis could be seen relaxing near a tree with Lobo laying own next to him sleeping softly from the training he had done with Genesis. Genesis had been working on water bending today since he wishes to be able to see if he could copy certain moves from other shows or games he has seen/played.

Genesis: Wonder if I could get to the level to where I could do what Esdeath can do?

Now he knew that he may not be able to say... freeze time itself but if he could make Soldiers or even Weapons out of Ice then it would do him greatly for both him and others. Though that level is very far away, even if he is able to make somewhat decent things made out of ice it still it takes a lot of energy to do so.

Genesis: Alright then time to work on fire!

Getting up from his position, Genesis started to walk towards the pond before he stopped near the edge of it. He likes to practice fire bending near the pond in order to not burn anything too much, it can also act as a fail safe if he was suddenly attacked by a creature.

Genesis: Though that shouldn't happen since Lobo claimed this territory for himself.

Yeah turns out while he was in Beacon Lobo had decided to make this area safe to most creatures by marking this pond as his territory like a wolf. Of course a few creatures had tried to come here and challenge him but because of his bone plating it made it hard for them to land a decent blow onto Lobo, but he still does allow the herbivores to come into his territory since they still need the water here.

Genesis: ha!

Thrusting his fist out Genesis watched as a stream of fire comes out of his fist, with that as the start Genesis had started to go through the basics in order to master them. Of course he does implement certain moves like breathing fire out of his mouth or creating daggers out of flames, would be nice to have a fail safe if water bending doesn't affect someone.

Genesis: Hmm... maybe I should see if I could meet with Korra again?

Korra: Oh don't worry I was wanting to meet you.

Turning his head Genesis was able to see his "ancestor" sitting down on a rock with a small smile on her face. Fully tuning around, Genesis sat down on the ground before looking towards korra again to see what she was wanting.

Genesis: Hello there.

Korra: Yo, anyways I thought you were wanting to speak with me so I decided to come here and check.... I can also see you go yourself a spirit animal guide!

Genesis looked towards the direction Korra was looking at to see she was looking towards Lobo. Now knowing what she meant he nodded his head while smiling of what Lobo is now considered to him.

Genesis: Yeah, you remember that Beowolf I showed you?

Korra: You mean that wolf creature, yeah what about it?

Genesis: Well that is my spirit animal.

Korra: I thought he was shorter?

Genesis: Growth spurt.

Korra: Ah....

A brief silence went between the two not knowing what to do, Genesis knew he could ask about if Korra could help train him since that will help out his training a lot but he doesn't know if she could even do it in the first place.

Korra: ... OH that's right forgot the other reason why I am here in the first place!

Confused on why she suddenly got up, Genesis watched her act as if she was opening a door before he became shocked when he saw a door handle appear out of know where and open up to reveal the Spirit realm.

Genesis: Did the Spirit realm always have a door?

Korra: Oh no, this is just a new way the spirits wished to have since you are going to be traveling around to lands we have never seen so they wished for this to happen so they have a chance to explore the realms..... also they agreed it was way better then having a giant portal anyone can enter.

Genesis: I see.....

Nodding his head at the answer he received he was amazed at the thought of being able to visit the spirit realm but was confused on WHY Korra was needing to go there in the first place. Though at the prospect of actually visiting spirit realm was something he was not wishing to pass off even if he has the ability to visit it quite easily.

Korra: What are you waiting for?

Shaking his head Genesis could see Korra looking at him with confused look. Once getting up from his seat Genesis looked back to see Lobo was staring at him and the door in confusion, though once he motioned for him to follow Lobo quickly got up before he went through the door.

Genesis: Woah.....

Once entering through the door, Genesis will say one thing and one thing only..... the show didn't do the spirit realm any justice. It was hard to put into word but everything just seemed rich in nature and pure energy, with many strange and new plants around him Genesis could feel the nature loving aspect of him going off in joy while his curious nature was amazed by all the spirits that walk around them.

Korra: Yeah I was like that when I first saw it... or at least I was?

Ignoring Korra Genesis had just decided to take in.... well what is to be considered his home. It feels a bit strange since he is use to the human realm being his home but since he is dead well you get the idea, though he wouldn't mind spending his afterlife here if he could live here.

Genesis: Say Korra.... why are we here?

Korra: To meet your teacher?

Genesis: Eh?

Snapping his head to Korra Genesis was confused on what she meant by that, he thought that bending wasn't allowed here with the Energy bending being the one exception. Though as soon as Genesis realized this his eyes gained stars when he realized he could learn Energy bending!

Genesis: Am I going to be learning Energy bending!

Korra: No.

Falling to the ground of his dream being shot down, he was a bit upset but could understand on why he isn't going to be learning Energy bending. Energy bending is one of the most dangerous bendings an avatar could use, since it could allow the users soul to be corrupted but if used on a human can forever seal their future of even using anything that involves the soul.

Korra: Though you are close.... We are getting you a teacher for earth bending.

Genesis: Earth bending but why?

Korra: Well for one reason your already a spirit which already makes it real easy for you to learn the others, but Earth bending is something that would fall behind if you had access to all elements.

Genesis was still confused but nodded his head in agreement since he doesn't wish to potentially screw up and not get training from them, but the question is on who he would be getting-

Genesis: Gah!

Suddenly feeling something hard slam right into him Genesis was able to look down to see a earth pillar jutting out of the ground before he was thrown away from the area before landing on the ground.

???: Tch, and here I thought the next avatar would at least be less pathetic then you twinkle toes.

Genesis froze when he heard a familiar voice but wasn't able to see since he was still trying to get use to sudden pain he felt when he was hit by that earth pillar. Though it seemed Korra will be able to answer the question that appeared in his mind as soon as he heard that voice.

Korra: Well Toph he is still new to this, besides he didn't live in an era where he was at war.

Toph: Bah that still doesn't mean he couldn't at least sense the ground rumbling!

Genesis: Again.

Both Toph and Korra froze when Genesis had said that, though Toph wasn't going to deny his request so she did just like before. And just like before Genesis was hit again throwing him to the left this time, though again he asked again.

Toph: Tch, I fear for your next generation if this is the best he got.

Korra: Oh I wouldn't doubt him, after all he has gotten way father then I had without a teacher and only using his knowledge.

Toph: hm, but knowledge can only get you so fa-

Genesis: Got it!

Again Both Toph and Korra stopped speaking in order to see Genesis, while banged up from all the pillars slamming into him, was sitting on top of a pillar though barely.

Toph: .... interesting, say Twinkle toes how were you able to do it?

Genesis: Well I did kinda copy your technique mam, all I did was send small pulses of energy into the ground in order to see where you redirected your energy.

Toph: hmm.... your a spirit right?

Genesis: Yes mam.

Toph: a spirit that is also an avatar.... hn, maybe he could be better then the other twinkle toes.

Korra let a smile form on her face knowing what Toph was thinking, she was kinda banking on Toph to being able to teach Genesis since she knew she wasn't the... best teacher out there so she decided to see if Toph was willing to teach at least one last avatar for awhile.

Toph: Alright, I am willing to teach you but only on earth bending Korra here has told me you are fine with the other two.

Genesis: But what about air bending?

Toph: Pf, not my place to say though I have a feeling I may know who.

Genesis nodded his head but then slowly noticed the fact his body was slowly fazing out of existence, he will admit he jumped in shock think that he may have been dying but Korra had once again reassured him.

Korra: You'll be fine, all that is happening is that someone is calling out to you!

Genesis was confused on who and why they are but had nodded his head knowing that they may need help, so with that thought in mind he steeled himself before he was taken away from the spirit realm and into the human one.


Toph: Is there a reason why you didn't tell him?

Korra: I have no idea what you are-

Toph: You know what I am talking about.

Korra: ..... I didn't tell him because I fear what he would do if he knows what he could potentially do.

Toph just looked towards Korra before nodding her head slightly at the answer she has received. Not wishing to pry into it any deeper Toph had decided to just walk away while making sure to return the earth back to what it became, she didn't want to deal with those spirits and their complaining.

*With Genesis*

Genesis: What is the problem Wei-

While Genesis was being transported to the Human realm he was thinking of who was the one to call for him but had thought it was Weiss since he had first appeared wit her when she was feeling down. Though imagine his surprised when he sees that instead of the room in beacon he was in the middle of an alleyway with a certain cat Faunus sitting in the middle of said alleyway with a look of shock on her face.

Genesis: .....

Genesis didn't hesitate to bring Blake into a hug while patting her head softly, though that seemed to be what she needed since he could suddenly feel something cold travel through him.

Genesis: Its okay..... Its okay.....

They just stayed liked that for awhile until Genesis had decided to try and get some answers, he was also concern on where her teammates were but had decided to worry about the person infront of him first.

Blake: ..... I messed up.