
The Life I Gained From Death

Kaden Adams has lived a detestable life in the view of others close to him. Winning the lottery at the age of 20 has granted him the freedom and money to do whatever he pleases. His own flat, super cars, and a lavish lifestyle that all seemed to just fell right into his lap. However he loses it all one day when he's met with an untimely death. He has a chance to regain the life he once took for granted, but the challenges that await him in a new world intends to reshape his entire character.

Ejay_Francis · Fantasía
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61 Chs

Chapter 32 - Who Is He?

"It's come to my attention that you're becoming aware of what all transpired that day." Elder Aira stated.

"Why wasn't I told about the attack?" Kaden questioned.

"We weren't exactly holding that information from you Kaden. After you failed the Gate of Pride, we didn't know where you would have been mentally. So sister Treya, myself and the other Elders made the decision to not inform you about the attack once you had woken up. However it does seem like you are doing much better now."

"I've never felt better Granny Aira. I wanna know happened that day."

"...You would know that I was not present on the day we're mentioning, so if you want a more accurate detailing of the events, there is Mai and sister Treya who can provide that to you. I can only relay to you what was reported."


"Following your failed attempt at the Gate of Pride, Elder Treya and the others were confronted by two mysterious men wearing glowing masks and garments. One of which was an earth essence user and the other, a water essence user. The earth essence user almost immediately went after your unconscious body, but was halted by Mai. The other attacker occupied Kenzo with close quarter combat. By the reports of Mai, Kenzo and Elder Treya, it seems these attackers were extremely skilled not just with their essence but in general combat as well."

"I don't get it though... why come after me?" Kaden questioned.

"...Do you remember the walk we shared several weeks ago Kaden? I told you a bit about Mai's upbringing."

"Ah yeah, I remember."

"These 'attackers' go by the name 'Luminents'. They're the same people who killed my daughter and her husband. Mai's mother and father."

Kaden paused and thought back to that previous conversation briefly.

"...You called them anarchist then. What would a group of anarchists want with me?" Kaden questioned.

"Like I previously mentioned, they're most likely attempting to maintain the balance of power in the four great lands. Although that's just my conclusion, we still have no clear idea what their absolute goal is."

"So, they probably want me because a person who can use all four essences is a huge shift in the power scale?"

"Potentially. I'm not quite sure because of how they retreated. Mai described it as them testing how strong they were and not an actual attempt at capturing you. 'If they were truly after Kaden, I believe they could've taken him easily.' Those are Mai's own words."

"Wait, does Mai know?"

"Does she know what?" Aira asked.

"That she had a confrontation with the people that killed her parents." Kaden stated.


"She doesn't know."

"It's better if she didn't know." Aira replied.

"How is that better?!"

"Mai is not as gifted as her parents were. She's a remarkable woman and still has plenty of potential but she could never hold a candle to what her parents were capable of."

"...How could you say that?" Kaden asked stunned by the reply.

"I don't want to lose my granddaughter. If she knew, she would possibly try to avenge her parents and that would be impossible for her!"

"So it's better for you if she didn't know."

Elder Aira hesitated and failed to make a rebuttal as Kaden had hit the nail on the head.

"You were the one person who I thought actually had faith in her."

"Of course I have faith in her." Aira exclaimed.

"Not enough to let her make her own decisions."

"Every decision she makes is hers and hers alone! However, I will not give her the option to do anything that she isn't capable of doing."

"And that's exactly my point! It should be up to her to decide whether she's capable of doing something or not!" Kaden replied passionately.

"What's going on?" Mai said as she walked up behind the two.

Kaden quickly went silent and avoided making eye contact with Mai.

"Me and Kaden were discussing some things." Elder Aira replied. "It's about time we informed him about what transpired that day."

"You mean the attack?"

"Yes. This is actually a perfect coincidence Mai, since you were actually present at the scene you can takeover with this. I'll leave you two to it."

Elder Aira and Kaden glanced at each other briefly before Aira went on her way. She gave him a look which said "Be quiet."

"Did I intrude on something?" Mai questioned.

"...No." Kaden responded calmly. "What did I miss that day?"

Mai proceeded to enlighten Kaden on everything that happened while he was unconscious from her own perspective. Kaden made no mention of the conversation he shared with Elder Aira. A short while later Kaden found himself alone in his treehouse. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the sapphire necklace that Mai had gifted him. He held it out in front of him and pondered about the news he received today while swaying the accessory back and forth.

"If Aestus is as secluded as it seems then how did a group of anarchists on the outside find out that I even exist?" Kaden thought. "Those Elders aren't asking the right questions, or maybe they're just playing oblivious in front of everyone else. For the entire time I've been in this world I've only been inside Aestus, and I've only interacted with a select few people. There's a smaller amount of people that know about me being able to use all four essences. So how did those guys know about me, and are already making moves to capture me. Or were they really after me? Mai said they were basically toyed with and those guys didn't take any opening to actually get me."

"Haaaaaa!!! My brain isn't strong enough for this."

Kaden dropped back into his bed and stared at the roof, contemplating the possibility of someone leaking information about him to the outside world. It wouldn't be completely impossible but maybe there was another answer for everything that was going on. In a matter of minutes Kaden was fast asleep, still holding onto that sapphire necklace.


"...Is it answers you're looking for?" A mysterious male voice asked.

"Huh? What's going on?" Kaden questioned.

"Listen carefully Kaden Adams."

"This voice... you're the person that woke me up before."

"Return to the gate, and prepare yourself this time."

"The gate of pride? Who the hell are you!?"

"Me? I don't have a name, but if you want you could call me N. Tha... you... know."

"What was that?" Kaden questioned.

"Da... ready? Why... it last... onger?"

"I don't understand what you're saying. What the hell is this?"


Kaden's eyes slowly opened as he awoken from the strange dream.

"The fuck was that about?" He muttered to himself.

"Return to the gate? That means I'd have to see him again..."

"Tssk. Dammit."


"You're sure you can find the way on your own?" Aaron asked to Via.

"Yeah it shouldn't be that hard." Via replied. "Elder Claire's direction were pretty clear."

"Alright, then I'll see you back at home."

"...Wait!" Via exclaimed as Aaron began to walk away. "Stay safe."

"I should be telling you that." Aaron replied with a slight smile.

He turned to walk away once again as Via watched on with an unexplainable worrying feeling in her chest. She gripped her shirt briefly, before ignoring the strange feeling and continuing onto where she would be meeting Elder Claire. Aaron aimlessly trekked through town as he observed the mundane day to day life of the Aestus villagers. Cat like creatures with beautiful color patterns etched into their fur were casually walking around the village, and they seemed to be a common pet. Fireflies danced down every pathway, and some were collected and used in lanterns. In both the fauna and flora Aaron was discovering creatures he had never seen before, and he was enjoying every moment of it. Suddenly, Aaron felt a chill wash over him as if the temperature had suddenly dropped subtly but noticeably. He paused from walking and curiously looked around him. He immediately noticed a sudden fog cloud forming around him. Confused, he inspected the area around him more and realized that there wasn't any villagers around anymore.

"Looking for someone?"

Aaron swiftly spun around in reaction to the voice which originated from behind him.

"Wha!" Aaron yelled as he found N standing directly behind him.

In the blink of an eye, Aaron looked around again and realized he was once again in the cloudy white space where N communicates with him.

"How'd I get here?" Aaron asked.

"I have my ways." N replied while taking a few steps back. "It's been a while huh friend?"


"...did I bring you back here? Listen I don't know how long I can have you here for so I need you to hold your questions for right now. A few weeks ago your friend Kaden Adams attempted to pass through the gate of pride and failed. That was to be expected, but what happened afterwards was not."

"What happened after?" Aaron questioned.

"I don't know." N answered. "Last time you were here I told you about how I can see the future. Well allow me to elaborate on that a bit more. This space we're in right now is a place outside the construct of time. A space between spaces I like to call it. Here I can see the past, present and future of every living creature without a second actually passing by in real time."

Aaron chuckled lightly and shook his head while pacing back and forth.

"At this point my expectations of what's possible has been blown out of the water." Aaron stated.

"I'm not going to explain how it all works right now but what's important is that even though I can see the future, that future can easily be changed. My interference with reality in anyway automatically negates the future I saw, that's why I only appear so often."

"But what if it's a future that you want to change?"

"...I've come to the conclusion that the future will never be perfect. It's better and more fun to watch you humans navigate your own problems by yourselves. However there are things that require my intervention."


"The answer to that question is irrelevant." N quickly answered.

"What do you mea-"

"Getting back on topic. The event that followed Kaden's attempt of the gate was not in any future that I saw. I'm also unable to revisit the event in the past. I've been blocked out."

"How's that possible?" Aaron asked.

"That's what I need to figure out. I've never experienced something like this, that's why I need you to accompany Kaden during his second attempt."

"You want me to report back to you."

"You're a smart one." N exclaimed.

"This is crazy."

"You'll need to be cautious since it may be possible I won't be able to see anything that's going to happen. No hints."

"What makes you think I'm just gonna go along with this? What if I'm pushing me and my friend straight into danger?"

"That doesn't concern me."

The area around them began to fade into black after N made that statement.

"Your existence benefits me and I'm willing to break my own rules to protect your life, but only as long as it benefits me. There are other ways I can get things done, so it's your choice if you want to help me or not."

"You're calling me expendable?" Aaron asked as he stepped backwards.

"To put it bluntly, yes."

"...Even without your protection, who's to say I won't live a nice long life?"

"Like I said it's your choice Aaron." N answered while walking towards him. "Remember this though. You already died once, so I wouldn't bet on you making it far on your own."


Aaron inhaled a large amount of air as he regained consciousness on the path he was walking down before. His breathing stayed heavy for a moment as he thought to himself...

"Who is he?"

"Excuse me, are you alright? " A voice asked from behind Aaron.

Aaron turned slowly and found two kids hunched over and examining his worrying behavior.

"I've never seen you before." Kumori stated.

"Another suspicious stranger." Kuria added.
