
The Life I Gained From Death

Kaden Adams has lived a detestable life in the view of others close to him. Winning the lottery at the age of 20 has granted him the freedom and money to do whatever he pleases. His own flat, super cars, and a lavish lifestyle that all seemed to just fell right into his lap. However he loses it all one day when he's met with an untimely death. He has a chance to regain the life he once took for granted, but the challenges that await him in a new world intends to reshape his entire character.

Ejay_Francis · Fantasía
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61 Chs

Chapter 21 - Fire and Water

"I should formally greet all of you, my name is Avery Hunt. Now I need names and ages, so let's start from the youngest."

"Me! I'm Sayuri Tilson, but everyone calls me Sayu. Oh and I'm seven."

"Nice to meet you Sayu." Avery replied.

"I'm Camilla Baxter and my nickname is Camie. I just turned ten a few days ago."

"Welcome to the double digits club Camie."

"My name is Manolo Cruz and they call me Mano. And I am ten too."

"Alright Mano."

"I'm Tanner Harris and I'm eleven."

"My name is Shaedon and I'm also eleven." He said softly.

"Got a last name Shaedon?"

"...I don't know."

"That's alright Shaedon, you don't need it." Avery replied in a comforting tone. "Lastly we have..."

"My name is Nakayla Cartwright and I'm fourteen years old."

"The big sister of the group I'm guessing."

"Very much so." She replied with a grin.

"Keep 'em in check girl. Don't be like this stick in the mud over here."

"Can we get back on topic now?" Jayson asked.

"Sure bluejay, let's talk about it." Avery answered. "On my dad's boat, the journey to the water continent would take roughly two weeks. After that we'll have to traverse over a mesa, through a desert, a grassland and a few other interesting biomes the water continent has to offer."

"Have you been there before?" Nakayla questioned.

"No but my dad has adventured there. He's explored places all over the four great continents and writes about his adventures in novels."

"Cool! I wanna read 'em." Sayu stated raising her hand.

"Where's your dad now?" Nakayla asked.

"Mmm he should be somewhere on the air continent right now."

"Your dad sounds super cool." Mano exclaimed.

"I know right." Avery replied with a smile.

"If he's on the air continent why's his boat here?" Jayson thought to himself.

"So are you guys sure that you want to come along for this?" Jayson asked. "Although I wouldn't know, I've heard that intercontinental travel is very dangerous. It'll be weeks of constant moving through harsh environments and who knows what kind of creatures we'll encounter."

"We'll be fine because you'll be there to protect us." Camie stated.

"Yeah Jay, you're the strongest person we know." Tanner added.

"Those are quite the expectations you got there." Avery said.

"Nothing I'm not used to." Jay replied.

"If you say so... Hey, who's hungry?"


"I'm starving."

"My stomach is emptyyy."

"Good thing I've became quite the exquisite cook, if I do say so myself." Avery stated as she walked over to the kitchen.

"Hey Jay, can we go look around the island?" Sayu quietly asked as she tugged his shirt.

"Uhhh sure but only for a little while." Jayson replied.

"Can I come too?" Shaedon asked.

"Yeah, let's go."

After explaining to Avery where he was going, Jayson left the building with Sayu and Shaedon to explore a part of the island. Jayson navigated them down a dirt trail which led away from the town and into the hills. The lush green environment harbored a diverse ecosystem of fauna and flora which Sayu and Shaedon have never seen before.

"What's that?!" Sayu questioned pointing at a flying creature.

"That's a dragonfly." Jayson answered.

"It's so small to be a dragon."

"No, not a dragon, it's an insect."

"Dragons are insects?"

"Can we eat these?" Shaedon asked as he inspected some bright pink fruits growing on some shrubs.

"You could. These are cocoplums, when you eat them make sure not to swallow the seed."

"...It tastes, sweet." Shaedon said.

"I like it!" Sayu exclaimed as she also tried them.

"Pick as much as you could if you want. Hurry though, one of my favorite areas on this island is further down this trail."

The trio continued their exploration, eating cocoplums and identifying the different creatures they saw along the way. The trail twisted and curled along the curves of the Earth's surface guiding them to a beautiful sight. Violet flower petals littered the path as twenty meter tall trees guarded the trail on both sides.

"Waaa, so pretty." Sayu said as she took in the scenery.

"These are Jacaranda trees." Jayson stated. "There are several of them scattered across this island and the others, but only right here will you find this much in one area."

Sayu ran beneath the canopy of the trees and carefully picked up a full flower that was resting on the ground. She inspected it for a second before placing the flower into her short black hair.

"I can hear water." Shaedon said as he looked around.

"You can hear it already?" Jayson questioned.

"Uh, just a little."

"Well we're almost there."

The trail dipped and led them down into a small lake which had waterfalls feeding into it on both the left and right sides.

"This is where I learned how to control my water essence." Jayson explained.

Jayson pulled two streams of water from the lake and interwove it between himself, Sayu and Shaedon. Sayu smiled and spun around as she followed the streams, while Shaedon looked on in amazement.

"How did you get water essence?" Shaedon questioned.

"...Have you heard the term mixed blood before Shaedon?"

"Only when people referred to you as one."

"Basically, my mother was from the water continent and naturally had water essence in her. While my father is from Ignus and just like everyone else from there, he had fire essence. However when they had me both of their essences were passed down to me, making me a mixed blood. I was brought here to this island after I was born to polish my use of the water essence. There isn't anyone else here who can use it but they thought this environment would help me draw it out."

"When you say "they" do you mean you're parents?" Shaedon questioned.

"Mostly my dad but yeah. Even though I came here to hone my water essence, I was never far from the fire."

"What do you mean?" Sayu asked.

"Well Sayu, we'll have to walk just a bit more." Jayson replied with a grin.

Jayson led the trio around the lake and up the side of the cliff which the waterfalls were flowing out of.

"Come here Sayu." Jayson said as he lifted her onto his shoulders. "You should be able to see it from here."

"Uhhh, what is that?" Sayu questioned.

"It's lava." Shaedon answered.


"What's lava?" Sayu asked.

"It's an extremely hot substance. Usually found deep underground but here it flows out of the ground and into the sea over there. You could think of it as liquid fire Sayu."

"Can you move it?"

"Well, I've never tried actually."

"I think you can." Sayu exclaimed.

"...Maybe I'll attempt it someday." Jayson responded after a short pause. "You really do think I can do anything huh Sayu?"

"Of course!" She happily replied while hugging the top of Jayson's head. "I wanna grow up to be just as strong as you are."

"...You know, it's hearing things like that, and seeing you smile so happily that makes me so strong. You too Shaedon, and the others as well. The fact that you all rely on me and look up to me this much gives my life a purpose. Thank you for that."

"You said there's a lot of people counting on you, so no wonder you're so strong." Sayu said.

"That makes sense. Let's head back."

A Few Hours Later.

"Well it's a bit scuffed but we should have everything we need for this journey." Avery stated.

The boat that belonged to Avery's father was much larger than the one Jayson and the others came in on. As the kids loaded themselves onto the boat, Jayson walked over to the other one that they came on. He then used his water essence to fill that boat with water and slowly sank it. He created an underwater current which not only pulled the boat under but also dragged it away from the island.

"What's the purpose for this?" Avery questioned.

"Just a precaution incase someone's following us." Jayson answered.

"Is that why you insisted on leaving today, because you think you're being followed?"

"When we were leaving Ignus we were seen by guards. Not just seen but they probably identified me because I used my water essence. It would only make sense that it was reported and I wouldn't be surprised if he sent pursuers after me."

"...You've changed quite a bit haven't you Jay?"

"What do you mean?" Jayson responded looking over to her.

"You used to be more lively before you left the island and went to Ignus. You ran around the island helping people with your water essence since you were the only one with it."

"I still pride myself on helping people."

"It's different now though." Avery exclaimed. "You're much more serious and cautious now. Which isn't exactly a bad thing, but you are still a kid. You shouldn't be taking on this much pressure."

"Kid? I don't have the time to be a kid. How could I be a kid when there are others who need so much more out of me. Those six need a protector. Mother Merina needs a messenger. The innocent people of Ignus need a fighter."

"And what do you need Jayson?"

"...I just need to be what everyone else needs me to be. That's my purpose."

"See, you have changed." Avery stated as she walked back to the boat.

Jayson stared off into the broad horizon with a determined look painted on his face. Several of the island's people came to question Avery about their trip and to wish them safe travel. With an arduous journey ahead of them, Jayson was ready to overcome any obstacle that may be waiting beyond the horizon he sees now. Without wasting another second he boarded the boat, and the eight of them left Isla Fundido in route to the water continent.


Present Day

"I feel like I'll go crazy if I have to spend another day inside this place." Via stated in an overly annoyed tone.

"At least they started bringing us out several times a day to clean off and see the outside." Aaron replied.

"That's because you and that lady became such good friends."

"Elder Aira is a nice lady, that's really all it is."

"...Are you not concerned about your friend?" Via questioned.

"You mean Kaden? Well, they said he was with people from this place and they seem pretty strong."

"Well yes, but it's been two weeks since they've updated us on what's going on."

"They wouldn't keep us here if something had happened." Aaron responded. "They're only keeping us here because of my request, I don't think they're the type of people to just keep prisoners locked away without an explanation."

"You would be correct Mr. Cooper." Elder Aira said as she stood outside the door way.

"Good day Elder Aira." Aaron said. "Have you come by to learn more about my old world?"

"As much as I adore listening to your stories, I'm afraid I come here today with a more serious matter at hand. Kaden Adams is back in Aestus."

Aaron's eyes widened as he was struck by a slight bit of shock before quickly gathering himself.

"So... I can go talk to him now?" Aaron questioned.

"Before that I would like to have another brief conversation with you. Would you please join me?"

"Yeah, of course."

Aaron walked over to the entrance but stopped just before it and waited for a few seconds.

"Aren't you gonna shackle my hands with that ice?" He asked.

"There's no need for that Aaron, I trust you."

"Are you sure?"

"Well I can if you're insisting that I should." Aira replied.

"No, no that's fine. Um, I'll be back Via."

"Okay." Via replied nonchalantly.

Via's been trying to distance herself from me emotionally these past few days. Aaron thought to himself. "She's preparing for a situation where I really am going to leave her. She says being cooped up in here is annoying, but it hasn't really bothered her because I've been here by her side this whole time. She's not good at hiding the sorrow on her face.

Aaron followed behind Elder Aira as she calmly walked away from the prison. The air around the two was concerning, and filled with uneasiness. Neither said a single word for the first beginning moments.

"...So are we going to see Kaden?" Aaron asked.

"Yes, but before that I must be honest with you. It's only fair since you've honestly opened up so much to me... Kaden actually returned to the village two weeks ago."

Aaron's head swiftly swiveled to face Elder Aira with a confused gaze aimed towards her.

"So why am I just being told he's back now?"

"Kaden Adams has been unconscious for the past two weeks. He left the village to undergo a trial but he failed to complete said trial. We believe-"

"Wait a second!" Aaron interrupted. "Is he alright?"

"Physically yes, he woke up this morning." Aira answered. "However we believe the trial may have mentally drained him. If that's the case their is only so much we can do for him, but you being a close friend of his..."

Aira stopped walking and looked up into Aaron's eyes as he listened attentively.

"...You're easily the best person that can help him right now."