
Uchiha Rebellion

The third hokage slowly finished signing the last piece of paper from the stack, he slowly stood up and turned around to look out through his window at the village. He could hear the sounds of daily life filter into his office, children's laughter, villagers walking through the streets, and families dropping off their young at the academy. 'It's odd that a day as beautiful as this is going to end in hundreds of deaths' Hiruzen Sarutobi thought to himself. A few days ago he was meeting with his informant Itachi Uchiha, and his former teammates Homura Mitokada, and Koharu Utatane, and former classmate Danzo Shimura. The meeting was discussing the future of the village relating to the Uchiha planing a coup trying to wrestle away more power from the village, the Uchicha ultimately dissatisfied with both the power structure of the village and the feeling of constant supervision since the nine tails attack.

Today, everything was going to be decided, the meeting ended with the decision that Itachi Uchiha was going to stop the rebellion by slaughtering his own clan. 'What a terrible weight to put on someone's shoulder' Hiruzen sighed to himself as he picked up his pipe and took a puff. Hiruzen feeling the weight of the hokage hat took it off and set it on the side of his desk, closing his eyes and for one of the first times in his life wished he had more paperwork to distract himself with.

Itachi stood on a roof in the middle of the village with his eyes closed listening to the sound of life streaming from the citizens of Konoha. How every day he spent trying to build a better life for the people of the leaf would end in him being order to slaughter some of them. "I will miss this place" he hummed to himself. Itachi wearing his ANBU jacket and mask with his sword sheathed to his back, mentally preparing himself for the blood he would leave in his wake. "Be safe little brother, be strong little brother and love this village little brother." He prayed.

Itachi stood in front of his kneeling parents, blood dripping onto the floor from his blade. "Father I am sorry I could never be the son you wanted me to be." Itachi said looking at his father in the eye, turning to his mother he whispered "Mom I never wanted this, I promise Sasuke will be taking care of." His mother looked into her son's eye and smiled sadly. Itachi with a quick swing of his sword cut the neck of both his parents, a single tear fell from his eye as he moved into the shadows and waited for his brother to come home from the academy.

As Sasuke ran home as fast as his feet would carry him to tell his family everything he learned today crossed into his clan he noticed the eerie silence. 'Something isn't right' Sasuke thought to himself as he started towards his home. Only a few moments later he come across his first dead body, pale and shaking, Sasuke slowly inch by inch moved closer to the face down body. Praying to anyone that was listening, 'please not my brother, not my mother and father.' As he saw the face and knew it wasn't his immediate family he continued rushing home, every corpse he say laying on the street turned into another possibility that it could be someone he loved. He checked every dead face making sure the hope inside of him that he would be able to hold his parents and brother still lived.

As Sasuke slid the door to his house open he knew in the pit of his stomach that the hope he held onto meant nothing to reality. The dark doorway and the dead quiet only strengthened the pit growing larger in his gut. Ever step he took his hand would brace the wall, afraid he wouldn't find the strength in himself to continue and collapse. Finally he saw them, his mother and father slumped on their knees as the blood pooled around them. That was one of the first breaking points of the day, as his eye started shedding tears. He turned his head from side to side looking around hoping that his brother was still alive, and his hope was answered. Itachi appeared from the shadows behind his parents and in front of Sasuke. "Hello little brother" Itachi spoke to Sasuke. "Brother you're alive." Sasuke said through his sniffling.

As Sasuke was so distracted that his brother was still in the land of the living he didn't notice at first the blood stained clothing his brother was wearing or the blade that still had wet blood on it. Sasuke became afraid that his brother was hurt and started to move closer to him hoping it wasn't a fatal injury. "Brother you are hurt." Sasuke said as he moved ever closer to Itachi. "No little brother, none of the Uhichas were strong enough to harm me, they were too weak." As Itachi finished his last word, Sasuke started to shake his head and cower as his tears were streaming down his face. "No brother, no you couldn't have." Sasuke kept repeating over and over to himself. "Here let me show you Sasuke." Itachi said as he made eye contact with his brother Sasuke, "Tsukuyomi" Itachi whispered as he felt Sasuke getting pulled into his eye.

It was quiet in the red and black world, only able to hear a sword swiping through the air. Sasuke nailed to a cross unable to move or look away saw his mother die again for what seemed to be the thousandth time. He has seen his parents brutally killed in every way imagine able for hours maybe days he had no way to keep track. He stopped begging his brother to stop after seeing his parents and villagers cut down for the tenth time. Now he just existed looking on with dead eyes, only thought in his mind was wishing he could join them in death. "Only eighteen more hours to go Sasuke." His own brother Itachi stated. Eventually Sasuke was brought out of the genjustu and found himself stumbling next to his deceased parents. Sasukes eyes just barely open but no life existed in them. "Hate me brother, grow in anger and when you have eyes like mine come and try to kill me." The words wisped in the room as Itachi vanished only leaving that echo behind never seeing Sasuke willing himself to die.