


who knows about that sound you here when the church bells of the old times are rang . Yeah that was how I felt when my alarm rang.

Huh stupid drink and its hangover , I wonder how much I drank for my head to be sounding this way .

I hurriedly smacked my alarm clock to put it off, as I turned and rolled to the other side if my bed only to hit a wall .

Wait!!! A wall? On my bed the hell that's not possible, I got up and quickly open my windows for a reflection of light .

And guess what I did . Yeah you guessed right I screamed.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh tf you doing on my bed " I screamed at Zeke

" hey calm down why you screaming like a maniac" he said

" why are you on my bed? and why are you shirtless? what happened ?" I said firing questions at him

" well you asked me to stay that's , I'm shirtless because damn my shirt looks good on you " he said smirking. I really wish I could wipe that smirk off his face .

" so you changed my clothes " I said suddenly hugging my body as a shiver ran through my spine.

" Yeah you puked all over " he said

" still why did you change my clothes so you saw my body " I said glaring

"Pfft I've seen better " he said

And I lost it

" get out now "i said suddenly dragging him out of my bed

" I need my shirt " he fired back

" go to the sitting room I'll get you your shirt " I said as I successfully pushed him outta the room.

God I'm so stupid I shouldn't have drank that much .

I quickly throw on another shirt and went down stairs to give him his

" here your shirt" I said as I throwed it at him.

" alright see your at the office " he said smirking as he went out the door.

Shoot I have 40 minutes left to get to the office.

I hurriedly ran to the bathroom to take my bathe

I got dressed took my necessary things and off I went to work . Oh heavenly father let today have less drama.


I got to the office and went to the coffee machine to get coffee obviously.

I walked searching for MK it's been a while we chatted

Hah I finally found him

" hey MK good morning "I said cheerfully

"Morning Nessa "he said

"So I was thinking we could go grab breakfast " i said

"Finally my bestie is back "he said as he dragged me to the parking lot

I got in the car with him at the passengers side as I drove to the nearest Chinese restaurant. Oh it's been long

"I'll get noodles "I said to the waitress

"Yeah me too" MK said

"So Nessa I got a boyfriend " MK suddenly blurted out

"Omg finally I'm so happy for you " I said smiling

"Yeah we've been on a few dates "he said

"So have you guess done it yet" I said smirking

"Nessa !! Get your mind out off the gutters " he said fake glaring

After a few minutes it was served and we dugged in.

We ate and paid for it .

We were about to enter the car when my phone rang it was mum.

" hola mama" I said cheerfully

"Hello Vanessa Haha I warned you, you wouldn't listen less say I paid your mama a visit. You can come get her corpse " A voice said

No no it's a lie it's not true. I dropped my phone and fell on the floor as MK rushed to my side.

I blacked out.


I woke up with one thought on my mind , I'm leaving today.

I'm gonna miss everyone here .

My phone rang bringing me out off my thoughts it was Mimi my boss

"Hello good morning " I greeted

"Morning Karen as you know your are leaving today and your flight is this morning so get ready " she said

"Ok ma'am " I replied

"When you get back get ready to be promoted and receive a raise in your salary " she said

"Thank you so much" I replied happily

"No problem you did well your work brought us a lot of clients all over the world through the makeup you did for the bride I'm proud of you" she said

I was beyond speechless

"Thank you so much ma'am I'll see you when I get back."I said a so hunged up .

Yessssss promotion.

I wish I could stay with these people they are so nice, but I've got a job and I can't leave Nessa all alone.

Shoot I haven't talked to Nessa ahhh anyways I'm gonna see her soon.

I stood up and brought out my suitcase I took the Jean and crop top I'm gonna put on then I packed the rest things.

I took my bathe and got ready, I dragged my suitcase down the stairs I have a morning flight .

"I'll miss you aunty " Macy said crying

"Awww baby I'll miss you more, I promise to visit one day and besides uncle Adrii has my contact number so when you miss me disturb him to give me a call okay?" I said smiling at her trying to console her

" okay aunty " she said

" now go get ready your tutor will be here soon" I said to her as she bounced back to her room.

"Hey child dont forget this old granny her" granny said with a sad smile

"I won't granny do take care" I said to her

"I'll drive you to the airport " Adrian said sniffing

" ok thanks "

We walked to his car and drove to the airport

" call me when you get there" he said

" I'll bye" I said as I walked into the airport avoiding turning back cause I wont be able to hold my tears. Newyork here I come.


Hey beautiful people its succy

Ooops their mum is dead .

what's gonna happen next.

Karen finally is going back to Newyork so touching.

Please comment your thoughts on the book
