
The Library of "Against the Gods" Smut

This is going to be where I publish my friends and my ATG smut fanfictions. I will put the general tags/ warnings in front of each one, so you know whether or not you want to avoid it. A bunch of Oneshots. Each chapters will be its own thing. (These Fanfictions All Stem from the ATG server, I will not be posting other fanfictions written elsewhere, even though some of them are really high quality and nice, I don't want to take peoples work without them knowing.)

Jhacterian · Derivados de obras
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5 Chs

Yun Che x Chiyang Yanwu(Taming a Dragon Bitch)

*One of my Top 6 favorite ATG waifus*

Setting: Shortly after YC beats her and whips her butt in public

Tags: Sole Male, Sole Female, Mindbreak

Author: Me

Chiyang Yanwu raced through the rooftops, heading for the Yun family residence in a hurry. Whenever she thought of the time that she had been humiliated and whipped in public by that filthy human, she would quickly become red from the anger. She had decided hat today she would put that human in his place. She would make that filthy human grovel and plead for forgiveness under her foot. Her eyes were fiery, as she burned for that very moment. After stopping in the middle of the courtyard she scanned around quickly locking on to his aura.

Upon locking onto her destination, she quickly checked to make sure that he was sleeping. She smiled triumphantly knowing that her mission was now destined to be a success, as she found him sleeping. She itched to hurry up and restrain the bastard but knew that she couldn't take any chances. As she tiptoed in she quickly charged her whip.

She found the the bastard silently dozing off, breathing lightly."Hmph, take this for being negligent" she silently muttered, setting up a sound barrier before her eyes flashed and she sent her whip flying at his back. She had recently made a breakthrough and was now confident in giving him injuries. However.

Fwip! The whip made a noise much to early. This was because Yun Che had grabbed the whip in midair and was now looking at her with a small grin. "Now what would you be doing here?" he asked as he sat back admiring her body with her whip in hand. She was surprisingly still wearing her very revealing clothes. Her short shirt was extremely tight and revealed almost all her skin, her breasts nearly popping out. This came with a pair of tight short jeans that put her light creamy beige legs on display.

"Let me go right now" she said angrily pulling back on the whip to no avail. To her surprise he had actually also made a breakthrough. The difference she thought would be there was now nonexistent.

"Haha you must be joking" Yun Che chuckled as he pulled on the whip, sending her flying towards him.

"Kyaaa" she shouted in surprise as her face slammed into his chest and he wrapped his arm around her waist.

Yun Che smirked. Boy was he going to have fun. No way she could blame him either. She was the one that had came looking for trouble. "Now what" he asked smiling evilly. "Don't touch me you bastard" she said angrily sending her left hand flying toward his face.

"Woops" he said still smiling as he dodged her palm and lightly pushed her back leading to her facepalming the bed, with her alluring backside now on display. He quickly set up his own sound barrier and proceeded to restrain her with his energy, as she shouted in resentment.

"Let me go right now you bastard" she screamed as she twisted and turned violently.

"Hmph" Yun Che said before flicking the whip as hard as he could, right for her nice round butt.

A loud crack rang out. However to her surprise and his expectation she let out a loud moan as the whip made contact. "O?" Yun Che said as he walked over placing his right palm on her right buttock squeezing."What do we have here? Moaning to a whip? How indecent" he said as he continued to squeeze, savoring the pliable and soft flesh.

"W-what are you talking about" she said angrily "Don't be delusional, I would nev"

Crack! The whip once again landed on her short jeans, this time tearing them apart revealing a perfectly heart shaped backside. "Mhmmm nice" Yun Che said nodding in approval as she let out another stray moan.

"So what were you saying?" he asked smugly as he continued to fondle her backside.

Before she could respond the whip came down flying with a resounding crack but before she could finish her moan, the whip continued to fly repeatedly hitting her butt again and again. Just as the twentieth strike hit Yun Che's eyes perked up with a scary glint.

There was a drop of very noticeable liquid coming from her slit.

"P-please stop" she said, her butt now having some light red marks strewn across it.

"Are you sure you want me to stop?" he asked tilting his head forward and licking her pussy before tasting her liquid."Sweet" he thought to himself.

Chiyang Yanwu felt dumbfounded as she stopped herself from answering. She couldn't believe that she had gotten wet from this. Nor could she believe the fact that she had been moaning under his lashes. "I must've gone insane" she thought to herself.

"Not answering?" he said. "I can tell you why you know" He raised his hand high.

"W-what?" she asked wanting to know the reason for this. She refused to even think about the fact that she could have gotten turned on by this measly human bastard.

"Its because your a natural Slut!" Yun Che said joyfully as he sent his right palm down flying with full force landing right on her right buttcheek.

"You dare!" she said before moaning loudly, her butt jiggling under the force of the slap.

"It's true you know" he said as he turned her head with his hand and smashed his lips into hers. He very quickly advanced with his tongue pressing forward and and dominating their clash.

"Mmff" she moaned into his mouth as he aggressively continued moving his right hand down tearing off her shirt and immediately beginning to rub her breasts.

This continued with Chiyang Yanwu now having started to enjoy his administration and Yun Che getting more and more aroused. Soon he couldn't take it anymore and turned her back over. He rubbed her entrance with his rock hard shaft.

"Now tell me you want it in you" he said.

Yanwu suddenly snapped back to reality. She couldn't accept the fact that she would have to submit to him and ask for it. Her mind was in a flurry as her face slowly began to turn bright crimson. She knew that she wanted it, but her pride really just wouldn't let her admit it.

She moaned as he rubbed against her, but she still refused to admit it. Dissatisfied with this Yun Che, began to tease her by aggressively pushing his body down on her and snaking his hands around to roughly grab and pinch her breasts. He was going to make her so aroused that she would have no choice but to beg. This was the decision that he had come too.

"Ahhhh" Yanwu moaned softly as she was vigorously molested and fondled by Yun Che for what seemed like an eternity. She really didn't want to accept it, but at this moment, this point in time her pussy was aching. She was now dripping wet and desperately wanted him inside her from all his teasing.

Yun Che sensed that the moment was right. He was going to teach her a lesson. He suddenly stopped his administration's and backed off. "Alright, you can go now" he said, sitting back.

"Huh? What?" she asked confusedly. She had been waiting in anticipation for his massive prick to enter her when he couldn't wait anymore.

"You heard me. I'll let you off. Now leave." Yun Che laid back and put his arms behind his head.

Her mind whirled in confusion for a few seconds, before she lowered her head and said "w-wait".


"I-i want it" she said softly and embarrassedly. In her entire life, she had never had to ask for anything, but at this moment she couldn't deny the burning desire inside her. Her Sex was burning hot and aching. She didn't know what he had done but she wanted it, more than her pride.

"No" His voice was flat and without emotion. In his mind however he was laughing triumphantly. He had already won.

"What? But why?" she said her mind in turmoil. She had already asked for it so why wasn't it happening?

"How naive" he thought to himself. "Beg." he said flatly. "Beg for my cock"

Chiyang Yanwu was desperate. She needed it. At this point she no longer hesitated. She quickly turned around, got on her hands and knees and said "P-Please grace me with your cock. I beg you"

"There. Wasn't so hard now was it?" he asked getting up. Truth be told he had been at his limit and had almost pounced on her multiple times already.

He lined his shaft up with her pussy. After a small rub he slammed his hips right into her, his cock completely filling her to the brim. She gasped in shock as she squirmed slightly uncomfortable and in pain. "Why was he so big" she thought to herself. Though she had played with herself before as she had never felt this way before, bent over she felt a certain warmth build up at her core, from the sudden intrusion.

Yun Che then began to pump into her with a steady pace. He reached out with his left grabbing her hair and roughly pulling back her hair, using it as a grip. His other hand would constantly slap and grope her ass, bringing stinging delight to yanwu. His large shaft was penetrating deep into her thanks to her being on her hands and knees along with the force he was applying.

"How does it feel?" he asked? "How does it feel as i take your purity"? He growled again as he pulled back and thrust into her again, this time with more force from before.

As he thrust into her and continued to pummel her with great force, her feelings of slight pain disappeared and a great sense of pleasure began to well up. She began to moan unrestrictedly and tried to push her breasts down against the sheets, trying to find more and more stimulation. "Oh god, i'm going to lose my mind" she thought.

"I knew you were a natural slut. I could tell" Yun Che said as he panted thrusting harder and harder as he felt her contract around him, her folds gripping him for dear life. Lewd noises reverberated around the room as his hips slapped her from behind, and his slaps connected with her ass. It wasn't long , approximately only 10 seconds later, when Yanwu began to shake, her orgasm sweeping her up like a tsunami. Her mind went elsewhere as her pussy became drenched in her own fluids.

Yun Che looked at her shaking in pleasure as she squeezed him incredibly hard one last time before losing her hold and plopping down, still convulsing from the post orgasmic bliss.

"Still there?" Yun Che said complacently. He knew none could escape the might of of his shaft.

"Mhmmm" a light moan escaped her mouth, as a small trickle of liquid flowed between her legs. She languidly looked at him her eyes now glazed over with lust.

"Suck it" Yun Che said leaning back.

Yanwu slowly crawled over, her eyes filled with lust, desire and need. She wrapped her beautiful red lips around his length immediately diving down five inches greedily sucking away and swirling her tongue. She energetically bobbed her head up and down looking at him with lustful submissive eyes. She suddenly dove down and took him all in one stroke, keeping his shaft in her throat, her throat now bulging.

"That's good, your definitely a natural" Yun Che said patting her head. He had definitely struck gold with this one. He watched as she gagged and coughed up saliva, admiring her beauty and newfound determination.

She released her hold on his shaft and gasped for breath, looking at him for his approval.

"Good, now are you ready for your reward?" he said cupping her chin.

"Mmm yes master" she replied her sex dripping with kindled with arousal, burning and aching.

"Turn around and receive your reward then slut."

She quickly turned around lifting her backside, desperately waiting for his mighty shaft to pump into and destroy her. She rubbed her clit and breasts teasing herself as she waited for him grace her.

She lightly moaned as he rubbed against her entrance, her pussy complaining that it didn't have any action."P-please" she said sultrily, turning her head her eyes now pleading him and lightly pouting.

Yun Che couldn't deny that he was turned on and could barely wait so he decided to no longer stall. He moved his hips back, before brutally slamming his hips against her ass, fully penetrating her.

"AHHHH..." she said as she was stuffed to the brim by him. Her mouth opened and her body trembled going weak, as he began to slowly pound her with slow and powerful thrusts. Each time her mind would go blank, as she let out endless moans of pleasure. She quickly orgasmed again splattering liquid all over his thighs and shaft.

Yun Che grinned, watching her losing her mind under him.

He slowly began to ramp up his pace, increasing his speed and ferocity of his thrusts only causing her to lose her mind even further as she was dominated. At this point all she could think of was of how to pleasure him the future and how to receive his cock over and over again.

"You enjoy being dominated don't you? Tell me how much you love being destroyed under me. Say whose slut you are!" Yun Che said as he felt a burning heat began to gather.

Her only response was her moaning some incoherent words, as her toes curled and her hands gripped the sheets, as she was struck by another orgasm her brain now being rewired. From this moment on she would live for the sole purpose of serving him. Her entire body was now reduced to nothing but a toy for him.

Yun Che groaned as he felt her squeeze him extremely tightly, and her fluids rush providing him an extremely pleasurable feel and friction. He tilted his head back and orgasmed.

His torrent of hot cum quickly blasted away any inkling of common sense she had have had left, as hot sticky ropes were unleashed one after another. Halfway through, much to her complaint he pulled out shooting his cum all over her back, his white cum contrasting well with her creamy beige colored skin.

"Masterrrr…." she managed to get out, as she crawled over and placed his cock in her mouth suckling away desperate to milk him from all his cum.

"Good girl" He said patting her head.

MY old favorite.

Jhacteriancreators' thoughts