
The Letter To A Friend Novels & Books - WebNovel


  • Letters to Romeo.

    [Mature Content. No Rape] 'All it took was breaking one rule that she was not supposed to' He was the bad boy with tattoos. She was the good girl with glasses, and she was his. — When Julianne Winters decides to move to the dormitory of the reputed University, she has everything planned so that she can complete her graduation and leave the place. But her plan is quick to catch fire from the moment the eyes of Roman Moltenore from senior year lands on her. And his appearance screams nothing but TROUBLE. "What rules?" Julianne asked with a frown as she read through the page. She was sure she hadn't seen any rules of the campus mentioned on their website. # 4. No using cell phones. # 12. Students should not roam outside the campus after eleven in the night. The further she read, the more bizarre it turned out to be. Her friend turned the page and then pointed at the last rule # 29. Listen to Roman Moltenore. "This is made up. Look, the last one is even written in pencil." Julianne couldn't believe that her friend from the next dorm thought she would fall for it. "And no phone?" "It is important you abide by all the rules. Especially number twenty nine," said the girl in a serious tone. "Remember not to get involved with Roman. If you happened to see him, run in the other direction. There is a reason why it is written down here." With the rules of the campus, she resorts to sending handwritten letters to her uncle. But who knew it would end up in someone else’s hand! 

    ash_knight17 · Fantasy
  • One Night Love With Friend

    WARNING: 21+ Beberapa adegan kekerasan dan adegan dewasa. Bijaklah memilih bacaan. Tidak sengaja bermalam dengan seorang pria yang selama ini ia kenal sebagai sahabatnya sendiri. Hingga akhirnya semuanya dimulai dari sana, bahkan cinta ikut membuat hari-harinya bahagia. Tapi ia sadar bahwa dirinya mencintai orang yang salah. “Apa yang harus kulakukan ketika bertemu dengan Nicole? Sahabat, atasan, dan sekaligus yang telah mengambil mahkotaku.” Anna Gisella. “Kenapa aku harus bermalam dengannya?” Nicole Alfian. Akankah persahabatan mereka masih tetap seperti biasa? Lantas, apakah Nicole akan bertanggung jawab atas hilangnya mahkota sahabatnya sendiri? Dan bagaimana dengan perjalanan cinta yang mulai tumbuh dalam kehidupan mereka? Akankah cinta atau luka yang akan berbicara.

    Meldy_Wita · Urban
  • My Best Friend Is A Transmigrator

    A young man dies, and his soul transmigrates into another world. With his new body, he starts his journey to the peak of the world. Okay, wait, wrong script... We've seen this countless times, the MC dies and transmigrates to another world(mostly cultivation worlds) and starts his/her journey to the peak. But... what about his/her friends in this new world? Follow the journey of Leon, who finds a shocking secret after his dead friend suddenly came back to life. The body of his friend was occupied by a soul from another dimension, a place called Earth. His normal life took a turn, and with a new conviction after witnessing the death of his friend, he will rise to reign supreme, with his new transmigrated friend, of course. **************** "According to Pythagoras Theorem, we should be able to..." "Wait! Pytha what?!" "Pythagoras Theorem" "Pytha... Forget it, you do you, and I'll do me. You can say whatever you want" ****************** "Come, my friend, let the face slapping begin!" Some moments later... Smack! "Shit! Why'd you slap him?" "You said face slapping, right? Well, I'm doing just that" "It's a figure of speech! It doesn't mean you literally have to slap them on the face" "Oh! You should have explained earlier" ************************ On their journey to the peak, they discovered another shocking secret, Leon's friend wasn't the only transmigrator.... *********************** P.S: Cover art is not mine, I just edited it. If you're the creator and you want me to take it down, let me know. Disclaimer: The story will revolve around the Main character and the transmigrator(something like a dual mc)

    Springs_Halo · Fantasy
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  • My Mafia Boy Friend

    Dua laki-laki yang hidupnya penuh kegelapan. Satu membuat tubuhku terbakar dan yang satunya lagi membuatku gemetar. Dan mereka bersumpah tidak akan melepaskanku. Kehidupanku yang biasa sebagai mahasiswa tingkat dua menjadi luar biasa ketika Joshua masuk ke dalam duniaku. Hubungan dekat kami tampaknya terlalu mustahil untuk menjadi nyata, seperti mimpi indah Sampai menjadi mimpi buruk. Aku di bius dan diculik. Ketika aku bangun, aku menemukan diriku terjebak dalam pelukan pria yang seharusnya menjadi pelindungku yang kaku dan penuh amarah. Cinta pertamaku adalah seorang mafia,berasal dari keluarga penjahat no1 di kota ini. Dan sahabatnya Madun, pria berotot menakutkan yang menculikku adalah seorang penegak hukum yang jahat. Mereka bilang mereka tidak bisa melepaskanku, atau musuh mereka mungkin akan menyakitiku. Terlepas dari segalanya, hatiku tetap milih Joshua, dan aku tidak bisa menahan diri untuk tidak menyerah pada hubungan yang membara di antara kami. Aturan kaku Madun membuatku marah, tapi tatapan tajam dan perintah tegasnya membuat sesuatu yang lebih gelap dari amarah membara di jiwaku. Mereka bilang mereka menculikku untuk perlindunganku sendiri, tetapi akankah tetap dekat dengan penculik kriminal yang memikat membuat aku dalam bahaya lebih dari sebelumnya?

    ilham_suhardi · Action
  • [A Letter To God]

    Miracles happen when you are truly submitted to God and He is right there in your soul.

    Saba21_92 · Fantasy
  • Dear Luna - A Letter from your Alpha

    Anjali Roy Age 20 the goal to become a professional Photographer but committed a crime taking the supernatural K-Drama love interest too seriously. On the other side, we have Dong-jun, 25 years old CEO of the k-pop talent hunt agency, having a hidden secret that only unravels on the full moon being a werewolf. "Bro don't forget the untold law of K-Drama the one who falls in love first gets rejected first," Viddhi said, “Baby girl according to the Indian melodrama law of love just staring at the one you love all day with no words. Dance and sing around, then no one can stop the one you love to fall in love back with you. To get the sickness of lovariya” Anjali mumbles with the passion in her voice. Well, the untold law came out to be true of K-Drama and the law of Indian melodrama failed. "I reject you, Anjali Roy," Jun said, feeling a tug on her chest as a fake smile plastered over her face. "Well, when did I even propose to you to get rejected by you Kim Dong-Jun..." Who will reject whom? Will this K-Drama supernatural love story mixture of some masala of Indian melodrama work? The unwanted love between them comes closer only to path away farther than before as the time repeats once again. Ending up hurting themselves... Wait, that's not over, that's where the second lead comes with the letter holding in his hand. "I hope after reading this you will go out with me" Here comes another handsome Oppa yes yes. (Cringe~ about cringe) But who will win the fated or the genial with no bond love? *Spirit Novel 2021* All the credit of the art goes to its artist

    Dream_land · Fantasy
  • Bullying And Bloody Letters

    Tamat per-season Sebuah surat dengan percikan darah yang menuntun seorang gadis korban perundungan, untuk membalaskan dendam. Surat itu memberikan petunjuk satu-persatu bagaikan potongan purzzle yang perlahan menjadi utuh. Arwah dari korban ketidak-adilan di masa lampau mulai menebar teror, kepada setiap orang yang sudah membuatnya hancur dan terjebak di alam lain. Kematian dan pristiwa berdarah tak bisa terelakkan. Larasati, Cinta dan juga Eliza adalah ketiga gadis yang tewas karna dibunuh oleh teman sekelasnya. Kini arwah mereka mulai menebar teror dan menuntut balas atas kematiannya. Note: Bukan hanya tentang cerita seram, tapi dalam cerita ini penulis ingin menyampaikan betapa berbahayanya bullying. #stopbullying Selamat membaca....

    Eva_Fingers · Horror
  • A letter to the World

    kiaraAnnika · History
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  • A letter to Lucía

    “A letter to Lucía” is a short book that will immerse you in a tragic and exciting love story. The protagonist takes us by the hand through the most intense moments of his life, from the painful breakup with the one he considered the love of his life, to the transformation of his existence into a captivating prison of memories and melancholy. Facing continuous addictions and relapses, the protagonist shows us how his internal struggle leads to a tragic and, at the same time, hopeful ending. Prepare to be captivated by this story that will make you reflect on the power of love and the strength of personal improvement.

    pilumpacem · Urban
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    JADWAL UPDATE: Seminggu sekali. . . Fuyu kabur dari rumah. Dia kecewa dengan sang ayah yang berubah menjadi seorang gay setelah ibunya meninggalkan mereka. Dia pun pindah ke sebuah kosan dan bertemu Aki. Mereka lalu menjadi teman. Teman sekosan. Teman hidup. Dan teman tidur... ...eh? Benarkah mereka hanya teman?

    Om_Rengginnang · LGBT+
  • A letter to you

    Little_Moon_5911 · Teen
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  • A letter to god.

    1) A Letter to God introduction. . . . The story, "A Letter to God" by G.L Fuentes revolves around the idea of having unquestionable belief in something. The story is set in a Latin American country. Lencho, the farmer, who is the protagonist of the story, writes a letter to God seeking help from the almighty after discovering his entire crop yield destroyed by a devastating hailstorm. Although, his wishes get fulfilled partially, if not completely, he is ungrateful in the end and questions the honesty and modesty of the post-masters who actually helped him with money (anonymously) in the name of god. 2) A letter to God summary. . . . The story, "A Letter to God" by Music lite owner by sagar_Sharma depicts unwavering faith of a farmer in God. It begins with a farmer, named Lencho expecting for a rain shower to nourish his field of corn. He is confident that his harvest is going to yield him huge profits just like it does every year. To his utmost excitement, rainfall did happen but sooner, it turned into a hailstorm destroying his entire crop field. The damage posed a threat to the family's survival as their entire livelihood was dependent on the year's produce. Although disheartened, the family had robust belief in the almighty. Lencho, despite having worked day and night at the field, knew how to write and thus, decided to write a letter to God explaining his situation and asking for help. He went to town to post his letter addressed "To God". The letter on being noticed by the postmaster, at first amused him, but then motivated him want to do something for the farmer so as to keep his immense belief intact. He contributes from his salary and collects money from his colleagues and friends who willingly contributed for an act of charity. To his dismay, he could only collect 70 pesos which he wrapped in an envelope to make it seem like a reply from the deity. On having found the letter, the writer (Lencho) is not at all shocked, but instead, he gets angry on finding that the amount is less than what he had expected. He again writes a letter to God conveying his disappointment and distrust in the employees of the post office who he thought had stolen the remaining amount. 3) A letter to God explanation. . . cho - who knew his fields intimately - had done nothing else but see the sky towards the north-east. the house Word meanings Crest: Top of a hill Dotted: Full Of Downpour: Heavy Rain Intimately: Closely Lencho, the farmer, lived on the only house that was there on the top of a hill. The hill was low-heighted. From there, a river and a ready-to-harvest corn field were visible. The field belonged to Lencho and he had the utmost confidence that the harvest would reap great profits. The only thing that he awaited was rainfall. In this hope, he spent an entire morning gazing at the sky in the north-east direction from where a drizzle was expected to shower on his field. "Now we're really going to get some water, woman. The woman who was preparing supper, replied, "Yes, God willing". The older boys were working in the field, while the smaller ones were playing near the house until the woman called to them all, "Come for dinner. It was during the meal that, just as Lencho had predicted, big drops of rain began to fall. In the north-east huge mountains of clouds could be seen approaching. The air was fresh and sweet. The man went out for no other reason than to have the pleasure of feeling the rain on his body, and when he returned he exclaimed, "These aren't raindrops falling from the sky, they are new coins. The big drops are ten cent pieces and the little ones are fives." the house Word meanings Exclaimed- cry out suddenly in surprise, strong emotion, or pain. The man, while looking at the sky, confidently tells his wife that they are going to have a rain-shower to which the lady replies by saying, only if everything happens as they hope and expept. thnku for learning guys... sagar_sharma

    MUSIC_LITE · Fantasy
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  • A letter to lovers

    Cat and Jerry hired some cottage, in the village, near to Istanbul, Cat had migrated from Syria during war, and no one knows about Jerry’s ancestors.

    Gohar_khan · Fantasy
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    Fuyu ran away from home. He is disappointed with his father who turned gay after his mother left them. He also moved to a boarding house and met Aki. They then became friends. Classmate. Life companion. And a bedmate ... Is it true that they are just friends?

    Om_Rengginnang · LGBT+
  • A Friend to the Elements

    In a world of shape shifters there are select rare individuals that can sense the energy in the earth allowing them to not only control elements, but maintain their shifting abilities. Lily is an element bender that is also the Alpha's daughter. Seventeen and still mateless means when another pack moves into the area she could find true love or a lot of trouble from her parents past that could haunt her for life.

    Ladybug223 · Fantasy
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  • A Final Letter to You

    How did you die?" an older gentleman asked 'I' the protagonist of our story. A Final Letter to You is a short story about 'I' recounting pasts events about 'her', and his past.

    emfi_snowy · Realistic
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