
Will they come for us

Back in the forest, a female ice giant mounting upon a wolf was slowly entering the deeper parts of the forest followed by four boys in chains. The boys stumbled upon the ground multiple times due to the snow and fatigue. They were all tired with all the running they did and they didn't had anything to eat before entering the forest earlier in the noon.

Due to which they were growing weak but the ice giant didn't seem to be bothered by it. She dragged them mercilessly pulling the chains. Johan tried to break free from the chains but to no avail. These chains were created with magic, they aren't easy to break and one could only get free from them if the one who made the chains wishes for it or by using one's own magic to break them. While the former seemed far from happening the later was impossible.

None of the boys were gifted with magic, they had no affinity for it. In Valengaurd people blessed with magic are hard to find. And they are even rarer in the human race. Only those blessed by the great mother yggdrasil, the world tree are able to use magic or by being blessed by the Ancient superior races such as Dragons, Gods and Titans.

Besides the world tree, they are the only beings who could grant powers to the other species in the creation. But that too was far from possible as these beings were impossible to find and even if someone was fateful enough to find them, they would either be killed at sight leaving no one to tell the tale or they had to survive their tests which are sometimes even worse than death itself.

So most people who aren't recognised and blessed by Yggdrasil either leave everything to fate or sought out to spirits or fairies. These are magical beings who are the manifestation of the natural elements of Valengaurd. They aren't dangerous and are even friendly to some people but even they are hard to find. One could only contact them through a natural conduit. These conduits could be anything, like some flowers, fruits, trees or ancient artifacts. And these are quite special and while the former only grows in a place which is rich in magic the later could be anywhere in the world which makes it even more difficult to find. This was the reason why Johan and his friends entered the forest. The forest was said to be magical in nature and was a home to many magical beasts. There are tales that says that the forest is always covered in snow clouds because Snow spirits dwells in these forests.

The flowers that Johan and his friends collected were the conduits for the snow spirits. As none of them were blessed by Yggdrasil they wanted to form a contract with a spirit. They bet their everything upon these tales and rumours. Even if they weren't true, back then they were willing to take their chances if it meant they would be able to use magic. Especially Johan as he wasn't even able to perform the normal chore magic that was a child's play for everyone else. Even the other three boys were able do that much. But now, they weren't even sure if they would be alive for that.

Johan, do think they will come searching for us asked Lukas. I don't know, none of us have informed our parents where we were going so it might take time. We have to survive till then said Johan and Lukas nodded in respond.