
We are screwed

Johan! hey! wait! Johan~ phant phant we can't keep up with you slow down a bit. Come on! make haste or we'll be late said Johan.He was a young human male who appeared to be in his mid-teens. And three boys somewhere between seven to twelve years old were following him through a forest. The forest was covered in thick snow and white fog blinded their vision yet they didn't lost their way.

They were familiar with the ways of the forest as they frequently sneaked out of their homes and came here. All of them were carrying a bag on their backs which was glowing with silver light.

Is it really safe! to enter so deep in the forest! phant! phant! My father said never to enter these woods! said Kasper the youngest in the group.

Yeah! my mother said the same thing! Earlier we only used to cover the forest borders but this is the first time we have actually entered so deep into the forest. What if the rumours are true said Andrew.

You are only saying that because you haven't come of age yet. Johan and I need these flowers tonight. This is our only shot to have a chance on tonight's ceremony! And I am not going to give up just because of some baseless! bedtime stories! said Lukas, the only one with the same age as Johan in the group.

Will you stop already! this forest would be the least of our worries if the elders find out that we entered them said Johan. At the mention of the elders everyone kept quiet.

Soon all of them reached the outskirts of the forest. The snow here was much less and their vision was finally clear as the thick fog subsided. They crossed the point where the trees ended.

And the amazing fact was that as soon as they crossed the borderline of the forest, the dusky light of the setting sun greeted their face. This made them realise that not even sunlight was able to reach the forest grounds.

From there on it was only grasslands free from snow and trees. As they walked further they reached a river. Guys we are almost there, we are safe after crossing the river said Johan.

Yeah! let's hurry up! I can't wait to get out of here said Kasper. The river was the only thing between their villages and the forest. According to legends, Ice giants roamed these forest. They were considered one of the strongest beings on Valengaurd. But since no human has ever caught sight of one of them in centuries, they were considered myths. But the elders forbade everyone from entering the forest let alone crossing the river which divided the village from the forest so it was a taboo crossing the river.

But before anyone of them could set a foot their surrounding started to change. Suddenly the grasses covering the ground slowly started to freeze and they looked like ice crystals. And their own breath was visible to them in the form of fog. They heard heavy footsteps and a small growl comming from behind. They around slowly and what they saw left them shocked.

At that moment only one thought came to their minds " we're screwed".