
There's no other way

I sentence them to a lifetime of slavery said lord zair.

This is unacceptable! you can't do that! said William standing up from his seat.

I can and I will! said lord zair. He was slightly angry as William's outburst irked him. It was like challenging his authority.

William was about rebuke but Rhea stopped him in time. My lord, please have mercy. They are but just kids, they did what they did without thinking of the consequences said Rhea.

Did you not teach them about the pact, considering your village is so close to the borders said zair.

We didn't, the kingdom is keeping the knowledge of the arrays and the pact a secret from the citizens. They don't have the knowledge of the existence of the other species beyond midgaard said Rhea.

They consider them to be just myths and the kingdom wants to keep it that way to save it's subjects from the constant fear of losing the long time of peace they had for centuries and keeping the enemies from such knowledge so that they won't use it against them in an attempt to cause any potential threat to their kingdom thought Rhea. We forbade them from crossing the borders by warning them of the potential dangers and even if someone did manage to cross the borders the arrays should have stopped them. Jorak was an unforeseen factor said Rhea.

That's none of my concern, I am already showing them mercy by sentencing them to slavery instead. Their act is punishable with death penalty said zair.

Since these four were so eager to enter into our lands ignoring all your warnings and restrictions, it's only fair that they will spend the rest of their lives here zair sneered at the elders.

Ned and William couldn't believe what zair was saying. They were seconds away from punching him in the face. But they stopped themselves from doing so knowing that it will only make things worse.

Rhea too couldn't say anything as they were in no position to oppose them or make demands. They were the one's in the wrong here.

Seeing that none of you is saying anything else might I assume you accept our terms asked Zair.

With a heavy heart Rhea nodded and said yes, we accept your terms. I am sorry kids but my hands are tied here, I cannot do anything without making the matter worse than it already is thought Rhea while looking at Johan's group. She cursed at her helpless.

Good, I expect you to keep your words said zair.

With this, I declare this matter to be closed. The meeting is dismissed. Without waiting for their response Zair stood up and left the room.

When there was no one else but them in the room Ned couldn't wait any longer and ran to his son and embraced him. Johan wanted to return his hug but the shackles kept him from doing so. But despite that his father's embrace made him feel safe.

My child are you alright? asked Ned while checking Johan if he had any wounds.

Yes, dad I am alright said Johan.

Ned checked the rest of them and only after he was sure that they were unharmed did he sighed in relief.

Son, what have gotten yourself into. How many times have I warned you not to cross the river, not to go to the other side. But you never listen said Ned.

I am sorry dad Johan apologized.

Sorry won't save your ass kid, look at how your Little quest for magic brought you and your friends into this shit. What will I say to their parents when they ask about their kids?! How will I face your mother when she asks about you?! said Ned.

Uncle Ned, it wasn't Johan's fault! We followed him on our own accord. Infact he tried to stop us many times in the past but we followed him anyway! said Lukas.

He is right Ned, don't blame the kid. This fool is responsible for his own actions said William while glaring at Lukas.

Besides, it was that Jorak's fault that we are in this mess now. The question is how we are going to get out of this situation.

Can't you do something? asked Ned to Rhea who now joined them.

I am sorry to say this but no. It's already a great outcome that they didn't get death penalty. And that giant already made his verdict said Rhea.

Why did you accept his terms so easily asked William.

Because there was no other way. This is a matter that involves two kingdoms. And we were the one's in the fault here, so any chance for a pardon was out of the option. And any further attempt to change his decision would have only made the situation worse said Rhea.

But how could they sentence them to slavery? They are just kids said Ned. While Johan and Lukas came of age recently, Kasper and Andrew were barely 12 and 13 respectively.

It's a fate even worse than death and to make matters worse they are going to get sold in a foreign land. We cannot even bring them back from the slave market with money said William.

They were interrupted by five ice giants who entered the room. Four among the five seemed to be gaurds judging by their armour and the one leading them was none other than commander zulah, the princess Nilfgaard.

The gaurds surrounded Johan and his friends while Zulah stood between them and the kids. You have no business left here anymore. You are all requested to leave immediately said zulah to the elders ignoring Ned and William's hateful gaze.

She must be the one who captured the kids thought Ned and William.

Just a moment, let me speak with my son one last time said Ned.

You have had enough time to talk with your son human! We haven't got a whole day. Now leave before we take you in as prisoners.

I dare you to do that said William stepping forward with his sword.

Immediately, the four gaurds stepped forward pointing their spears at Ned and William.