
The trial ( part-2)

I beg your pardon?

Johan couldn't believe what he was hearing, he just kept staring at the man in front of him.

He opened his mouth but no words came out of it. He didn't expect that he would get justice here or a chance to even open his mouth in the matter.

Everyone else including Johan's friends were equally shocked. Seeing the young man wasn't responding to him the giant repeated his question Don't make repeat myself, I said do you have anything to say in your defence? Do you want to share with us like what you are doing in our lands and how did you managed to get here? And are the crimes you are charged with true or not? and if yes did you committed it intentionally? asked the ice giant.

Johan didn't knew what to say or rather where to start? but before he could utter a word he was cut short by the female giant My lord! there is nothing else say this matter. It is already as clear as sky, these four broke into our lands and stole the sacred flowers of our forests. We all know how greedy humans are, stealing and robbing others of their things as if it belongs to them! she said this while looking at Johan and his friends. Her voice was full of hatred.

My lord I... she stopped midway as she was forced to kneel on the ground. Suddenly the environment around them changed, it was as if a the storm outside entered the hall. The female giant felt as if a huge mountain fell upon her. It was the aura that the lord of the of the Black star sect released that forced her on the ground. And she wasn't alone all the people in the hall were on the same page except for Johan.

I wasn't talking to you commander zulah. I already heard your report and now it's the human's turn to speak. And I would pass my judgement only after hearing the statement of both sides. So until I tell you to open your mouth! no one is allowed to speak said the lord in soft tone yet it gave cold shivers to everyone that were present there.

The lord went back to his throne and told Johan to give his statement.

It took a while for everyone to recover from the hell everyone just experienced. Even Johan wasn't able speak for a moment but he didn't want to further anger the lord so he began to tell them everything from the beginning. He explained how they came to knew about the spirits, how they entered the forest and everything else that happened up until that moment. The lord silently listened to everything till the end.

When Johan was finally finished with his statement the lord pondered about the situation for a while. During that short moment everyone was nervous and quite anxious especially Johan and his friends.

After a few minutes the lord finally made his judgement. After hearing from both sides I have come the conclusion that the accused has not only broken several laws that comes under Nilfheim but also breached the pact formed by our ancestors between the Ice giants and the Humans. This acts cannot be overlooked and demands severe punishment.

Upon hearing all the people in the hall were rejoiced and the female giant was grinning like a maniac. As for Johan's group, their faces turned pale. The little hope they had after watching the lord's sense of justice was gone now. They had to admit that what they did was wrong but they still hoped for some mercy. But now, all they could do was accept their fate.

But before anyone could make further conclusions the lord spoke again.

But after looking at the matter closely the accused are clearly manipulated. The disciple that the young man mentioned in his statement is clearly trying to trap them.

Since the young men seems to have no knowledge about the ancient pact or our laws we cannot judge them rashly. And we also cannot ignore the fact that this matter involves a members of the council from the other faction.

This matter needs to be handled in caution.

General Fran send a messenger to the humans. Tell them to send someone from the council to discuss about this matter. The man bowed in response.

And till the humans sends their representative the four human youths will stay in the prison. And the trial is postponed saying this the lord put an end to the meeting.

Johan and his friends were dragged out of the hall by two gaurds while the rest of the court started dispering one after the other. Many were not happy with this outcome but they remained silent and left the hall.

After everyone left only commander zulah and the lord were the only ones left in the hall.