
The dungeons The black star sect, at the borders of Nilfheim, underground the palace

The black star sect, at the forest of Nilfheim, underground the black star palace.

While the elders, Ned and William were on their way towards the Black star sect Johan and his friends were locked up in a dungeon that was present under the palace. The dungeon was made up of black sandstones and had several tunnels. These tunnels lead to vaults where the prisoners were kept. These vaults were protected by enchanted iron doors. The doors and the vaults were huge and as thick as tree trunks as they were usually meant to keep ice giants and other races as huge as them. They were enchanted with earth and dark magic spells. The former took care of most of the physical attacks and the later just absorbed all the magical attacks.

There was was no light in the dungeon, the only glimpse of light the prisoners could see was when a gaurd passed by with a flame torch. The air in the dungeon was damp and cold. The moisture in the air made the surface of the vaults wet and frozen where Johan and the others were present.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Lukas kept banging at the door relentlessly but to avail. Lukas! that's enough, banging on the door won't bring us out said Johan.

Then do you think that sitting like ducks would bring us out! said Lukas. I prepared for months, lying to my father, moving around places where I wasn't supposed be. All in hopes for getting higher level of mastery and what did I got?! Nothing! getting captured by monsters who were supposed to be myths.

I am telling you if I manage to get out of this shithole, the first thing I will do is kill that bastard Treius said Lukas. Son of a bitch!

Lukas complaining about past won't do us any good. I understand how you are feeling, your frustration is reasonable but what can we do now. It was foolish of to trust Treius blindly, we should have thought what he would gain from helping us, we should have known better said Johan.

But more importantly, what would he gain from tricking us asked Andrew.

We didn't gave him anything for all the information he gave us and we know that even the elders wouldn't do anything for free unless it's something of utmost importance or involves the kingdom itself.

He is right, there must be someone behind all this said Johan. I have my suspicion on the Ice giants too. Why would they wait for so long to catch us when we have been trespassing their lands for months.

Unless they have something to achieve from this said Lukas.

Like what?

The only thing they could gain from this situation is raging war or demanding an unreasonable compensation said Lukas. But the former doesn't seems likely to happen while I have no idea what could be the later.

But what will happen to us? asked Kasper.

Everyone knew the answer to that question but nobody had the heart to speak the truth to the child and so they remained silent.

Johan kept looking in the dark thinking about his parents. Will I ever be able to see mom and dad. By now they should have figured out where I am and knowing dad he would definitely come for me even if it means comming here alone. Dad used to say he was a combat Mage knight before marrying mom but still I doubt that he alone won't be enough to face the giants.

There's still a Chance that the elders might come here. Earlier that ice giant lord said something about breaking the pact, if what he said earlier is true then this issue might be bigger than we think.

What are thinking asked Lukas.

I am thinking about what the giant lord said earlier. If he sent a messenger to the village then our parents should already know about us and the elders must be on their way here. There's a chance your father would comming too as he is the village chief.

Yeah, but I don't think we would go unpunished though, said Lukas and Johan nodded in silence.

They were interrupted when suddenly the door to their volt opened and the vault was lightened up when two giant gaurds entered the room.

Get up! the lord has summoned you saying this the two giants put the shackles back on their neck and hands and dragged the four of them out of the dungeons.

But this time they didn't brought them to the court room instead, they brought them out of the palace all together. They brought them near a tower that was situated a little distance away from the palace towards the east wing of the black star sect.

The tower was 73 meters tall and the base of the tower had a diameter of 14.34 meters. The tower was made up of stone bricks and seemed quite old yet it had a strange powerful aura that creeped them out.

When they reached the perimeters of the tower the gaurd raised his hand and chanted something and then a dome made of golden light appeared around the tower. This dome was a magical array. They were made from several complex runes and to keep up such huge arrays a large amount of magic was required and for that many master mages were required or magic stones also commonly known as mana crystals.

This was the first time Johan and his friends ever saw one as normally the arrays were invisible to naked eyes.

The arrays infront of them opened a hole but instead of entering through them the four of them were directly teleported inside the tower right after which the arrays closed.

After getting teleported the four of them found themselves in a huge chamber which was smaller than the court room in the palace but it was still huge to them. There was a long table at the centre of the chamber, at one end of the table the lord of black star sect was sitting and at the other end five people were sitting and among them the boys found Johan and Lukas's father. And the other three were two man and a woman. From their clothes they assumed they should be the elders.

The gaurds brought them infront of the table and disappeared into thin air.