
Look after them

Out of the way Ice giant if you don't have a death wish said William while pointing his long sword at zulah's throat. William was a tall man with 5 foot 10 inches height but the woman infront of them was five times taller than them. And the four gaurds were even taller than her with spears the size of small trees which were aimed towards them right now.

You have a big mouth for someone so small. Put your sword down or else it won't end well for you said zulah while taking out her scimitar that was hanging on her waist. The sword released a thick aura that sent shivers down the people present there. This aura came from the blue gem stones present at the hilt and blade of the sword.

A mana crystals?! And a blue one at that. Rhea couldn't believe her eyes. If she decides to use her scimitar then we all are fucked.

Ned too realised the power gap between them. Even if they fought a one on one battle with the female giant, the final result would be their defeat. He came between them and put William's sword down. That's enough, we don't want any trouble he said while looking at the female giant.

William hesitantly put away his weapon and so did the ice giants.

Leave while we are asking nicely said zulah.

William wanted to rebuke but Ned intercepted and said please, just a few moments it won't take long. Let me bid farewell to my son. This will be the last time I ever see him. Please. Ned bowed his head. William felt beyond frustrated watching Ned putting himself so low infront of the ice giants but he kept mouth shut.

Seeing the human putting his pride away just to have a little talk with his son zulah was almost astonished. She knew that these two were swordsmen and as a swordsmen herself she knew a warrior's pride was everything to him. And she wasn't so petty to insult a fellow swordsmen's pride without any good reason. Raise your head warrior, you can talk with your son. Just make it quick saying this zulah stepped aside and so did the four gaurds.

Ned went near Johan and put his hands on his shoulders. Son, you know what's going to happen to you next right? Johan nodded in response. He knew there was no escape from this, he regretted that his actions have doomed him and his friends a lifetime of misery without ever meeting their loved ones again.

Good, listen well son, from now on your life is about to change forever and I am sure it will be anything but good. You have to remember this that your fate is in no one else's hands to decide but yours own. It depends on you that this change is for the good or not. Even if you loose your freedom, even if you loose your family,friends and all your loved ones, remember that you have to keep living on. Life is unfair and harsh to the weak, you have to become strong, you have to survive!

Keep this, Ned took out the chain around his neck and put it on Johan. It was a simple iron chain with a silver snake holding a dull small green stone. As long as this is with you, it will protect you from all dangers and remind you that your parents are always with you. He hugged Johan for one last time. Then he looked at the other three kids and said to Johan and his friends you now only have each other. Look out for each other's backs and always stick together. And you two have to look after them, they are younger than you and they need your help he said to Johan and Lukas while pointing towards Kasper and Andrew.

That's enough, your time is up human. Take the prisoners out of here said zulah and two gaurds dragged the boys out of the room. Ned and William helplessly watched their sons taken away from them.

While the two gaurds took Johan and his friends out of there. Only three ice giants and five humans were left in the room.

What will you do with them asked William.

What else, they will be sold in the black Market of Nilfgaard said Zulah. Now get lost from here or you will suffer their same fate.

William wanted to say many things but he kept that to himself and the humans left the tower silently and soon enough they were out of the black star sect and on their way towards their village.

The lord of the sect silently watched at the distance from his palace looking at the small figures of the humans until they disappeared deep into the forests.

Zair turned around and went back to his palace.