
It wasn't us

Near the vicinity of the Black star sect, five figures were hiding behind the trees from the sight of the ice giants. Among them two were Ned and William while the other three were the so called elders.

Ned and William had crossed the river and entered the forests of Nilfheim a few hours ago. They were going towards the direction where the black star sect was present as they were following a trail left behind by three adults. They were fresh and definitely human foot marks as the giant's would be much larger than them. Unlike the other people in the village the ice giant's existence wasn't a secret to them. They were confidently following them because right now only the four boys and the elders were the only humans present besides them in the forest.

They followed the foot prints and soon met with the three elders halfway the road or rather ambushed by the elders.

The ground below them turned into a muddy puddle drowning them, which soon turned rock hard binding their arms and legs with half of their body stuck in the ground leaving only their torso free.

It was an earth magic spell casted by one of the elders.

What are you two doing here and how did you get here, one of the elders asked to Ned and William. She was a woman in her fifties with raven black hair with shades of grey and a face that despite her age made her look ten years younger. She was 5 foot 4 inches long and wore a white robe.

As if you don't know, we came here to bring back the kids sneered William.

Didn't my disciple not inform you that we are taking care of this said the elder. You two shouldn't be here in this forest. It was already troublesome that your kids broke the rules and entered this forest! Never in the last centuries has any human entered these forests due to the pact formed by our ancestors and the Ice giants. That pact was the only reason why we humans live in peace. And today those kids of yours broke that pact.

Don't you dare put the blame on the kids! for the mistakes you elders did! said Ned while breaking free from the ground with his sheer strength turning them into crumbles.

The elder was astonished. How did he managed to break free from my spell she thought. What do you mean? asked the elder.

Oh please! don't act like you are innocent. We know that you are the ones who told the kids about the spirit contract knowing full well that my son Johan would search for them, you manipulated the kids and sent them here! said Ned while helping William out of the ground and taking out his sword.

The elder's eyes widened hearing this but she kept her composure and said what nonsense are you speaking. We came here to salvage the already worse situation for which your child is responsible for. Not only that, do you have any idea of the consequences of your children's actions. The whole human nation could be forced to a war which our ancestors strived so hard to stop. And instead of taking responsibility for it you are pointing fingers at us.

Don't give me that crap, if the pact was so much important then why didn't you stopped the kids before they could enter the forests. I know that the forest is protected by an magical array and should have been alerted at the first sign of trespassing. And no one else aside from the king and the masters of the mage tower or you elders should be able to pass the arrays.

How do you explain that the kids managed to pass through them said William.

The elder was shocked once again at the man's knowledge about this.

The borders of the Human kingdom or better known as midgaard were protected by powerful magical arrays. These arrays were set up by the most powerful rulers of Valengaurd after the great war that almost brought the world to its demise.

The knowledge about the arrays was forgotten with time and the kingdom wanted to keep it that way. So the question arises how did this man knows about this.

Rhea that's enough, there no point in hiding it.

They already know about it said the other elder.

Elder Rhea turned and asked what do you mean that?

These two served the king's special forces before leaving the army so it's not surprising they know about all this said the elder. Rhea was not able to believe this. How did two members of the king's special forces ended up at a borderline Village. But she kept that question to herself, they didn't have the time for this.

I apologize for my rudeness earlier said Rhea.

The words you just said are true.

So you are admitting that you did it asked Ned.

No, it wasn't us. It was elder jorak and his disciples. They were the one's who told the kids about the spirit contract. He was also the one who opened a fissure in the arrays.

Then why didn't you stopped him asked William.

Because before we could notice anything the damage was already done and Jorak disappeared from the mage tower along with all of his disciples.

After that the three of us rushed to close the fissure and came here said Rhea.

What should we do now asked Ned.

We have searched the whole forest but there was no signs of the kids. If the kids are still alive they must be captured by the giants said Rhea. She took out a map and said If we follow this path towards the west it will lead us to a Giant's settlement. We should look for them there.

But how will we manage to enter the settlement unscathed asked William.

Don't worry, we have already contacted the royal capital and the king declared us as the temporary human representative of midgaard Rhea said this while showing them a parchment showing the king's decree. And besides, we were also contacted by a messenger of the lord of this region. He also wants to meet us so we should be able to enter the place unharmed said Rhea to which both of them nodded.