
I know what you have been doing

After everyone left the hall only commander zulah and the lord were left.

The female giant was furiously looking at the lord while he stood up from his throne and walked past her completely ignoring her as if she wasn't there.

Zair! wait! don't ignore me like I am not here, the lord stopped in his steps and without turning back he said I don't have time to waste on a idiot.

Idiot? I am an idiot?! look who is talking. I am not the one who let those filthy monkeys! keep their lives. I should have just killed them the moment they set foot on our lands said commander zulah.

The lord turned around and said See! this is what I was talking about. This idiocy of yours could have caused a war! that would have caused unnecessary bloodshed.

Oh please! don't tell me you suddenly care about those humans! said zulah.

I don't give a shit what happens to them....

Then why did you let those four live! Why didn't you sentence them to death in today's court!

Shut up! lord zair shouted making the flames hovering over their heads disappear into thin air turning the hall completely dark and making the female giant quiet.

The lord was only inches away from her face and said keep quiet and listen to me. The pact formed between us and the humans forbids us from drawing human blood. Atleast without a good reason.

Doesn't them breaking into our lands already breaches the pact. Not to mention they stole the Frost flowers. A sacred treasure that belongs to Nilfheim. Aren't these reasons enough to punish them.

Yes, but that reason isn't enough to take their lives. I can't give my verdict without looking into this matter properly. I don't care about what happens to those four. But I can't risk of breaking the pact incase those four are innocent victims of someone else's conspiracy while saying so the lord looked at zulah.

What do you mean? asked zulah.

Stop pretending I know what you have been doing. My shadows have reported to me that you have been frequently seen near the borders for some time now. Zulah's face turned pale upon hearing this.

The human youths entering our territory and you being present there to catch them cannot be just a coincidence said the lord. I suggest you confess everything before I find it out on my own said the lord.

I have nothing to confess. I haven't done anything wrong said zulah.

If it's true then it's good. Because if you are found to be involved in this in anyway it won't end well for you said the lord.

Are you threatening me? asked zulah.

No, it's a warning said the lord.

You being a suspect gives me enough reason to put you behind the bars. The only reason why you are still standing here is because you are the Emperor's daughter and my cousin said lord zair.

If the Emperor finds out about this he won't be happy. Zulah became stiff at the mention of the emperor.

Lokar stormborn was the current emperor of Nilfgaard and the ruler of all ice giants. In Nilfgaard the position of the emperor wasn't hereditary. But that didn't mean just anyone could fight for the position.

There were certain conditions for that, one must belong to the royal family or its branch family and must have the pure blood of the Titan god Frost running through their veins. Even then you have to pass the trials that the Titan god himself sets for the successors. Many died before even attempting the test by the hands of their opponents.

Even under these brutal conditions Lokar was able to come at top passing each and every test leaving behind a mountain of corpses and finally becoming the emperor and the strongest Ice giant in the history of Valengaurd.

On the the day of his coronation alone he massacred half of the royals and nobles who were a threat to his rule.

He was a man of great power. The Ice giants were considered to be brutes and warmongers, they were a warrior race who were known for their bravery even then he was feared for his strength and cruelty.

After ruling for several centuries he has earned the title the Tyrant king and this tyrant was her father.

Her thoughts were interrupted when the purple flames reappeared and light up the again with one flick of zair's finger.

I know the reason why you hate the humans but doing this won't bring her back..

Stop! Don't you dare speak about her! said zulah.

I won't say anything else, just don't destroy your life over this saying this zair left the hall leaving zulah alone.

While all these events took place five figures appeared near the gates of the Black star sect.