
Part 1

"Life is boring," that single consistent thought went through Luke's mind. Although what else would be going through the mind of a eighteen year old high school guy while he sat in English class. The teacher was going over the proper word usage that Shakespeare portrayed in his works and the only thing Luke could think of was how many times the teacher was going to say the same thing. Now technically considered an adult, Luke had an overall grasp on how school ran and got enough high grades to stay a head of the course. Now a senior, he knew all the twist and turns and hidden rules of school, both outside and inside class. Which, leads to the point where he was about to die of pure boredom. At this point he was merely counting down the seconds until the bell rang.

He ran the seconds through his head as the random thoughts bounced about in his skull. Two minutes. "I wonder if my last two classes will be this boring." One minute forty seconds. "How much can a guy keep talking about a dead man's writing?" One minute ten seconds. "I wonder what the girls are whispering about over there. Probably their latest crushes." Twenty five seconds. "Why is this taking so long?" Ten seconds "I'd say freedom but I still have two more classes." The bell finally rang with a high pitched buzz that had Luke shuffling from his desk within minutes.

As soon as he left the class he was swallowed up in the sea of high school students that blended in a chaotic melting pot of faces and a buzzing noise that made Luke want to find some headphones. As he walked to his next class he could see the groups mashing together: athletes, preps, Goths, dorks, anarchists, bookworms, partiers and etc. What was sad was that he didn't fit in any of these crowds. In fact compared to the crowd he didn't stand out much at all in fact. He was 6ft with some of an athletic build to his frame that made him look more scrawny than skinny. His green eyes were covered by his messy dirty blond hair that almost came to his shoulders. Even his clothes didn't stand out: grey jean jacket over a band t-shirt, black jeans, and tennis shoes.

He didn't fit in with any crowd since he had a mix of hobbies as well as talents but didn't get so caught up with one thing. Instead of making many friends because of it, it seemed to distance him from others. He didn't mind it at all though. Every time he did try and fit in with a crowd something just didn't sit right with him. Some were too immature, others too unfocused, and most were just plain annoying. The groups seemed to be too far into their fashions, studies, parties, sports, or fads for Luke's taste. It actually got on his nerves more often than not, especially since he got nagged at by his sister that he needed to get out more and become part of a group. Maybe she was right but he'd rather take a shot to the foot than hang out with half the people in this school.

It wasn't like he didn't have friends. He had some friends that he liked to hang out with, depending on his mood, but he counted them as more of acquaintances. And, he wasn't so much an outcast that he never had a steady girlfriend, he definitely wasn't a virgin. But, he didn't have a place where he belonged. The swarms of people passing by only reminded him of things he didn't miss, yet everyone told him he should.

As he continued to watch the crowds with an annoyed expression he noticed that they began to thin. His brow rose slightly before he looked at the clock and registered what was happening. His eyes shot wide open when he saw that he was almost late for his next class.


Luke was on his way home from a non-eventful school day. The last two classes, Biology and History, seemed to drag on as much as his English class. At the very least he was hoping for a little reprieve from the day when he arrived in History class to see his favorite teacher. But, as luck would have it the teacher was sick and replaced with a sub that didn't seem to know his ass from his face.

On the way back from school Luke saw students streaming out in buses and cars, screaming and yelling a storm for the weekend to come. They all had plans for parties, sport events, and causing all sorts of madness around their small town. Luke on the other hand didn't have any plans. Like usual, the only thing he knew he would do was wing the days of the weekend away and see what happens.

He shrugged his bag on his shoulder while continuing to walk down the street towards his house. His eyes barely glanced over the many stores that covered his route home; in fact he barely looked up from his feet at all. The world was dull, once he had seen what excited him there was little else to see. At this point in life he was just walking through the paces.

He managed to get to the park that was a few blocks from his house. As he crossed the grass and dirt covered paths his mind started to blank out like it usually did. Most people called it a nothing box, he called it the random box. "I wonder what's on TV when I get home. Probably another rerun episode of CSI. How many of those can people make? I don't think I can sit in the house all day watching reruns or I'd go insane. But, what else is there to do toni…"

Luke's thoughts came to screeching halt when his body got knocked back and his head throbbed. His eyes blinked rapidly to pull himself out of his daze as he slowly sat up feeling his forehead throb in pain. As he sat up, however, he was met with a sight that more or less mirrored his own. But, the other person he stared at was a girl, and to say she was attractive would be an understatement. Her long bright red hair seemed to almost drape over her shoulders like a soft curtain. Yet her solid blue eyes could easily be seen on her sweet heart shaped face. As she was sprawled on the ground he couldn't help notice her slender build forming nice legs, a firm ass, and quite wonderful breasts (Luke guessed they were at least in the large C's).

The girl sat there and seemed just as stunned as he was by their little encounter. Her long black skirt was sprawled around the ground and her black sweater shirt seemed to be snug in just the right kind of way. Luke lost track of time but realized he was staring more so than he probably should have. As he stood up he quickly offered her a hand and tried to make a speedy apology, "Holy shit I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying any attention were I was going."

The girl slowly took his hand standing up but her eyes remained locked onto his face. At first he wasn't sure how to react. "Is there a big red mark on my forehead? Does she think I'm cute? Why is she staring so long?" After a few moments Luke started to feel uncomfortable and tried to break the silence, "Um…are you ok? That was a bit of a nasty fall ya know." His words didn't seem to sink in as the girl just continued to stare. Luke was really starting to get a really weird vibe out by this whole situation.

���It's you." Her voice, and the fact that she finally spoke, took Luke completely off balance. Her voice sounded as sweet as honey and it was just a whisper as softly as a breeze. "It's really you. I can't believe I found you…come with me." Luke was still trying to pull himself from the shock of the blow to his head and the sound of her voice when she suddenly took his arm almost dragging him in earnest.

He didn't fight her or even argue as she continued to drag him through the park. At this point he was still trying to absorb all that just happened in the matter of just a few minutes. He had just head butted a beautiful girl and she seemed to be more shocked about it than him. Now she was holding his hand leading him through the park. In truth he was wondering if he was knocked cold and the fact that such a hot girl was dragging him through the woods was a dream.

After a few moments he relaxed, if it was a dream or not he might as well enjoy the ride. He slowly found himself walking beside her, instead of being dragged. He followed her steps and when she began to pull in one direction he quickly moved in step. As they walked he couldn't help but take side glances at her sweet face and her magnificent breasts. Every now and then he caught her doing the same thing with him, except it was at his entire from. When he caught sight of her gaze on his face she looked in both shock and awe before turning away with a slight blush on her face. He couldn't help but think how cute it was.

He lost track of time and his surroundings as he continued to glance at her body from the corner of his eye. It had been several minutes of them walking and him scanning her body while she lead him deeper and deeper into the park until they were completely surrounded by trees. It was actually the first time that Luke caught sight of his surroundings, since he had been staring at the girl a majority of the time, and he couldn't help but stare around in wonder. He'd never been to this part of the park and didn't even realize there was this many trees here.

It took him a moment to realize that she had let go of his hand and now stood in front of him staring right into his face with the same awe and shock that she had worn the entire time. He didn't know how to react, her eyes almost seemed pleading. He was about to open his mouth to say something when she ran up to him and nearly tackling him into a tree. But, he ignored the sudden spike of pain in his back when he felt her soft lips press against his own. It was the sweetest taste he could have imagined, like pure honey being drenched over his lips. He kissed her back wrapping his arms around her waist as he felt her breasts pressing against him. Her body completely molding into his own as a bulge started to develop in his pants. She continued to kiss him, flooding his lips with passion, while her arms wrapped around his neck pulling him into her lips. He felt like the wind was being taking out of his lungs entirely.

She finally broke away from the kiss staring up into his face with complete admiration. Luke's head was in a full spin wondering if this was a dream how long would it go on till he woke up. "Please take me," Her voice pleaded in a voice that sounded like the softest breeze.

When he heard those words slip into his ears he had to force his jaw from not dropping in complete shock. He wondered if the dream would suddenly end with that plea but as he felt her hand suddenly rub his giant bulge. She looked up at him pleading as she continued to grip and rub his bulge, "Please make me yours. Let me be your first." He wanted to correct her by letting her know he wasn't a virgin but by the way she was gripping and rubbing him the words had a hard time finding their way out of his mouth.

Dream or no dream Luke wasn't going to waste another second wondering how he got so lucky all of a sudden. With his arm still around her waist he spun them both around and pressed her against the tree. Within that sudden movement his lips found hers once more as he began to drink in the sweet taste of her lips. He felt her moan into his mouth as she continued to grope and rub his bulge, he was almost in pain from how much he had grown (it was a bad day for him to pick one of the smallest pairs of pants he owned.) The kiss grew more heated and passionate within the next few minutes. The way she gripped and rubbed him was unbearable yet her lips were a pure drug he couldn't get enough from.

A sudden relief washed over his growing bulge as the pressure was somehow removed. He broke the kiss softly as a sigh of relief escaped his lips and was quickly replaced by a groan as he felt her soft slender hands wrapping around his eight inch cock and stroking it. Her fingers slightly gripping and gliding along his hardened member sent rushes of pleasure through his body. He pressed her more firmly against the tree as his lips meet her neck, kissing and sucking it firmly. He could feel the sudden gasp of breath brushing against his ears as she moaned in pure bliss. The more he kissed on her neck the faster she stroked his cock.

Luke was in paradise but he wanted more, and he could tell she did to. While he continued to taste and kiss her skin, his hand slipped from her waist making its way over her sweater and squeezed her breast firmly. As his hand found her breast she let out a gasping moan, right into his ear, of pure pleasure. Her knees buckled as she tried to stay standing while he tormented her breast and neck with pure lustful pleasure. His hand gripped her soft breast through her sweater and he noticed something, she wasn't wearing a bra. This only drove Luke even crazier as he gently bit into her neck and gripped her breast more firmly, as if to milk it. Her head rose to the sky as moans tried to leave her throat but no sound came out.

She suddenly gave his cock a hard gripping tug that made him break from her body from the sudden jolt. That brief break away was enough to let her suddenly drop to her knees and engulf his cock in her warm slick mouth. Luke had to grip the tree to keep his knees from buckling as her mouth sent constant jolts of bliss coursing through his body. She continued to work his shaft, bobbing her head in sucking motions while he felt her tongue rolling about his member. Her hands gripped his ass pulling his hips into her mouth as he felt his cock reach the back of her throat. Constant groans and moans escaped his lips between panting gasps of breath.

She had been working his shaft for five minutes straight, without ever removing her mouth, before she pulled away gasping for breath with a bright smile on her face. Luke moved gently to rest his back against the tree, as he felt his knees would give away at any second. When he moved away the girl stood up taking a few steps away from him. He was about to tell her how amazing she was when she started to take off her sweatshirt. His words were caught in his throat as he could only gaze at her perfectly smooth back. When she turned around he saw the perfect breasts as she opened her arms smiling brightly to him. "Come and take me," her voice matched her very smile, bright at the glow of the sun.

The strength was back in his legs as he walked forward and kissed her deeply and passionately. The moment his lips met hers her back arched and her legs gave way. He continued to kiss her while slowly easing her body to the ground. When she lay flat his body pressed up against hers, his cock pressing against her leg, while his tongue slipping into her mouth. Their tongues danced in ecstasy in each other's mouths with pure passion. Luke's hand then wandered down her body from her cheek to her neck till finally cupping her breast. As soon as his hand touched her breast she broke from the kiss in a gasp of joy. On that sudden reaction he continued to work her bare breast gently squeezing it and massaging it, while each finger glided attentively over her nipple.

Luke grew bolder by the minute, and it was due in no small part to her begging for him to continue, his lips began to travel down her neck till they kiss about her breast and finally took her nipple into his mouth. As soon as she felt both her breast being worked she arched her back gasping for air. One of her hands found his head, gripping his hair firmly, as she begged, "More. Give me more please!" He continued to suck on her breast while his tongue twirled about her nipple in small swirls. All the while his hand continued to work her other breast, gripping it and massaging it, as if he meant to milk her bare breast.

He continued his attack on her breast while she screamed and moan in pleasure. Finally, she gripped his hair more firmly, pulling his head away from her breast, as she smiled with pure yearning on her features. "Please finish it."

Luke blinked up at her surprised, "Um…what?" Were the only words to pass from his lips as her beautiful body lay under him. He wanted to take the words back as soon as they left his mouth. The worry that he had ruined his chance with her quickly clouded his thoughts, especially when he was so full of energy and lust to continue.

His fears were completely dashed when she smiled and repeated her words, "Please finish it." If he hadn't caught the meaning the second time her actions solved the problem quickly, when she lifted her skirt to show her glistening pussy waiting for him. It was a beautiful sight that made Luke completely speechless. Her pussy was there, completely shaven, for him and she was begging for him to take her. If this was a dream he didn't want to wake up.

Without waiting for another reply she pulled his head to meet her lips in a deep passionate kiss. She groaned into his lips and he needed no more hints. He began to press the tip of his cock against her pussy which caused her to break the kiss with a mighty gasp of air. As he entered her he felt how tight her body clamped down on him and couldn't suppress his own groan of pleasure. He smiled down at her and she beamed one up at him. He whispered to her, "You're so beautiful." That small sentence brought a brighter smile from her face as he eased more of himself into her. He couldn't push anymore of his member inside her and was barely half way in. Yet, she gripped his head firmly and rocked her hips against him.

Luke was in complete heaven and didn't want to waste another moment. He began to thrust inside her pushing his eight inch cock even deeper with each thrust, spreading her tight pussy wider as he dove in deeper. "Holy shit you're incredible," Luke grunted between breathes as he continued to dive even deeper.

"No…" She gasped and groaned between thrusts, "You're the amazing one. Please complete it." She gripped his entire body to where he felt her breasts pressing against his chest. The whole time their bodies rocked and thrust against each other in a pure rhythm of lust. Finally Luke had sheathed his entire shaft all the way inside her and was amazed on how she took it all and even more so that she continued to rock against him thrusting even more. They had continued their erotic rhythm of lust and ecstasy for what was another ten minutes before she screamed out to the sky, "Oh yes! It's almost complete, I'm about to cum!" Luke needed no more inspiration than her cries. His hips started pounding into her madly, throwing his whole body into each thrust. She suddenly gripped his body and screamed as a powerful orgasm took over and she gripped his body as tightly as possible.

Her orgasm lasted for what seemed like hours but was only a few minutes. When she came Luke felt a strange pulse of energy run through him, almost flooding into him, he was worried that he was about to cum, but the energy left as quickly as it came. He slowly pulled out of her looking around as he wondered what just happened. His attention was quickly pulled back to the girl sprawled on the ground in front of him. She smiled with a bright glow, "It's complete and it was wonderful thank you."

She rolled over getting on all fours to get up, and that's when he caught sight of her bare ass for the first time. It was perfectly round and smooth, just like the rest of her skin. He couldn't help but reach out and touch it, cupping it in the palm of his hand. She gasp as his hand caressed her ass and when she looked over her shoulder at him, her eyes locked on his throbbing cock. She smiled as her tone was seductive and lust filled, "Perhaps it wasn't complete, you still have plenty of energy left." She wiggled her ass egging him to continue. He returned her smile with his own as both hands gripped and squeezed her luscious ass, forcing a moan from her lips. He caught a glimpse of her pussy from the back, and strange enough, it looked more wondrous from this view. Her glistening pussy hidden under the smoothness of her ass was all to inviting, and Luke accepted the invitation. With one simple motion he buried his cock all the way into her pussy causing her to scream in pure pleasure. He groaned at how tightly she clamped down on him, even after freshly coming she was still just as tight.

It was slow at first but soon they were both back in their erotic rhythm, the moans and screams of pleasure mixed with skin slapping against one another. As they moved into this continuous rhythm his hand reach and gripped her breast, cupping and milking it as he hammered her furiously. He continued to grope her breast, squeezing and pinching her nipples, while he felt his own body tighten. He knew he was close to his climax but not by how much, he always had good endurance. Her body trembled as her fingers gripped the grass and she screamed as another orgasm came upon her.

Luke felt her juices poor down her leg and over his shaft. With one sudden pull of his hand her back was suddenly press against his chest while one arm held her waist and the other continued to fondle her breast. Her arm instinctively wrapped around to grip his neck while their bodies rocked against each other. She was on the verge of collapsing as she was hit with another sudden orgasm that spilled down her bare leg; she even began to have a small trail of drool run down her chin from the amount of pleasure that was being sent through her. That last orgasm nearly pushed Luke over the edge as he thrust up into her. "Damn it I'm about to cum!" he grunted the words through gritted teeth as she gripped his hair.

She gripped his head more firmly and her other arm reach around gripping his ass through his jeans, "Don't pull out. Please, please release it all inside me." How could he resist a request like that? Her voice sent him into a wild state where he slammed his whole body into her. He could feel her pussy gripping him, not letting him pull out, as his own member pulsed and trembled against her walls. He gripped her body more firmly, squeezing her breast hard, as his cock erupted deep inside her. As he filled her up she couldn't stop another orgasm from washing over her.

Their bodies grew stiff for a moment before falling limp as they both collapsed beside each other on the ground. She cuddled up to Luke and he was more than happy to receive her back as his arm wrapped around her. But, strangely Luke felt more tired than he had in a long time (and he had pulled all-nighters, even after-parties). His eyes wanted to slam shut and it was a struggle to keep them open. She looked up at his tired face and merely smiled. She was saying something but Luke couldn't make out a word as his eyes fell closed and sleep took him.
