

Lander laughed then looked at the beasts mocking them, "And what if I don't?"

"Then we will never battle!" The little dragon looked at Lander but immediately turned away scared.

"Then why wouldn't I just kill you two?" Lander asked as he brought out his two knives. But actually, Lander got worried upon hearing their request, of course he was just saying things up. He wouldn't actually kill the two beasts.

He has three goals upon learning things in this world: one was to learn magic so it was a must for him to enter the academy, two was to gain strength and informations regarding the portal and lastly, to go back to his world, Earth and reunite with his uncle and cousin.

After a moment of silence while playing his two knives in front of the two beasts, Lander needed an assurance, "Fine, I won't kill you!"

The two beasts sighed with relief as they looked at Lander with plead.

"But, I need assurance that the two of you can win no matter what rank your opponent was," Lander continued.

The two looked at each other with conflict but eventually agreed.

"Good! But what happens when you lost?" Lander suddenly asked.

It was a total silence from the two beasts, they soon realized, could they really win with this outcast leading them in battle? They were hesitant but one beast still answered with defeat, "Then you can sell us!"

And when they saw Lander playing his two knives, the two were scared, "Sell you? You don't have that much value either. I would rather butcher you two and be my ingredients."

The two beasts stepped backward twice upon hearing him. The two thought that they would rather die than be butchered and be a human's appetite. But they soon realize, why they asked for a request, that was to have a better future and not be the owner of an outcast. So in this situation, what was important to them the most? Wasn't it their lives? As long as they live they can still again ask Lander or plead him again in the future.

"Then we have no choice but to be your slaves and we'll respect every choice you wanted," The Eagle beast communicated to Lander as it slowly bowed down mechanically. The Dragon beast also sighed with defeat while thinking the scenario that he would be defeated during the battle. It has no choice but to bow down with grievances.

Lander looked at these two beasts and slightly shook his head. As the master of the two, their emotions was transmitted to him and he immediately regarded their conversations as a waste of time but he didn't show it to them as he still needed them. He knew that one beasts has to compromise if it really lost during the battles, it was a blow to its ego and pride while the other beast was full of grievances.

"Then, I won't guide you in this battle! I understand the feeling of being forced of something you don't like, something you don't want to be a part with, something like being ordered around that's why I'm giving you a chance to stand up there and beat those other beasts out there and prove to me that you are capable on your own without needing an outcast as a master! Stand strong and show your might as you show that you are capable enough to win in this competition so I could grant your request! Don't you want to be free from me? Then why are you still sulking their? Aren't you guys a man? Be like your d*ck that knows how to stand up when it needed!" Lander said loudly displaying the air of a hot celebrity that tries to attract his fans. The two beasts looked at him with sparkling eyes while their jaws dropped from the ground. While the other people who heard him was stunned, every boys and some men laughed even praising his words, the inexperienced girls were wearing a questioning face, matured ladies and some girls blushed while some of them glared at him and the rest smiled thinking about their fantasies or experiences.

"Be like your d*ck that knows how to stand up when needed! What brilliant words from an outcast! Today, I won't look down on you anymore!" One of the elite participants praised

"It was funny! But it made sense!" Another elite participant had a good laugh but still ended it up with a praise!

"Elder sister, what was so funny to what elder brother said?" Asked a young innocent girl who pointed at Lander after hearing his short speech.

"Why don't you just focus on your beasts? So you could have better chances in winning the battles?" One of her maid refocused the attention of this innocent girl while blushing.

"Hmmph!" The innocent girl didn't listen as her curiosity was even more aroused when her maid didn't answer her question so she suddenly ran towards Lander.

"Elder Brother!" The innocent girl shouted to get Lander's attention.

"Wait! Young Lady!" One of the maid shouted in shock.

"This is going to be a big trouble!" Another maid shouted as she started running towards the innocent girl.

"Isn't that girl the daughter of Sword Master Sancho?" One of the participants also asked.

"Why was she running towards that outcast?" Some were curious.

"Elder Brother, I've heard what you've said but I can't understand why a lot of the men laughed and some chuckled while the girls even some of my maids glared at you?" The innocent girl asked looking at Lander with her head tilted on her right shoulder.

Lander was stunned to see a young girl inside the underground of the Colosseum but hearing her question, he was a little bit embarrassed but didn't show it to his face, "Ahem! How old are you little girl?"

"I am only ten years old, why are you asking elder brother?" The innocent girl asked.

Lander folded his arms and put his right hand below his chin a little bit pondering, "Then do you know what boys have that you don't?"

The innocent girl looked at Lander bewildered, "Why are you not answering my question, instead you're asking me questions?"

"If you can answer that then I will answer your question," Lander said as he put his two hands on his waist.

The innocent girl pondered, she also mumbled a few times but alas, "I don't know anything that boys have that I don't!"

"Since you don't know anything about that then what do you want to have no?" Lander asked another question tricking the innocent child into thinking another thing.

The innocent girl looked at him, pointed at his chest, "Then I want to eat delicious foods!"

The crowd was once again awed by Lander, "He was able to distract the mind of that girl by tricking her."

"This outcast is not really ordinary!"

In fact, it was true! Lander has experienced psychological games surviving the cruelty of the streets and he has only executed the basics of it. But it was only a success because the innocent girl was really innocent about not knowing what she has as a girl that boys don't have.

Lander smiled, looked at her, "As you know, this elder brother is an outcast and I have this storage ring but I can't operate it yet, so how about taking out all the stuffs inside so I will let you eat delicious food?

The innocent girl nodded, took Lander's storage ring and slowly revealed everything inside: ingredients, kitchen utensils, books, spare clothes, his very own bag and even the Lighting stone that was eyed by everyone. Lander thanked the girl and told her to put the unnecessary things inside and he began cooking, "So, little girl just stay there for a while and let me show you how to make a delicious food you have never tried before!"

The innocent girl nodded her head while she was looking forward to the delicious food.

While Lander was cooking, the crowd was murmuring with each others, "That was actually a Lightning Stone enough to make our life comfortable for the rest of our lives!"

"This outcast, I'll hunt you down later!"

"What an easy prey!"

Inside the underground, they could hear constant cheers, noises and applauses coming from the competition but most of the crowd inside were still murmuring with each other when their noses suddenly caught a very aromatic fragrance.

"This!! It smells very delicious!"

"I want to have a taste of it!"

"Mmmmh! This smell is no ordinary! This outcast is indeed worthy to be praise!"

Lander was almost finished cooking when he again asked the innocent girl to put inside his storage things the stuffs he has. Then after a while, Lander poured the stew in a clean bowl he made for the innocent child, "There you go young girl!"

"Wait! We have to taste it first Young Lady to assure it's not poisonous!" One of her maids stopped the innocent child. Lander wasn't surprised with that but he was shocked that a mere innocent child actually understood her maids.

"This is.....!" The maid who tasted the stew had a euphoric face as she savored every drop of the stew.

"What is it? Let me have some then!" The other maid also scooped as she also have the same reaction with the first one.

The innocent child can't bear it anymore as she grabbed the whole bowl from them and drank a mouthful of the stew. She never stopped as she also ate the beef and emptied the bowl within seconds.

"Another one?" Lander asked as the child agreed with passion.

After three whole servings, the whole pot was emptied. The child was satisfied as well as Lander.

"What is thy name of thy Elder Brother?" The innocent child asked.

"Lander," Lander smiled as he was about to pat the child's head when he remembered that he was an outcast. A mere action from him might provoke her background.

"I am Itzel Elder Brother! Can you come with me and cook for my father and mother and my elder brothers and sisters? Please?" The child pleaded.

"Itzel right? Forgive me Itzel but I can't do that right now but I can assure you that I will invite you someday and cook for all of you. Would you want that?" Lander casually said.