
Deep Abyss, Tall Mountain

After Xueming rested until his body fully recovered, Ning Xian and he continued their journey to the vast route before them for over three days. Then, the two of them stopped at a high-steep cliff that one could not even see the other side of it. Plus, the abyss underneath was shrouded in vaporizing hot smog from the lava flames in geothermal.

But since it was known as the testing route, it did not have the obstacles to discourage people. Both Xueming and Ning Xian then sought a way to go around the edge of the cliff. Eventually, they found a path that had stone altars to rest their feet. It was the path guiding to the destination.

Although Xueming well knew that his move was inferior to Ning Xian, he volunteered to soar towards the first stone altar to see if anything would happen.