
Chapter 31

It was currently nighttime while the stars were lighting up in the sky giving a quiet atmosphere to anyone looking at the sky unattainable

Even so, this illumination along with the full moon was showing the figure of two women who were climbing the stairs of what appeared to be an ancient Temple

And even if it is said 'old' it could only be called that but the truth is that it was very careful and especially decorated, which was very beautiful to observe

Even so, while both women walked they both could vaguely feel the presence of some people who were watching them

"They know we're on our way and they still don't show up, it's a nuisance to climb these steps ..." Liz felt quite angry as she continued up the steps

She was wearing an ANBU suit while her face was covered by a bird mask

"Lord Yukio has given us this instruction, it is also not so bad to go out and have fun at times!" Instead, Patty acted very livelily

She was wearing the same ANBU suit with the only difference that her mask was a wild boar

Liz could only huff and continue climbing the stairs, the longer they spent she could feel that there were more people watching them something that made her annoying, but in the end, she decided to keep quiet for now.

It was better to fulfill her mission and then she could complain all she wanted with her 'Master'


Yukio was currently looking at his status while lying in his bed, although due to his act as Madara and Kusanagi he decided to hide for a while


It was to keep a mystery about himself and that would make many try to contact him but it was also because he didn't feel like spending all his nights fighting

"Well ... Now, what do I do with this?"


Name: Yukio Fujiwara

Bloodline: Human

Species: Human

Title: Apostle of Suna (☼)

Level: 45

OP Currency: 2,300 - (-15,500)


STR - 79

DEX - 79

INT - 64

Mind - 66

Points saved: 18

Energy - ∞

Evil: 20

- / -



His level had skyrocketed in just that battle and until today he had not assigned any points since he did not see it necessary, even so, he felt somewhat discouraged when watching his OP Coins

That sword that he used had cost him the astonishing amount of 15,500 OP Coins, without a doubt it was extremely expensive but it had many benefits

He waved his hand and a sword came out suddenly while he raised it pointing it towards the wooden roof of his house, his eyes shone when he saw this magnificent sword which was simple but without a doubt hid a dangerous power

"Observe object ..."


[Excalibur Replica / (Fate)]

Rank: SS

-Details: A weapon created by a Celestial Blacksmith called 'Torn', using the mystical 'Excalibur']

Although his description was very vague, only with those words Yukio was already satisfied and he knew that his OP Coins were well spent

An SS weapon?

It was extremely OP, although currently, he could not use the powers of that sword even so in the future he knew it would be a different thing

Although in something it was pitiful

"If you had warned me that by buying my first item of rank SS everyone else would raise its price ... It would have been much better."

He complained to the System because if he had known in advance that objects classified as rank SS would raise their price when the user bought one of them then he would have decided to buy armor to preserve his life.

Unfortunately, there is no hope... Nor is there a time machine, well, it is not yet in his hands

[In my defense ... You never got to ask me and if necessary I did not see the need to warn you]

"... What was missing and even defend yourself"

For the first time, he had seen that the System had given him an answer in this way he felt some curiosity but just when it seemed that the system wanted to continue the conversation the door of his room was knocked softly


"Could you go out for a moment? We have something to talk about"


Yukio was now together with his parents in the main room while both adults were sitting on a sofa opposite staring at him


Suddenly Yukio opened his mouth looking for an answer to what his parents had previously said

"It's because I know your strength, at least a little bit of it ... I don't know what kind of person I take as his pupil, much less understand why exactly but it's something that worries me ..."

"Even if you say so ..."

"Yes, I know you can't tell us who that person is, let alone tell us his name ... But what I'm talking about right now is about our business or rather the affairs of our own family."

Yukio was silent looking at his father and mother while they also looked at him, his father had a serious expression while his mother seemed worried

But why was all this like this?

Well, since Mr. Fujiwara went to look for Yukio in his room, he started telling him about the current problems that the family was presented, from disputes from below for power to local gangs trying to get into their respective businesses to take them for themselves.

While this situation had not happened before and that was for the protection of the 'Underworld' ...

What did the Underworld have to do with this?

The point is that in these gangs there were at least a few supernatural beings and even magicians, also since the Gremory Clan stopped supporting the Fujiwara Clan many have wanted to put their hands on the assets of said Clan

Although the Fujiwara Clan had great power, it was divided into two parts ...

Politics and Mafia, when the situation scales quite high it is impossible not to avoid losing a little

Even if the Fujiwara does not want to give up unless they want to lose their political side, after all even if both families are separated it would be very unusual for the Fujiwara Clan to send their Yakuzas to fight against local gangs bringing unhappiness even to the Government who usually benefit from the dark side of this country

Even so, telling these things to a seven-year-old boy seemed quite illogical and although Yukio's parents portrayed the Gremory Clan as an old foreign alliance from Europe, it was unusual to continue with this.

They clearly concealed that the Gremory Clan was linked to the 'supernatural' but Yukio knew it himself, therefore, he only played dumb listening to the explanation in detail

"... And what can I do? I don't understand why tell me ... Is it for me to prepare in the future and take the role of the Clan leader in my hands?"

At those rather striking words Mr. Fujiwara wanted to answer but immediately Mrs. Fujiwara came forward

"NO!" She raised her voice a little while looking at her husband this time "We have a deal, Little Yukio can get involved in your small business but that will be until he is twenty years old then I don't want him to get involved in this ... He will take care of my company and will not join the dark side of this family. "

Mr. Fujiwara was silent and could only growl in response, from the beginning he had already talked about this with his wife but she was in absolute denial about passing the leadership of the Fujiwara Clan to Yukio when he grew up

But these words and actions confused Yukio even more ...

What the hell do these two want? It was what Yukio thought, at that moment his father decided to say what he had been holding so far

"Son, I know that your 'Master' trained you and I know that your fighting skills are incredible, I understand that it is extremely illogical and even irresponsible to ask for it but ... Could you accompany me to a business that I have in Kyoto? Your skills are very high and I am sure that even if we get to have problems you can with it "

Yukio was silent although Mr. Fujiwara's words were very illogical but he knew that in the Mafia world, age didn't matter, even in the previous life he had heard events of how children aged ten to thirteen became hitmen to live and eat

"Why Kioto?"

"There is a person with whom I want to establish a business, at least to be able to release a little the burden that the Clan is feeling right now on his shoulders ... Do you think it is possible that you accompany me? I will not force you on this"

Yukio thought about it a little and didn't see why he didn't accept, he even saw this as an opportunity to show his father a little more of his power and stop them from treating him like a child ...

But why not show him his power right now even in front of his mother?

Do not! that was an absolute no, he loved how his mother treated him with such affection and becoming a child was not so bad if you were spoiled daily, although it sounded strange he never had a motherly love, therefore, he wanted to enjoy it while he could

"I understand ... I agree to go with you, but what about my classes?"

"I'll take care of it."

"Then I think there is no escape ... When do we leave?"

He had to at least prepare and think about the situation, unfortunately, his father did not see it that way



In a room which had the lights off while the only lighting was the small rays of the moon which entered through the window you could see the seductive body of a beautiful woman who was lying in her bed hugging a large stuffed with Dango form

She had long dark blue hair along with a sleeveless shirt and comfortable shorts to spend the day, probably due to her exhaustion she could not help falling asleep while she was busy making accounts of her new business

Shh ...!

At that moment a low sound sounded slightly as the window suddenly opened slowly and a dark hand was present, the body of the person who entered through the window was very strange having a dark skin and features that everyone could call creepy

A dark jet hair along with red eyes while the upper part of her body had some traces of woman's breasts but there was also something unusual in her lower part which seemed to have hairy legs full of dark blood

What stood out most was a large member sticking out from his private part which meant that this 'woman' was possibly not that exactly that, 'She' put a smile full of bloodlust while 'she' could see the blue-haired woman sleeping peacefully

Without making a noise 'she' crawled to the side of the bed while in her hand she held a knife full of fresh blood, surely from her recently victim

"Two preys in one night ... Ops, three countings the other person at home ... It's my lucky day ~"

While 'she' spoke her face filter a smile full of many intentions and with her dark hands 'she' stretched them towards the woman who slept peacefully

Who surely didn't even know what was about to happen to her...

Possibly this chapter was edited if I find an error in the next chapter

Solatecreators' thoughts