
Chapter 20

Currently in a hotel room were father and son Fujiwara looking at each other as if they were having a visual duel

This scene was repeating what caused a certain 'deja vu' inside Yukio because when he meets that 'Goddess' they had a visual duel

"Then ..." Mr. Fujiwara was the first to break the silence "As far as I can understand, you say that a man appeared before you only two months ago and offered to train you as his successor?"


"I see..."

Mr. Fujiwara frowned as he tried to see the full pattern of this but no matter where he looked at it it was too much ... Confused?

"Can you tell me exactly Successor of what? Or rather who is that man?"

"That ..." Yukio put a somewhat difficult expression "On his name he has never told me, at first I thought it was an old crazy man but after he taught me some things I understood that his abilities are true"

"That I can see only by witnessing your previous fight, son I understand that you try to hide some things but I really need to know what is happening"

Mr. Fujiwara sighed as he tried to understand everything

But even so, Yukio shook his head

"I'm sorry ... I am the same as you, I have never known the name of that person he only insists on training me and very rarely appears ...His goal is to make me the successor of his former title "

"Successor ... Could you tell me what kind of title?"

"... Zero"


Mr. Fujiwara leaned back in his chair as he looked at the door where Yukio came out with complex thoughts

Each word still rumbling in his mind in a confused manner

Even so, he had to believe him ... Why?

It was because apart from some Members of the Fujiwara Clan he as a successor knew a secret of the Society ...

And that secret is that he knew about the supernatural world that was hidden under the sight of everyone else

He was obviously thinking that Yukio was trained by someone with superhuman abilities

There was also something that made him quite sure of that, previously when he led his subordinates to the kitchen to be able to fight Phantom he only found corpses and a letter with a writing

"Take care of my Successor correctly, this may be called a gift from me ..."

Mr. Fujiwara said those words remembering the contents of the letter before sighing and decided to take a bath so he could cool off

It was at that moment that his cell phone rang and he took one call

"... How did you end up in bad terms with 'HELL'?"

A male voice came from the other side, Mr. Fujiwara clearly knew the owner of this voice

"Would you believe that even you are involved in this?"

"Again the family business? Come on, I've already told you that I don't want to belong to that 'part' of the family, is it really necessary to even change my last name?"

The person on the other side of the telephone line sounded annoying, Mr. Fujiwara couldn't help but sigh

"Sorry brother ... Would you believe if I tell you I'm sorry?"

The other part was silent a moment before a sigh was heard

"Need help?"

Mr. Fujiwara showed a smile because although his brother always said he wanted to leave the family, he was always willing to offer help

"Not for now, I am planning to discuss this issue with our 'friends' from 'below' ..."

"In that case let me know how it all ends ... You should bring little Yukio when you have time, Maho wanted to see him all this time"

"I'll do that"

Without further ado, both brothers cut the call, Mr. Fujiwara threw the phone on the bed before entering the shower

What he did not know is that there was a person listening to his conversation, Tobirama quickly left the room without making noise

Why would he be here?

It was to discover what Mr. Fujiwara would do and above all to know if this person had knowledge about the 'supernatural' world

"This will get interesting ..."


While all this was happening in the United States near a very uninhabited place was the base of INFERNO where a man was throwing everything to the floor with complete rage in his whole body

This person was Scythe or older known as Master Scythe, the creator of the Phantom

"How can you tell me that one of my creations was taken from me just like that ?!"

His shout was quite loud as he took the phone in his hand tightly

The person on the other side of the line really had difficulty responding to fear, he was the one who had been giving the intrusions of the mission and fled when he lost contact with Phantom and the others

"M-Master Scythe ... I don't understand it either, we did our job completely and got all the information ... It was just a common job it wasn't-"

"Common work? Common work my butt! One of my Phantom was snatched away, I don't even know if he's still alive! Who was he? Who were you trying to kill ?!"

Due to the enormous roars of Scythe, the subordinate on the other side of the phone had a very pale expression

But forced himself to take his small laptop and send the information, toward was Scythe's computer


Scythe heard the familiar sound of a message on his computer and immediately opened the information

"Fujiwara family ... Belonging to the Fujiwara Clan ... Yakuza, Minister, Politician ... Diplomatic! Damn brainless who the hell gave them this damn and absurd mission ?!"

Just reading all those sharps of the Fujiwara Clan even if the mission was successful, the consequences would be somewhat disastrous where even Japan could chase them

And although they could evade it to some extent, it would be really annoying to have a dog behind them all the time.

"... Mr. Ivanov ..."

"Mr. Ivanov? What Mr.? Go and kill him now!"

Before the so determined words of Scythe, the subordinate could not avoid being somewhat stunned before confirming and hanging up the phone

Scythe threw the phone and observed the information sent before his teeth clenched

"How do these idiots look for so many problems? Ein I need you to travel to Kuoh and vigils over the Clan Fujiwara, just take care to look at them and tell me what you think of them. "

Ein who was standing near nodded and then left the room

Scythe sighed and took a seat while playing with his keyboard

"... The Russians have certainly been very active and have brought me problems this time, shouldn't I visit them?"