
Chapter 17

Yukio was touring the rooftops while heading for his own house

He was looking at the system store to find something useful but at that moment information was transferred to his brain

It was the information he would receive when a Clone disappears ...

Yukio's eyes widened in disbelief before his body tensed, sending a huge amount of killing intent while his steps rushed.

"... If you want to die so much, then so be it"


At this time in the residential neighborhood, the houses kept their lights off while the families slept comfortably

It was a typical night since in this type of residential neighborhood many people resided which had a lot of money

They were the type of person who usually spent their time in tranquility the only movements that were noticed at this time in the desolate streets were the different Bodyguards who were guarding their respective places

Even so, if you go deeper you would find a house surrounded by high walls and the 'Mafia' mounted security efficiently in the surroundings

Although it was a shame because several figures in dark clothes were sneaking away without anyone noticing them getting through the high walls with ease

"In position ..."

A man dressed in a dark suit spoke softly while a wireless earphone could barely be noticed in his right ear

"Hold the position, your mission is to free the way ... Phantom will take care of the rest"

"It is understood!"

His words and actions showed that this person was perfectly trained for infiltration techniques

He moved swiftly avoiding surveillance and cameras while placing small marble-like bombs on the sides of the cameras

"Here Aguila, mission completed ..."

At the words of 'Aguila', the person on the other side of the microphone smiled and nodded to a person next to him before speaking

"Let the action begin ...!"



They just touched a button and all the cameras of the Fujiwara Residence turned into scrap metal

At that moment a really agile shadow came deep inside instantly reaching an open window on the second floor

It was not just a shadow, six ... eight ... Ten silhouettes quickly began to infiltrate the surroundings one of those people stood out for carrying a silver weapon different from others

Phantom was the bearer of the title to the most dangerous murderer in the United States

One ... three ... Soon the ten entered the mission and three of them who had sneaked through the open window on the second floor raised their weapons towards the person sleeping in bed

"Phantom sends you greetings ..."

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sudden shots created a huge commotion at the Fujiwara residence

Both Fujiwara adults woke up stunned but their expressions became full of horror when they realized that the origin of the sound came from their son's room!

Mr. Fujiwara quickly picked up a gun from his bedside table as he ran frantically and Mrs. Fujiwara did not stay behind while her tears escaped her eyes.

Tonight is meant to be a horror ...